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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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I can't work out whether I like Fallout 4 or not. I've never played any of the other Fallout games so I've been ever so slightly disappointed by the huge amount of hype given to me about it from people I know.


I love the massive world and the graphics but the rest of it seems slapdash. Near perfect AI aim but even on 90-100% VATS at least one shot goes astray , companions always getting in the way or spearheading themselves into a battle earlier than I'd like and the clunkiness of the menu's/workshop building.


Its going to take an age to complete too, I've sunk about 20 hours in so far and I've not touched upon Diamond City yet, flirted with the outskirts but its going to be another day or so before I dive right in to the main storyline/s.

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I can def see how the archaic game engine would put off newcomers, at the time 3 came out it was already seen as a clunky bugger and nowt's really changed in all those years. My main problem with 4 is that so many of the locations feel half arsed, just generic bands of nondescript raiders/super mutants and if you're lucky a "boss" with power armour or a special weapon. There's still a hell of a lot of good stuff to do but I wish they kept the game a little more compact.

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Finished the story mode of Rise of the Tomb Raider yesterday.


Really enjoyed it! There was a good balance of puzzling and action, and within the action it was well balanced between the stealth and all out combat. There are some really fantastic action set piece that feel really big and tense and urgent, playing out like movie scenes but without taking your agency away in them, and using the actual game mechanics without resorting to the easy cop out of quick time events.


There's something called Expedition mode that I haven't explored yet. It looks like it will be a way to go back and play some of those action sequences with specific challenges, and be rated on your performance. So should be a fun way to get some extra mileage out of the game!

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I've just started Fallout 4. By started, I mean I'm about 10 hours in, but you know how it goes.


It's fantastic, because it's more of the same. Which is exactly what I wanted. But God, they don't give you a hand getting started. The whole settlement building thing is a black box until you spend ten minutes on YouTube. Tremendous game though.

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So I'm starting to become addicted to settlement building in Fallout 4. I started small, at the Red Rocket truck stop, but now I'm wanting to go somewhere a bit bigger so I can go a bit mental with it.


Couple of questions though:-


1. Can I move everything I've built at Red Rocket to my new location? i.e. Can I store it and reuse it in a different location or can it only be reused in the location it was built in?

2. Wood and steel seem to be the materials I most need when building. I'm finding large quantities of steel are easy to come by (by scrapping guns etc.), but large quantities of wood only come from scrapping trees within the build area. But once it's used there's not much else out there. Any tips?

3. Do I only need one recruitment beacon per location? Will adding more generate a bigger population?

4. Do settlers automatically assign themselves to open jobs? I noticed that a couple of new settlers at Red Rocket were harvesting, but I didn't assign them to it. However, I've got a couple of trade/weapon shops which still need someone manning it, but no one has automatically done it like the harvesting.


Any other tips would be welcome too.

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1. Once you've set the supply lines - you need the Born Leader perk - anything in the main workshop travels across all workshops. This includes stored buildings.


2. Do you know how to tag for search? Highlight an item that has a missing component and press the prompt. Whenever you come across the element it'll have a magnifying glass next to it.


3. Dunno this one.


4. Classic Bethesda: they might, but you can't rely on it. Manually assign to be sure.


Eurogamer's videos on it are excellent:



Fallout 4: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTZXfIDHhP2tambqPG_KZkDmvpafau_Lg

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I really enjoyed Red Dead Redemption and have played about an hour of the Undead Nightmare expansion. So far it seems to be incredibly samey with every mission being "ride to town, kill zombies." Does it get more interesting?

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That's because zombies are shit. I just got hard west. I've only played the first scenario, but it's good fun - play that if you want cowboys. (That said it has nowhere near the depth of the most comparable game, xcom, but it's cheap so whatever).

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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