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Wrestling on netflix


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I've just signed up for Netflix and I was wondering how many shows / films / documentaries are on net fix that are wrestling related ???? 


Apologises if this is topic is in the wrong section but I was unsure as to where I was supposed to post 



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If you can get access to the US version of Netflix, there's been talk of Lucha Underground going on there later this month. They also had a on there the first documentary focused on ICW

As for the UK version, they have documentaries The Shiek and The Resurrection of Jake The Snake. There's also a short one about Lucha libre called Tales of Masked Men and one about GLOW.


Team Foxcatcher focuses on the life of Jon DuPont and the Foxcatcher wrestling team and is a very good watch, but other than that there's not a great deal

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A lot of the Netflix original documentaries are pretty good. Some worth having a look.


Probably the best call to have the past seasons of Lucha Underground because seeing as they take stuff down after a while, it raises the question if a weekly original wrestling show would get enough numbers to justify being on it.

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