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2 hours ago, JLM said:

Osprey and Takeshita was two super humans trying to one up each other and put on a show that nobody else could.

This is the only one I have a slight issue with. So Takeshita is a super human but Samoa Joe isn’t?  Swerve isn’t?

I’m not sure that matches like that genuinely can exist in a different reality to the rest of the card.   If it was the main event, maybe.  But some of the bumps in that match were insane for a midcard bout imo.

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Didn't AEWs viewings take a severe dip when Ospreay came on? Or have I got that totally wrong and have written an outrageous porky. 

I want Ospreay to climb high, and he is great at what he does. I have to be in a certain mood for him though, as sometimes I just can't suspend disbelief with all that over choreographed stuff he does, but I cannot comment on him in AEW as I haven't had the time to watch him just yet. 

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I was just wondering who was actually next for Samoa Joe according to the re-started AEW Rankings.  


They’ve not updated them since the first update after they were brought back with much fanfare.

That didn’t last long!

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On 3/8/2024 at 8:38 PM, NeverYield said:

outrageous porky

Much prefer him in Off Topic, to be honest.

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On 3/8/2024 at 8:38 PM, NeverYield said:

Didn't AEWs viewings take a severe dip when Ospreay came on? Or have I got that totally wrong and have written an outrageous porky. 

I want Ospreay to climb high, and he is great at what he does. I have to be in a certain mood for him though, as sometimes I just can't suspend disbelief with all that over choreographed stuff he does, but I cannot comment on him in AEW as I haven't had the time to watch him just yet. 

Well the ratings system is done in 15 minute intervals. So if viewers switched of when Don calis came out it may be that if it was all part of the same 15 minute inverval. I do struggle with osprey being to choreographed at times as well. But I think he might adapt a bit to american audiences. I don't mind it if it makes sense though 

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12 minutes ago, no user name said:

Well the ratings system is done in 15 minute intervals. So if viewers switched of when Don calis came out it may be that if it was all part of the same 15 minute inverval.

Take it to the ratings thread.

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Ospreay reminds me of AJ Styles when I first saw him. He’s a cracking spectacle but once he calms down a bit and works that slightly more generic main event style I’ll probably enjoy his matches more. He’d probably benefit from being booked as a feature attraction for now.

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6 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Ospreay reminds me of AJ Styles when I first saw him. He’s a cracking spectacle but once he calms down a bit and works that slightly more generic main event style I’ll probably enjoy his matches more. He’d probably benefit from being booked as a feature attraction for now.

That's how I felt about Ospreay a few years back but he's actually a lot better now I think.

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Can't get into Will Ospreay at all. It's all just too much . The incredible moves that he is hitting 6, 8, 10 minutes into a match should be ending it. They look like they should kill people on the spot. Then the match lasts another fifteen minutes. I just don't give a shit. I love a sprint as much as the next guy, but that's what it should be - between 4 and 9 minutes, this style might work ok for me. I was down on his match with Takeshita, and the Fletcher one was no different. An amazing spectacle surely, but beyond completely absurd. For wrestling, that's saying something, when it's all nonsense anyway. The crowd love it to death, so I'm clearly in the minority, but it doesn't work for me, bruv. 

The change in graphics and the set were very much welcome. The new song is shite though. Win some, lose some. 

I liked the opening segment in that it was different to 4 out of every 5 weeks being Jon Moxley opening the show for a 20 minute match. Varying the formula is the right idea. 

I've not been dying about Okada when I've seen him in the past, but I don't get the complaints here. I thought the crowd reaction to him coming out was fantastic. The instant the coin dropped, they gave him a star's reaction. A big moment. I didn't know he was coming in for sure, or when. I think this might get me on board with Okada, immediately showing a willingness to change from the formula, go heel on arrival and straight away it opens up a pile of doors. He'll beat Eddie, get draped in gold and has tonnes of interesting directions to go in. Yeah, good move I think. 

Wardlow got heated up so that Joe can get another quick Hook style mini feud before dropping the title to Swerve in April. That's grand by me. Wardlow had that promo a couple of weeks ago that was his best to date, but let's not get carried away here - he's no youngster. He's 36, he's about as good as he's probably ever going to be, and they have kicked his leg out of his leg already on more than one occasion. Wardlow wasn't being built up with that promo and the win at the PPV to actually be placed at the top of the card going forward - he's not at that level. Hopefully he loses to Joe and then turns on the group he's with and goes in a new direction. Path is clear for Swerve v Joe in a month's time. Then Swerve wins - because if he doesn't then he's going to miss his boat as Khan is going full steam with a long reign for the Essex boy come August. 

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On 3/10/2024 at 7:39 PM, Mr_Danger said:

Ospreay reminds me of AJ Styles when I first saw him. He’s a cracking spectacle but once he calms down a bit and works that slightly more generic main event style I’ll probably enjoy his matches more. He’d probably benefit from being booked as a feature attraction for now.

I thought the match against fletcher was good and showed he can do more than just spot wrestling. A match against danielson should be brilliant. I'd probably buy the ppv just for that match 

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Great dynamite I thought. I would of liked okada to stay as a face just because he would of got a great reaction at Wembley but I think a lot of people will still cheer for him. I haven't booked my tickets for all in yet but I can't wait 

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