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Yeah, when people realised they'd have gimmicks and such. They were even more fucked for the 92 one as they had to drug test, so you had stuff like Mike Quinn having a pregnant belly.

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Interesting article about the WBF here: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2542941-vince-mcmahons-failed-attempt-to-take-over-bodybuildingThere's also another one in more detail which I read years ago, so if I find it I'll add it here too.




Who was the target market?


I'd imagine Vince believed WWF fans would become fans of the WBF too, he also did the WBF bodystars shows and got Bobby involved as an announcer on the 2nd and last PPV. There was also some cross promotional stuff too IIRC and they did a Family Feud episode where it was WBF vs WWF. Plus since the WWF of the time had big muscular guys like Hercules, Warrior, Warlord et al I imagine it was just a continuation on that theme. They also signed Lex Luger to originally be part of the WBF before he had his motorcycle accident. I think Vince had big plans for Gary Stydom too and not sure if this is true but I heard that he had plans for Strydom to become a WWF wrestler. There's also quite a strong linkage between bodybuilding and the WWF - Cena was a bodybuilder, as were Ivan Putski, Tony Atlas, Superstar Billy Graham, Great Kahli, Batista, Sting, Warrior and Chyna, Kaityln and Aksana were too. Plus Vince & Triple H are into bodybuilding also.

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Didn't Luger say in a shoot that he was brought in to the WBF as he had a delay clause in his leaving WCW contract and the plan was for him to come second in a WBF ppv and run an angle where he'd cross into the WWF (once clause had expired). He of course then went and had the accident which stopped that.


If memory serves on the WM8 broadcast they did a live cross over to Lex who was promoting his WBF debut (think he snapped his fingers and some bird brought him a pint of milk- which Heenan was all over) and then gave a few flexes.

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I think Lex mentions something similar in his book about waiting for his WCW contract to expire and yep he was featured on the WrestleMania VIII broadcast where he was promoting the WBF.


Haven't seen WrestleMania VIII on VHS and/or DVD for a long time, so did the Lex segment make the home video or did they edit it out?.


When he did debut as "The Narcissist", his gimmick was like a nod to what his WBF character would have been.

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When you used to see lads at school with those bodybuilding magazines it always looked quite gay to be fair. 


When the wrestling fans think your hobby is gay, you're in trouble.


'I think IcoPro was a bit of a hangover from the WBF wasn't it? You couldn't move in 1993 for 'Headlock on Hunger' and IcoPro placements.

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I remember thinking IcoPro was steroids when I was a kid. I had a WWF mag and there was a picture of Bret Hart curling a weight and I asked what it was and my brother said "steroids. They're all on them." Imagine that? WWF promoting roids in their magazine on the same page as the Royal Rumble results? Loved the t-shirts they made, though. Might get one online one of these days.


Wasnt all the leftover IcoPro buried outside Titan Towers like those old ET Atari games?


EDIT: Oh shit, didnt know this was even a thing!



I mean look at that! Loaded and FHM would have like Jo Guest on the front with that kind of headline. "Get the look that'll get you a shag off her!" Not WBF. That header makes it sound as if you want the kind of look to get Lou Ferrigno round your flat.

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When you used to see lads at school with those bodybuilding magazines it always looked quite gay to be fair. 


When the wrestling fans think your hobby is gay, you're in trouble.


'I think IcoPro was a bit of a hangover from the WBF wasn't it? You couldn't move in 1993 for 'Headlock on Hunger' and IcoPro placements.



At least having a copy of a WWF magazine in your school locker didn't look quite as gay as having a copy of Flex.


I remember Bret Hart saying they couldn't sell that IcoPro stuff.  Nobody wanted it. 

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