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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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I've started Arkham Asylum. The camera is a bit too close to batman for my taste so I run a lot so it zooms out but apart from that it's great fun. Puzzles are, so far, challenging enough to make me stop and have a look at the room fully but not so challenging I need to book the evening off to work them out. 

Combat feels rare enough to be fresh when it does happen, and again strategic planning seems to be the better approach in some settings but I'm not left crouching in the shadows for 20 minutes waiting to pounce.

So far all the boss battles have felt fun and a bit of a throwback to an older time, before QTEs were all over the shop. 

Best bits are the riddler challenges though, great fun.

Batman/Bruce Wayne is still a nob, but that's not the games fault. 


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I really enjoyed learning the backstory to the supposed villains. I have no idea if they’re “Canon” or whatnot but I did enjoy that element. Cracking game. 

Fired up Train Sim World 2 because I’m well cool. I got a real sense of enjoyment driving the Bakerloo Line Tube. It made me feel I was in the RMT and enjoyed being part of a strong union in my Communist utopia. 

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I see Guardians of the Galaxy is on its way to Game Pass this month. A game I intentionally didn’t buy because as I told my mate, it seems like a Game Pass game. It’s funny because the data apparently shows that games that feature on Game Pass get a bump in sales as mad as that seems but I wonder how many people there are like me who won’t bother with AA or Indy games because they’re on Game Pass either at release or a few months after.

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2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

I really enjoyed learning the backstory to the supposed villains. I have no idea if they’re “Canon” or whatnot but I did enjoy that element. Cracking game. 

Fired up Train Sim World 2 because I’m well cool. I got a real sense of enjoyment driving the Bakerloo Line Tube. It made me feel I was in the RMT and enjoyed being part of a strong union in my Communist utopia. 

Bakerloo is so good once you've worked out how to work the train. Full on the throttle out of the station, heavy on the brakes as soon as you get into the next one.

I saw Jedi Fallen Order is in the sales on XBox sp picked it up for the £9 it is at the moment, because bollocks to paying a fiver to have an orange lightsaber. I'm enjoying it in the most part. I need to remember I can block and parry, even when I'm fighting wild animals, and the platforming can be somewhat janky, especially when you're sliding down something and have to leap off the end to grab a rope, but I like the story and BD-1 is a great droid. It's probably as close to an actual Soulsbourne as I'll ever get as well. I don't think I'd be able to handle one, although I hear Elden Ring does have some things in it to accommodate less experienced/talented players.

Oh, I also picked up King Of Fighters 2002 Ultimate Match on PS4 and it's great. I don't know how active it is online, but maybe I'll jump on there one night and get my arse handed to me a few times.

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10 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

It’s funny because the data apparently shows that games that feature on Game Pass get a bump in sales as mad as that seems

When a bunch of new people are currently playing a game, word of mouth is going to increase. That'll influence people who either can't or don't want to subscribe to Game Pass.

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I believe “Couch play” is the term that youngsters use for multiplayer in the same room. My girlfriend is a bit under the weather and I went through my games library to see if there was any pick up and play titles there. 

I forgot all about Rockstar Table Tennis and suggested it. My word the gameplay still holds up all these years later, what a game it is. I bet there has been some brilliant games played during a games night. Me and my mates used to have Pro Evo nights with KFC and booze. I bet this would’ve been a cracking game night game!

Obviously, she had never played it and is battering me at it constantly. 

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9 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Rockstar Table Tennis

This was a surprisingly good title. At a time when they were just recreating GTA in different settings, they threw this out there. It was really good on the Wii too, using their Wiimotes as table tennis paddles.

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6 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

This was a surprisingly good title. At a time when they were just recreating GTA in different settings, they threw this out there. It was really good on the Wii too, using their Wiimotes as table tennis paddles.

It was also the first game built with RAGE, Rockstar’s in-house game engine that went on to be used for next gen GTA games. I’m guessing they used the table tennis game as a “trial” for it, rather than just going all-in with it for GTA and it failing.

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The Beat Em Up revival continues. Just had a trailer for Final Vendetta turn up. In my YouTube feed. I don't know whether it's related to the original Vendetta from Konami, but it looks interesting. 


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Lads, was scanning Game Pass and it turns out I can play Flight Simulator in my Xbox One via something called cloud gaming. I’ve played for about ten minutes flying over New York and crashing into Mount Everest while giggling like a schoolboy. Doing the tutorials now and I’m so very excited. So while you nerds are wanking over Tony Khan, Kool Keith will be taking to the skies like a proper Chad alpha. 

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Yeah, I binned the tutorials. You can make it a really in depth, intricate sim experience if you want to go nuts but don't let that fool you. You can fly around no problem with a few basic controls. Especially if you go for the large commercial airliners, where you'd want to put serious concerted effort into bringing them down out of the sky. 

It's a great perspective cleanser for how tiny the globe is when you're flying. I flew the length of Ireland over a beer before going out some time before Christmas. It's fun going over Pyongyang too trying to figure out what's lazily rendered and what's a genuine lack of serious satellite data to draw in the city from. 

I always quit in the air though. I can't land properly at all. I'm like the Sin Cara of the skies. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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