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Favourite Crowds


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What’s your favourite type of crowd at a wrestling show?

Favourite you’ve been a part of?

Favourite you’ve watched on TV, wishing you were there?

Wheres the first “smart” crowd that you can remember?

Watching the Brock Ruthless Aggression show, and it’s upto WM20, and that’s the first time I can imagine a smart crowd being so vocal. Any before that, that you can think of?

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For me it's any crowd that is genuinely invested in the product and wants to get involved in a real enthusiastic fashion. It can add SO much.

I loved being part of the MITB crowd as that felt like the most excited UK WWE crowd I've been a part of in YEARS. They can be terrible for hijacking the show and doing wacky things but so often that was because the product itself wasn't that engaging. But they gave us a hot product and we enhanced that even further.

Before that I think my favourite crowd was the HBK/Cena one. You'd think a match that long would kill people off but they really kept everyone engaged. A real masterclass.

But yeah - noisy crowds FOR the product. Not for themselves. Always.

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I'm not sure if it's been said much but wrestling crowds have been great lately. I think we're getting into a time period now where the hijack shite is starting to look genuinely of a bygone era. It's probably a combination of the product getting better in WWE, AEW still being babyface as an actual company/entity and generally just people post-pandemic wanting to have a good time in an often dark world. But everything has seemed a lot less cynical for awhile now.

It doesn't really matter anymore if guys like Reigns and Punk get cheered when trying to portray heel characters because they're so good at it that it just works anyway, and you can comfortably just take the cheers as being for the legacy. There's nobody I can think of right now who is getting the 'wrong' reactions so much that it sours the shows in the way Reigns got for years without it ever really been as threaded into the product and OK'd as the boos Cena got. And then you have countless examples of amazing heels who the crowd seem to just be dying to enjoy the right way through booing them unmercifully now. Take a bow, Christian Cage and Dom Mysterio. 

The crowds rule right now. 

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13 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

But yeah - noisy crowds FOR the product. Not for themselves. Always.

100%. I'm a bit of a grumpy git about some crowd habits (I have to concede I'm fighting a losing battle on "ONE FALL"), and I get frustrated when I see audiences so wrapped up with a cute chant or song that they're actually missing part of the story of the match (though in some cases that's on the wrestlers not adapting to circumstances). 

My favourite thing to hear from an audience is people genuinely rooting on a wrestler, shouting things like "come on X" or "you've got this!", as if they're genuinely willing them to win a match. More than any amount of chanting, that tells me that the wrestlers have done their job well and sucked people into the story of the match at hand. 

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American Alpha beating FTR for the tag team titles at NXT Takeover Dallas is my favourite live event memory. The place absolutely exploded. Complete strangers were high fiving, it was just pure joy for a popular team winning, everything good about wrestling.

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15 hours ago, Matthew said:

What’s your favourite type of crowd at a wrestling show?

Loud, and that understands within reason their part in the show e.g. cheers, boos and don't act like dickheads with "smart" chanting.

15 hours ago, Matthew said:

Favourite you’ve been a part of?

Fucking hell, now you're asking. Two that stand out straight away are (a) the sheer unbridled patriotism in support for dear Smithers against HBK at One Night Only and the absolutely nuclear fury when he was defeated and (b) Sumo Hall going fucking bonkers desperately imploring Naito to finally win the big one in the G1 final in 2013, which of course, he did. Although weirdly enough and on a much smaller scale, the reaction inside the Academy in Manchester when an unannounced CCK showed up at the end of a Progress show to confront British Strong Style was deafening and crazy levels of excitement, although I probably should strike that one from the record as I have no doubt somebody involved has since been outed as a wrong 'un. York Hall going insane for Kurt Angle post-TNA was pretty special too.

15 hours ago, Matthew said:

Favourite you’ve watched on TV, wishing you were there?

Canadian Stampede and it's not even close. Bret was my hero. Honourable mention would be MSG when Triple H came back.

15 hours ago, Matthew said:

Wheres the first “smart” crowd that you can remember?

Does Albany cheering for Sid dumping Hogan out of the 1992 Rumble count as smart? Otherwise, maybe portions of MSG cheering for Stone Cold at Survivors 96 despite him clearly being positioned as the "bad guy" and the hero Bret Hart returning. 

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