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I booked my wedding last Saturday. Paid the first deposit and I took the hit with a smile, despite not ever paying that amount of money in one solid swoop in my life. Fuck, I needed a massage afterwards. Still, tremendously chuffed with it all.

Really happy with the venue, it's everything we need. We had a few setbacks, like this one venue that we really loved but the only room they could legally hold ceremonies in was upstairs and they had no disabled access. So their solution was for us to carry any disabled guests upstairs. Fucking cretins.

I'm also taken aback by the incredibly silly laws regarding civil ceremonies. Did you know you're not allowed to eat food in the ceremony room 90 mins before or after the actual ceremony? So our initial plan to have the wedding and wedding breakfast in the same room was fucked straight away. They go out of their way to make sure there are no religious connotations to the wedding but we still have to follow these ridiculous rules, and I find the whole idea of only allowing a few select rooms in the entire city the ability to legally hold civil ceremonies absolutely ludicrous. Say what you want about the yanks, but they can have their wedding in the parking lot of a Taco Bell if they wanted.

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55 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

I booked my wedding last Saturday. Paid the first deposit and I took the hit with a smile, despite not ever paying that amount of money in one solid swoop in my life. Fuck, I needed a massage afterwards.

I don't know how well your marriage is going to go, if you are off getting a rub and tug already.

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Might be worth looking at how little you have to do. What some do is to have the ceremony wherever you want, then do the legal part in another room. So separate out the vows in front of friends and family to the legal bit. When I got married, we had the legal ceremony first thing in the morning, then had the celebratory ceremony separately with the aisle/vows/etc. That said, I got divorced a few years later, so doing what I did may be a bad idea.

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We did everything in one room. Ceremony, then out for photographs while they prepare the room for the wedding breakfast, takes care of the 90 mins (though I could have sworn it was an hour).

But then I’m currently getting divorced too, so doing what I did might be a bad idea also. If you want my advice, don’t bother, it’s not worth it. 

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2 hours ago, Rey_Piste said:

Put the word wedding in front of anything and prices immediately triple. You can get a plain white three tiered cake for under 60 notes. Chuck a couple of plastic people on top and you are pay around 200 for the same thing.

True. I rang a local florist before ours to ask for bouquets for the mothers of the bride and groom and they wanted £45 each. My missus (to be) rang the same place and asked for the same thing without context and they cost something like £23 each. Robbing bastards.

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13 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

Devon's fanatical devotion to megathread destruction continues 👍

We need someone patrolling on-topic as well. I tried it for a bit but there are some scary twats in there.

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25 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

How about a wedding / marriage thread.

This is a fucking disgrace.  People can double post and get banned and return because its too much bother to click a button to ban them but Devon wants a thread splitting off and it can't be done fast enough.

It's as if Paid members get some kind of preference for paying for the upkeep of the site or something.

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Ah cheers, Dev! I didn't think a whole thread would take off but fuck it.

I will take on all advice, even if you're divorced (or twice divorced).

38 minutes ago, Chris B said:

Might be worth looking at how little you have to do. What some do is to have the ceremony wherever you want, then do the legal part in another room. So separate out the vows in front of friends and family to the legal bit. When I got married, we had the legal ceremony first thing in the morning, then had the celebratory ceremony separately with the aisle/vows/etc. That said, I got divorced a few years later, so doing what I did may be a bad idea.

That sounds like a great idea but we're going for the old school idea of not seeing each other from the pre-wedding day all the way up until she walks down the aisle.

I can abso-fucking-lutely guarantee that I'm going to cry. Whether it's during her walking down the aisle, the vows or seeing my best man's cheesey fucking grin, It's a safe bet that the waterworks will turn on and I'll be the star of a You've Been Framed video.

30 minutes ago, thicko said:

We did everything in one room. Ceremony, then out for photographs while they prepare the room for the wedding breakfast, takes care of the 90 mins (though I could have sworn it was an hour).

But then I’m currently getting divorced too, so doing what I did might be a bad idea also. If you want my advice, don’t bother, it’s not worth it. 

Yep, that was our plan. We were going to get married in a marquee then leave for photos before heading back in for the breakfast. Luckily they have other rooms and are very flexible, it's just a bit of a ball ache for such an absurd rule.

Due to my parents being separated and less than civil, we've decided to ixnay the big top table and just have a top table consisting of myself, the missus, the maid of honour and the best man. Family politics are being chucked out of the fucking window for one sodding day.

4 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

This is a fucking disgrace.  People can double post and get banned and return because its too much bother to click a button to ban them but Devon wants a thread splitting off and it can't be done fast enough.

It's as if Paid members get some kind of preference for paying for the upkeep of the site or something.

I didn't start a new thread because I really don't know how popular this topic will be. Is there a support group for members who have had new threads forced on themselves?

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