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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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2 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

I think the reason it's going on Rampage is because it's live. You've mentioned you're worried Cole is going to win. As have others as part of the continuation of the feud. With Battle of the Belts taped you'd take away that increased interest.

Ah I didn’t know BOTB was taped, I’d assumed it was a live show. 

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Punk and Joe should be leading the way in matches not replicating each other with both starting off as chop fests. 

“The Problem” has to get beaten quick and easy by Cargil, lady thing Jade needs now is a match that makes her look bad when she’s on a roll 

Starks and Hobbs looked great. Keith Lee still looks pondering than threatening 

Singh is massive. The size difference of him and Joe took me back to when Giant Gonzalez showed up as a kid. Get the claw to fuck tho, 

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Satnam Singh had a documentary called One in a Billion that I watched years ago on Netflix (not sure if its still on there), so was a bit wild to see him pop up here. He's a good lad, but this storyline needs to bugger off to ROH.

Other than that, great show. Roll on Friday night.

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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

Greatest juxtaposition of great show with a shit ending I’ve ever seen. Stop turning the lights off for every debut, especially someone nobody even knows!

Absolutely, the show was brilliant, but if you end on such a flat note it's hard to feel that way, even if you know that it's true. 

30 minutes ago, reychampion said:

In hindsight, they would have just needed to switch the Joe match to the beginning on the Joe, and Punk to the end. Great show. 

This. Or finish with the tag title match. The fact that was mid-show made it much clearer that there wouldn't be a title change, switch positioning and it suddenly becomes more exciting. 

Anyway...I'll get the shit stuff out of the way first. The Jericho Appreciation Society just isn't working for me. The angle with Kingston/Santana/Ortiz was bad, and the Kingston/Jericho feud was far better (and actually excellent) when it was just the two of them. 

Satnam Singh...it's obviously hard to judge him at this stage, but he didn't look particularly impressive. In addition, he doesn't appear to have been training for particularly long, so you can hardly expect him to be. Presumably they're looking to create a star for the Indian market, but I hope this doesn't result in someone utterly stinking up every segment they're in, potentially through no fault of their own. 

The Marina Shafir match was about as quiet as I've ever heard an AEW crowd. I did enjoy Jade Cargill farting around on her phone, and not taking Shafir seriously. She's become one of the highlights of Dynamite for me, and I'd totally be in favour of her unbeaten streak taking her towards a title vs title match with Rosa. Talking of Rosa, I'll be glad to see the end of the Nyla Rose feud. Nyla seems to genuinely love working with Vickie, but it's holding her back. 

It was good to see Will Hobbs getting to pin Keith Lee. Taz coming down to the ring in the way that he did made me wonder if there was any intent to do a double turn, and pair him with Lee. At the moment, Hobbs and Stark deserve more of a push than they're getting, and Lee's a bit boring. He probably would benefit from going heel. 

I'd been keen to see MJF go after Hangman Page immediately after the Punk feud, but I can't pretend that I'm not loving the Wardlow stuff. That said, once it's done, they should absolutely make MJF champion. He's absolutely phenomenal. 

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We all know who everyone wants Joe to be facing or interacting with. I don't really see why they're trying to hit that in the long grass at the moment. Capitalize while you can.

Punk/Penta was really enjoyable. Still shocked Punk is this back in the groove

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5 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

The Marina Shafir match was about as quiet as I've ever heard an AEW crowd. I did enjoy Jade Cargill farting around on her phone, and not taking Shafir seriously.

The only bit of interest to me was adding Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet to the Baddies Section. At the very least it's going to give them some character work to build on.

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That debut was really terrible wasn't it? Aside from being a very, very WWE thing to do, it was worse than how WWE would do it. Rather than have the lights go out (again), he should have walked down the aisle slowly to give everyone the time to go "bloody hell that guy's massive" before attacking Joe. Instead it was just "oh lights off. Oh now they're on. Wait, who's that? He's big. Oh, he's terrible"



We all know who everyone wants Joe to be facing or interacting with. 

I don't. BCC? Punk? When the lights went out I thought it was for the House of Black and I got really excited for that match, but I assume that's not who you mean.

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