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Audiobooks- One for the Ear Readers


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39 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Loved Sandman. Listening to Norse Mythology now and it's just making me want to play God of War again...

Haha and that’s exactly what I did after it. Stupid Muspelheim trials….

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  • 3 weeks later...
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There's a collection of the BBC's audio performances of some Terry Pratchett things on there. I got one which was an adaptation of the William Gibson version of Alien 3, which was pretty good. 

I've finished listening to Chris Barrie reading the first two Red Dwarf novels, and using this month's credit picked up the complete radio version of Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister. I remember it being on while I used to stay at my gran's at the weekend as a nipper. I obviously had no idea what it was about back then, but do remember the theme and credits


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  • 2 months later...
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Martin Jarvis reading Good Omens. One of the chapters is 6 hours long. That's going to be a heck of a commute home from work. I listened to Parsley Sidings, which was interesting. Had some decent gags, but it's not all aged that well. 

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31 minutes ago, Harry Wiseau said:

I'm only four or five chapters in to "And Away" (Bob Mortimer's autobiography) but it's a two thumbs up recommendation. I've actually been laughing out loud while washing up, which isn't too common an occurrence.

I finished listening to this yesterday. An utter joy. 

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8 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Just finished Project Hail Mary. Really fun. If you liked The Martian is basically more of the same but in a good way. I never read Artemis but I heard he was shit at writing a female lead. But I enjoyed this one a lot and the guy reading it did a great job.

Sandman Act 2 is out on Wednesday if you didn’t already know.

Edited by Mr_Danger
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  • 1 month later...
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I'm making my way through Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell at the moment as ready by Simon Prebble. He's got just the kind of voice you'd expect to be reading something of that era. I know the book itself has only been out for 20 years, but it sounds like it could be a hundred years old from the way it's written, especially with the way it's narrated as well. The chapter markers are all over the place though. The audio ok itself has been divided into sections of about an hour each, but the chapters are anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes and seem to cross over the chapter breaks in the audio, which is frustrating. It is a great story though. 

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On 6/23/2021 at 8:13 PM, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

My friend wrote a post-apocolypse book called Ever Winter. Dan Stevens (FX, Beauty and the Beast, Downton Abbey) does the voice over. Its been very highly rated on Amazon  and he's done very nicely out of it too...

Just to bump it up, but his new book is out now called Shadow Sect - Neitherdei 1.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished up The Sandman: Act II (not back in the habit). I started on the day it released and the fact I’ve only just finished compared to the first where I polished it off by the second day probably sums it up. It’s not bad it just doesn’t grab you the way the first load of stories did and it suffers from not having that central story running through it that the first did. It plants some seeds but I imagine they’ll be played out in further editions. None of the stand alone stories stand up to the best of the first lot and one of them drags so much that if you’re not invested in the main character of it 


Barbie from book 1

then you won’t get a lot from it.

It’s s still a brilliant production and even sub par by Gaiman standards is pretty damn good.

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I've almost finished it and I'd agree with everything in that review. It's still really enjoyable but does suffer from not having that overall series arc.

The particular story you mention I was enjoying enough as it was going on but I found the conclusion to be a bit unsatisfying.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bob Mortimers And Away…and Louis Theroux’s Theroux the Keyhole. Bob Mortimer is just a wonderful wonderful man. I loved listening to him talking about his social justice lawyering and working on the bins but the love and admiration he has for Vic Reeves when talking about them meeting then eventually working together is really lovely. Louis Theroux’s lock down diary had me strangely nostalgic for the dark day of lockdown and who’d have thought a posho like him had kids who act just like mine. Both books were really easy listens and I did them both over 4 days in work.

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