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Dynamite Kid in hospital


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He was in hospital a few months back as well. He's been in and out for a while apparently. I watched a shoot interview with him last week, and he's shoving tablets down his throat every half hour or so. He's in a pretty bad way. His heart was knackered in the mid-90s if you read his book. Scar tissue from the steroid abuse on it. He got the double whammy of physical injuries and bad health problems.

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Whilst no doubt im going to get grief for this, 


i am in 2 minds for this.


1. I am saddened that his commitment to his art has in effect left him disabled and with terrible health problems since his mid 30's,especially as i admire his work


2. I am torn between by the above since he is renown as not being a very nice person, by all accounts has done some very mean things and he chose to ply his body full of the various substances that have contributed to his health issues. its not like he has made attempts to recant or apologise for his behaviour either.


bit of ambivalence here i guess

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I think he means that if it was a renowned nice guy like Terry Funk who was in that position, he'd feel a lot if sympathy, but knowing what kind of person he is, the wife beating, and all the other nonsense, it's hard to feel sorry for him.

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I think he means that if it was a renowned nice guy like Terry Funk who was in that position, he'd feel a lot if sympathy, but knowing what kind of person he is, the wife beating, and all the other nonsense, it's hard to feel sorry for him.


Thanks TP, that's exactly what i meant. 


The guy has done nothing to me except provide great entertainment, and isn't a child/family/person hurting/killing monster, that would usually get those kind of hateful feelings (for someone you don't know but judge on their heinous acts).


That said, as stated it is hard to feel resounding sympathy for someone who made what the majority would call 'poor' choices both financially, physically, and "ahem" chemically whilst being a well reported 'unpleasant' and 'hateful' individual, whom has never acknowledged or even (to our knowledge at least) come across as regretful of his actions and behavior.


His shoot was mentioned a while back and now whilst everyone has a choice, it would seem like that was a perfect opportunity to heal old wounds, give his side of the story, recant, or even come across as being regretful of some bad behavior. That he comes across as an utter uninterested c**t (excuse my french) during it speaks volumes really.


At least in some shoots or publicly the likes of Hall, Roberts, etc have acknowledged their actions and even if the truth is "ahem"  open to interpretation at least they appear grateful or have to a degree repented. As it stands now (and i'm indifferent since hes nothing to do with me)  if he died tomorrow there's alot of people who'll likely go "good riddance, bad kama eh" which considering legacy is often all we have to leave behind isn't  great is it?

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I think he means that if it was a renowned nice guy like Terry Funk who was in that position, he'd feel a lot if sympathy, but knowing what kind of person he is, the wife beating, and all the other nonsense, it's hard to feel sorry for him.


Thanks TP, that's exactly what i meant. 



Fair enough, understandable. He is an absolute bitter prick. Such a shame how the business has destroyed him mentally and physically. He's his own worst enemy.

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That's annoying, hope he's ok. I was really looking forward to meeting him at Hulk Hogans upcoming event! It says he's still making an appearance so fingers crossed...



Yeah, when my grandad was on the way out, I was proper annoyed, he was meant to be taking me to Lego Land and everything, selfish bastard.

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