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This was pretty glorious. Working at 7 in the morning in the garden. Feels like being abroad.

Got two raised beds you can just about see. They've got lettuce growing like fuck in them, plus carrots, onions and cauliflower that has been decimated. got peas, potatoes and rockets in the containers bottom left, pumpkins in the containers along the fence and beetroot and parsnips in containers behind the raised beds. Got strawbs and raspberries in containers on the shitty decking not pictured, and been growing tomatoes and tons of herbs in my plastic greenhouse. Also seeded more carrots, kale and brocolli recently for some winter interest.

Garden needs more colour. Spring bulbs did well this year and we have a fuschia growing nicely but I put a rose and load of wildflowers in last year that haven't done anything and our lavendar came and went really quickly. 

Trying not to cut the grass too often to leave some stuff for the bees and to see if it will avoid going yellow this year.

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Any progress report on the plants @King Coconut?  I'm mighty jealous!

Just an update from my growing. 


Sweet Corn has shot up to around 4/5 foot foot since I last posted. It's a little early for the cobs yet from what I've read but I'm amazed how much they've grown in a month. 


The Kale on the other hand is just relentless. I can't eat it quick enough! Tried to mix in a few Mint plants to deter bugs as they seem to be enjoying it too. We haven't bought any Supermarket Kale for about 4 weeks now which is great. Out of everything I've grown, this stuff is just so easy. It regrows super quick and should last well into the Winter. What a plant. 


Plenty of Tomatos on the go but only a few have started to ripen. Might snip off a few vines and leave them inside on a windowsill and see if that helps. 


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5 hours ago, Silky Kisser said:

Any progress report on the plants @King Coconut?  I'm mighty jealous!

Yes! This is my little friend from the last photo. She's quite the tree now and I'm estimating I'll get over 700g/25oz from her alone. I've got 5 other plants but 4 of them are in pots and are considerably smaller. They'll all be going in the ground next year. We should see the first signs of buds growing in mid-August and harvest should be mid-October.



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They look wicked @King Coconut!!! Puff puff give motherfucker!!!

I have a garden in my house and its the first time I've had one in a long time. It's nothing to write home about but it suits me.

Anyway, I didn't realise the hedge outside my wall was my responsibility until my landlady asked me to cut it back as it was really overgrown...because I didn't know.

As it was so overgrown I went and bought an electric hedge trimmer. Here is me doing my best Eminem circa 2000 impression. 


It's one of the best things I have ever bought and I've gone chop crazy. I've even offered to cut my exes hedges down, as I just want to cut shit down.

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1 hour ago, Silky Kisser said:

The right type of gardening to save money!

You're not wrong. The seed cost me 3 quid and the harvest will save me thousands. I'm not sure I'll be planting anything* else next year.

*except garlic.

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Advice please gents, we bought our house last year, it has a beautiful garden and a nice sized vegetable patch and greenhouse. Last year we managed to do some decent maintenance and keep it all in decent shape, this year however, with a baby and a toddler we have only just managed to maintain the house and other than cutting the grass and the odd bit of hedge/bush trimming the garden has been very neglected. 

My kids are both at nursery now and I'm back at work so I now have some time in theory. I popped in to the garden today to take a look at the vegetable patch and it is overrun with weeds and raspberries. I could book the day off work and dedicate some time to clearing it. My question is, am I best to do that now or wait till the spring time? My instincts are to do it now because it looks awful and I think it's going to get worse over the winter or will everything just die? What's the best thing for me to do?

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On 9/27/2023 at 1:04 PM, deathrey said:

Advice please gents, we bought our house last year, it has a beautiful garden and a nice sized vegetable patch and greenhouse. Last year we managed to do some decent maintenance and keep it all in decent shape, this year however, with a baby and a toddler we have only just managed to maintain the house and other than cutting the grass and the odd bit of hedge/bush trimming the garden has been very neglected. 

My kids are both at nursery now and I'm back at work so I now have some time in theory. I popped in to the garden today to take a look at the vegetable patch and it is overrun with weeds and raspberries. I could book the day off work and dedicate some time to clearing it. My question is, am I best to do that now or wait till the spring time? My instincts are to do it now because it looks awful and I think it's going to get worse over the winter or will everything just die? What's the best thing for me to do?

If you want to prepare the bed for next year, add some manure or mulch on top now, and then cover the bed with some of that material they sell at garden centres.  The material will suppress weeds and the manure will leech down into the soil and add nutrients.  Then uncover in the spring and get planting your veg!

Apparently "digging over" the beds isn't that great an idea as it breaks up all the mycelial networks and worm tunnels and all that.  So this year I'm going to try the no-dig thing - cover the bed with cardboard, then a layer of manure and mulch and just let it all break down over the winter.

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