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5 minutes ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

I bought this on the Switch on a sale ages ago. Played it for maybe 2 hours and bounced right off it. I just did not get it whatsoever. 

That's what happened to me with this game, I felt exactly as you did except I've not revisited it. I'm not a big Star Wars fan (nor do I hate it) so fandom alone won't make me love the game, but your endorsement is enough for me to try it again. 

6 minutes ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

I moved on from Final Fantasy X after about 25 hours as I couldn't beat Evrae after several tries, rage quit and deleted the game off of my switch. 

Does your journey through the Final Fantasy games end there, or will you be moving on to another one? 

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Just now, RedTwoster said:

That's what happened to me with this game, I felt exactly as you did except I've not revisited it. I'm not a big Star Wars fan (nor do I hate it) so fandom alone won't make me love the game, but your endorsement is enough for me to try it again. 

Does your journey through the Final Fantasy games end there, or will you be moving on to another one? 

I will get back to my journey through the Final Fantasy games in a bit for sure. I looked more into XII and will probably pick that up physically at some point soon. I didn't realise just how different the combat system was in that one. From the brief clips I watched, it reminded me of something like Xenoblade Chronicles rather than more traditional JRPGs.

As a side bar - I did want to get KOTOR physically but its a choice between Limited Run (overpriced) or this heritage pack which, sadly, doesnt even really count as both KOTOR games are downloads - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Wars-Heritage-Pack-Switch/dp/B0CKLW8WVX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2MCU67JF5MS98&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qNUvt_2EStQDi0N3yfcLJCqzZfc7YIHL2WLLit8KIVCl9CJdnn5q2IiUlDcXGHefpW453b2Lemqu1PQXGRTtMPIGAfcGGAfPM6Hrg4Vi8KV14ip7GyU-kUDfwj-py3JjPA-HumTw0soRmnPFKWbVfYpwJRuL1wNIYV9iANpgpWUv3LW-Rx5Fj0ruhnafnO5Mbdlz_togkLHeuztg_SMqchH5tMpk_2OKgF5lKUtJugs.6f-RUO4s9adXM-1orOauLO8zswNndlPhlV6hWlXtj_U&dib_tag=se&keywords=star+wars+switch&qid=1724160846&sprefix=star+wars+switch%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1

I would recommend giving KOTOR another go if its in any way the type of game you could see yourself enjoying. There is no getting away from the fact that the first two areas are quite slow going. In fact, I think I read there are PC mods that basically skip right past these. I am glad I stuck with it though as I genuinely look forward to playing it at night right now.

The good news is that a lot of people seem to think KOTOR II is even better. 



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KOTOR 2 is the better written game, Obsidian were always better back then but like with New Vegas they were forced to rush it so things were missing from the final product. Unfortunately, the promised DLC/mod that adds that content for the Switch port never came out.

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5 minutes ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

I will get back to my journey through the Final Fantasy games in a bit for sure. I looked more into XII and will probably pick that up physically at some point soon. I didn't realise just how different the combat system was in that one. From the brief clips I watched, it reminded me of something like Xenoblade Chronicles rather than more traditional JRPGs.


It's very different to every other game in the series, and Xenoblade is probably the closest point of comparison. The story in XII is on the weaker side though - I could summarise pretty much any other game in the series that I liked (ie. all games post IV aside from the online entries and XIII), but I just don't remember what happens in XII. In spite of that, I still really liked the game. 

XV is open world and - despite a convoluted plot - is really fun, and XVI is a little bit more linear, but I absolutely loved it as I mentioned. It's one of my favourite ever games, and I thought my days of saying that about a Final Fantasy game were over. 

I put a lot of stock in your gaming opinions, so I'll give KOTR another go once I'm finished what I'm playing now (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door)

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Posted (edited)

I have a weird love for Japanese stage plays based on Video games and have watched the likes of Yakuza and Resident Evil among others but I recently found Parts 1 and 2 of Persona 5 (there's 4 in total but can’t find the other 2 unfortunately) 

If you’re a fan of the game you’ll love these.


Edited by TildeGuy~!
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Not much worth talking about from day one of Gamescom other than a new game from the Little Nightmares developers that my wife will likely love, and for those of you who think the grass is blue and the sky is green, Peter Molyneux is shilling his new game Masters of Albion.

