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Ethical Promotions and Good Eggs


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This thread will almost certainly fail when it turns out a previously thought "good egg" is a rotter but fuck it, let's try. 

Imagine a wrestling fan with a conscience. Let's not tell them go get a different hobby but support them by suggesting 'ethical' wrestling promotions and all around good eggs that they might want to support. 

Let's celebrate the decent and tell the morally dubious and awful to fuck off to another thread. 

Obviously some of this is going to be down to personal moral codes, ignorance and blinkered fandom but that's what happens in every other thread so whatever.

I'll get Bryan Danielson out of the way. He seems alright. 


Edited by Vamp
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Discovery wrestling and target wrestling acted quickly when accusations made in 2020 and haven’t used anyone named in any bad way since. I have trust in those who run both 

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I'm genuinely interested in the 'Promotion' side of things, like is anyone going to be 100% accepted all round? I can remember when the word 'wholesome' kept getting thrown around about progress and fight club but people in the industry were saying they were rotten and, well, that turned out to be the case.


Slight odd one but I kind of feel Kenny Omega might fall into this, he always seems straight talking in interviews and seems to genuinely have a mindset to make professional wrestling a better place. He also has been very outspoken on bullying and I have yet to hear any stories on him in terms of shoot stories etc.

Somebody will no doubt come in with a bad story about him now?

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I've not yet been, and have meant to for years, but Pro Wrestling Eve, and Dann Read who runs it, always get plaudits whenever I see anything about them. Dann seems like a really good guy in general.

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7 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

I've not yet been, and have meant to for years, but Pro Wrestling Eve, and Dann Read who runs it, always get plaudits whenever I see anything about them. Dann seems like a really good guy in general.

They did have an issue a little while back when the other founder was found to be transphobic. They quit after iirc.

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They're currently on hiatus (and I'm not sure if they will be coming back), but Riptide Wrestling were pre-pandemic, the benchmark for me in terms of an inclusive and progressive wrestling company.  Run by some really good people too. 

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2 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Dann seems like a really good guy in general.

Years ago (must be getting on for 2 decades now) I ordered the VHS of the debut (and only, I think) show of Dann's first foray into promoting on his own (having cut his teeth as one of the FWA's local promoters).

I never ever got that tape but Dann a] phoned my mum & apologised for the delay after about 6 months (I'd moved out since ordering it) & b] never cashed the cheque I sent him. So yeah, good guy really.

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Wrestle Queendom was the first live show I'd been at in years. I remember Dann meeting people in the queue, introducing himself, shaking people's hands and introducing me to a fellow lone wrestling fan. 

I wasn't even sure wrestling was for me anymore at that point but it really impressed me and made me feel welcome. Been to every EVE show since. If its not an example of him being a good egg it's definitely an example of good promoting. 

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