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ShyDad's performing at the Edinburgh Fringe

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ShyDad’s performing at the Edinburgh Fringe!


So it is just over a month until I head up to Edinburgh as part of the Fringe 2016, performing over a week of shows in what’s going to be my first real headline stint (been doing up to 15 minutes on variety of shows in the past few years around Bath and Hereford but this is the big one) and figured, as I spend more of my life on here than Facebook these days, it’s as important for me to chronicle what I’m doing here as it is there.


So I’m going up through a programme called PBH’s Free Fringe, which allows acts the chance to go up without having to pay venue costs, keeping their shows free but with collection buckets at the venue, in order to allow first time goers like me the opportunity to make a go of it without breaking the bank as an already poor student.


I actually managed to intertwine me going as part of one of my University Modules. In putting on my own show for a creative enterprise module, being booked for the Fringe through PBH managed to show the marketing and publicity I needed to get me onto that stage and that the product I was shifting was good enough to market (I.E. Me), only first I ever got on a module has been me bragging about how awesome I am.


I’ve been doing stand up for just over 3 years now, starting with University gigs and more recently moving out into more open mic nights, Hereford gigs and getting contacts around the country to try and push on a bit more next year. Going up to Edinburgh as I am is a huge, huge risk, but as most of the board that sees me post knows, I have Aspergers and Anxiety Issues and I wouldn’t be taking this risk without being so sure my material is at the top it can be right now.


I’m working really well with some graphic people and my own University’s comedy society who are putting on their own show to make sure the visual element is as good as it can be. As such, we have this poster that is going to be used for the show (spoilered as its a student in his boxers...)






While we’re sorting out some of the smaller flyering stuff as well at present.


For those that may be up in Edinburgh for the Fringe, I’m performing at Silk Nightclub (In the Middle) 28a King's Stables Rd, Edinburgh EH1 2JY from the 21st to the 27th August at 3:50pm with the show timed to last around 55 minutes. I’ve also managed to land another show in the past few days on Thursday 18th at 2:20pm in Nightcap 1-3 York Place, EH1 3EB with the hope of possibly finding space for one more show in the days off between the start of my full set. Shows are completely free to get into, there are collection buckets for acts for PBH’s if you feel willing but it’s not a requirement.


I’ve also got a full preview show in Bath at Komedia on the 28th of this month with the University’s Comedy Society sketch show providing the other hour, for those that are around that area. Doors I believe are 7pm with it being £4 entry.


Finally, I’ve got a small fundraising campaign going on for it. I managed to raise just over £100 on the last one, stuck one up for a few more weeks just to see if any more would trickle in from family or friends. It’s really just money that can be put towards a little extra flyering, presentation and travel costs as I get across Edinburgh, maybe even the occasional snack.


Link for that is:




Really, I hope to keep this updated with how the show is going and any other I do, trips around Edinburgh and if anyone is up at the festival and has any recommendations for shows (I believe I’m trying to see Cabana’s at some point but other than that I’m fairly free).


Seasons Greetings



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Awesome stuff!


I'm actually in Edinburgh on that weekend, visiting a friend ,so I'll come watch and drag him with me hah.




On a side note, how easy is it to get into Stand up? I've always wanted to try it, but I've never really looked into it.

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Thanks for all the kind words so far guys! And many thanks Rick for the Christmas Pressie.


As Riot said, it really isn't that hard these days if you're living in a major city, Cardiff/London/Bristol seems to be great places to get involved in open mics, its when you start plugging for the new artist showcases in these places when it starts to ramp up the level of difficulty, one of those wrestling scenarios where 50 guys are on such a small scene, 10-15 will probably get noticed. Hoping that Fringe pushes me up the card a little bit now.

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Ok, I live in a "small" town up north, so may be a bit harder although we do have comedy clubs/comedy nights so it may not be impossible to get something going. i'll look into it.


Otherwise, all the best for this, hopefully I'll get to see the show! Have to ask, are you a modern comedian, with jeans/tshirt or go down the classic route with a suit? I'm into stand up and always loved the guys who wear suits hah.

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Honestly usually it's as Chest says I'm a fairly snappy dresser, shirts, bow ties etc. Even my tank top/skinny jeans look are tailored to be inch perfect.


However with the last few shows it's all Christmas jumpers and tinsel. I had a bet with a friend I couldn't make an entire show theme around the last name Jolly, so hence the Tis the Season theme. If that stays for Fringe who knows, I miss making a statement but this would make an impact, if that makes any sense.

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Competition time! I am also performing at the Free Fringe this year with my improv comedy group Spontaneous Wrecks. We're at the Up2Extra at 65 Cowgatehead (Venue 32) every day from the 14th-27th at 3.15pm. UKFFers get in free! Mainly because everyone gets in free. But if any of you want to pop along, if you chuck wrestling suggestions in there, I'll be the one who pops up to act them out because I'll know what you're talking about! Stick around and say hi after too.


We'll also be giving out badges if you want to pop something in the bucket, but if you want to help us out with Fringe funds and get a badge in advance (it has a dinosaur on it) drop me a DM and we'll sort something out.

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Final few days that links gonna be open. Basically graduating tomorrow and then spending the weekend freaking out about various things (like how my laptop's so knackered I just bought two unrefundable tickets to London for my trip) so if anybody feels the need to help out a stupid, yet incredibly genius student now would be the time to do it. Personally I'd love a poster of me in my boxers signed in my games room..

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