If you're as puzzled as most people as to how serial conman and grifter Peter Molyneux can release a game based in the Fable universe when Microsoft owns the rights to it, the answer is "he doesn't actually know if he can". He brags in an IGN article that his excuse is Albion is the old name for Britain but he also hasn't spoken to any lawyers about it.

On the bright side he isn't asking us to fund this one for him. Can't wait for it to get shut down or release and bomb like everything else he's made in the last 20 years.


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1 hour ago, FLips said:

If you're as puzzled as most people as to how serial conman and grifter Peter Molyneux can release a game based in the Fable universe when Microsoft owns the rights to it, the answer is "he doesn't actually know if he can". He brags in an IGN article that his excuse is Albion is the old name for Britain but he also hasn't spoken to any lawyers about it.

On the bright side he isn't asking us to fund this one for him. Can't wait for it to get shut down or release and bomb like everything else he's made in the last 20 years.


It's so difficult to sum up the guy's legacy. On one hand, he's responsible for of my favourite games of all time - Theme Park, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper and Black & White to name a few - on the other hand - the reputation of 22 Cans is so low it's amazing that they still exist; and that he's not attempted some sort of rebrand. And his tendency to overpromise...I mean, who can forget the 'life-changing prize' on offer to the winner of Curiosity - What's inside the Cube? Aside from Peter Molyneux himself, that is (here's a bit more info on that one from Eurogamer, if you're unfamiliar with the story).

Molyneux is someone who wouldn't be out of place in the wrestling industry - comparable to Bischoff or Russo, crashing hard after an initial, glorious run. 

That said...I'm kind of rooting for him to succeed here. The game looks interesting - if a bit dated, as far as the combat is concerned. But as long as it's fun, that doesn't necessarily matter. 

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I’ve hated him since he came to my Uni to give a presentation on his new game Godus. A couple of us went thinking similarly to you, it’s the bloke who made Theme Park and Fable so it should be really interesting. 
The curtain got thoroughly pulled back that day as he spent the entire thing presenting what we all knew was a load of shit and lies and barely spoke about his previous games other than for some reason Magic Carpet.

Then to see what Godus actually became compared to what he fluffed up to us, wow. The guy is a jabroni.

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I'm still playing Huntdown and I like it a bit more every time I play it, so at this stage I love it. Not only a really respectful homage to 80s/90s platform shooters, but actually one of the best examples of that genre in its own right. A fantastic game.

I still haven't got past Castle on Human Fall Flat. I still love it.

I think I'm nearing the end of Inside. I'm very protective of the lads that help you sometimes and got sad when some of them fell down a hold only for my son to point out, "Dad, they'll have survived that." And they had. Also a fantastic game and I can't wait to play it again.

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Echoing the love for Huntdown, it’s excellent. The little mechanics really make it, like pressing up to hide in a doorway. Really simple, but adds loads to a 2D game.

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1 hour ago, Scratch said:

Echoing the love for Huntdown, it’s excellent. The little mechanics really make it, like pressing up to hide in a doorway. Really simple, but adds loads to a 2D game.

Big fan of the boss with a *perfect* Macho Man voicing. Superb work.

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The TimeSplitters games have been quietly added to PS+/store. No upgrades or optimisations but they still play the same once you get over (for the first two at least) the fact that you can't and don't need to jump or have a crosshairs on screen since it has its own weird auto-aim-but-still-hard-as-nails "I guess I'm shooting at this person now" method to it. 

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Timesplitters 2 is brilliant. That's the one with a level set at the Dam from Goldeneye. 

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Noticed last nigh that KOTOR 1 and 2 are both 50% off on the switch store right now. I picked up KOTOR 2 for about £5 as I had a few points to use.

Finished the Tatooine section of KOTOR 1 last night and it continues to be a soothing balm to my scorched mind after long working / parenting days.

Onward to Kashyyyk!


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I picked up Brotato for free with some coins I had in my Nintendo account. It's dangerously moreish. It's one of those "bullet heaven" roguelite things with a really simple gameplay loop and that essential "So close, I'll get there next time" thing going on with it. Between that and Tetris Effect I've not played much else this week. Plus I made the mistake of putting my headphones on while playing Tetris Effect. That soundtrack is brilliant. I'm not good at Tetris, but the way the music adapts as you play, and even the little noises/stings when you rotate and drop pieces. It's a heck of an experience. 

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