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WWE Payback 2015 Discussion


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Seems ridiculous at this point to keep saying it but yet again WWE deliver a good PPV on the back of an appalling build up. Does this mean no-one watched it? Unfortunately buyrates mean nothing anymore so we'll probably never know.


Sheamus/Ziggler was a good opener that told the story of their feud well, gave Ziggler some "payback" and had the right winner. Ziggler is so shit he can't even headbutt someone without cutting his own face off. 


Tag title match was a show stealer again. New Day continue to grow into a brilliant act who's false motivation and not so subtle cheating deliver loads of fun. These two have great chemistry and do back and forth very well. Kidd's mapleleaf logo with the white cross was an ace touch. Pity it wasn't replicated on Cesaro's gear. Good as this was, I think we saw the worst double team move of all time when Cesaro had Kofi in the delayed suplex and Kidd came off the top rope and very, very gently stroked Kofi's leg. Brilliant.


New. Day Rocks.


Wyatt/Ryback was shit. If the FF on the network wasn't so shit, I'd have skipped this. If Wyatt's new face of fear angle means he plods like the early 90's Undertaker then I'm out. He needs to sit and watch some Mankind matches. 


Heyman on the Stone Cold podcast June 1st. Awesome.


The I quit match was pretty shit all told. It took an age to get going, the ref constantly asking them if they want to quit in situations where no-one has quit in the history of wrestling was annoying as fuck and the finish was fucking terrible. It was the right finish because it's the one that doesn't harm Rusev but it made no sense whatsoever. I loved the PG version of the Umaga finish from Rumble 2007 though. Rusev was clearly in danger of death by tickled nostril. It wasn't all bad, there were some nice spots but they were out of place.


These two are great but they've had two matches on the bounce that the fuck awful gimmick has killed.


Main event was all sorts of fun. I worry that it's killed the eventual Shield triple threat a bit but the temporary reunion was great as was Ambrose & Reigns reacting to Rollins attempt to do the Shield fist bump.


It's a pity that such great work form the talent is essentially meaningless. The TV between PPVs is so dull. I threatened to stop watching. in truth the only reason I haven't is because my daughter gets me up at half five most mornings so I might as well chuck Raw on. Even under those circumstances, it's just not worth it.

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Fun show, shame I cba with the TV build anymore. Ziggs/Sheamus was really fun and fucking hell Ziggler had a nasty one from that headbutt. Tag Title match was great fun, the New Day has won me over loads and Kidd/Cesaro is a fun team, I just love watching Cesaro. Main Event was great, just a big old mess that Four Ways should be. The Shield 'reunion' was a good spot and everyone was great in this, particularly Ambrose and Reigns. Reigns was ace in this, loved the 'lads' moments between he and Ambrose. Finishing stretch from Orton was great as well.


Didn't really care much for anything else, Ryback continues to lose in matches even though he's over, and just has such a likability about him that I don't think is being capitalized on. Also come on Bray, have a word, what's happened?


Oh, and the Red Arrow is fab isn't it. What a move. 

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Completely agree with the above summaries of the shows so won't bore anyone with repeating. 


I thoroughly enjoyed the main event and tag title matches. Ziegler performed well with Sheamus but that's nothing new. Neville vs Barrett was a little shit and the Cena match needed to start from half way through.... enough of the tame moves it's an I quit match!


They are using Wyatt terribly at the moment. Not by putting him with Ryback but because he isn't utilising his strengths at all. He needs to be more aggressive, freakier and needs a back story. I would go so far as to say that a little 'person from the past' storyline (like Kane and Undertaker in 1997) wouldn't be a bad thing if it were to spice up Wyatt's stale act. 


I don't watch the weekly programming because I haven't got time and every show looks and feels the same. It's dull and tiresome and I can't keep up with what's happening week by week. 

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Ziggler busting himself open by head butting Sheamus full-pelt was hilarious. Sheamus look none the worse for wear whereas Ziggler gushed like Flair in his prime. Pillock. Then you read comments sections (I know, I shouldn't have done), and it's somehow Sheamus' fault/he stiffed him. Pillocks blindly following a pillock


The finish to the tag match was stupid.

Ryback/Wyatt was disappointing. Wyatt always looks a dipstick in his white trousers.


Austin back doing his podcast, obviously sorted whatever so called issues they had with each other (if there even were any). The two times Heyman has been on Austin's podcast have been great. I could listen to Heyman talk all day long.


Cena/Rusev had a better match than last month but it still wasn't great. And you knew there was no way Cena was ever going to lose an I Quit match. Another stupid finish. Cena still can't get any pressure to his STF even when he's using a massive fucking rope. Still not sure where Rusev will go from here, but hopefully he'll be OK, the lad is too good to be wasting his time with Ziggler and the other shitarses.


Divas match was the usual rubbish. Tamina Snuka is fucking rotten.


"What happens when the director of 'Jackass' and 'Bad Grampa' joins up with WWE?", who fucking cares.


I hope Daniel Bryan goes away and doesn't come back unless he is 100% and nothing less. It's sucks that this has happened to him again, but maybe he shouldn't have come back at the start of the year.


Barrett/Neville wasn't bad (despite another poor finish) considering there isn't any story going on between the two and for a middle of the show match. They've done a match on the preshow, a match on KOTR now one on PPV. Although I imagine that both men will be in the IC Title match at Elimination Chamber (and I'm guessing they'll just put the belt back on Barrett), I would have liked a 'Robe v Cape' match to finish up before both move onto something else.


Tough Enough can fuck off. The MMA fighter clearly a goon by telling everyone "with 15 wins & 6 loses". Why tell everyone that? Just say 15 wins you wazzock. But yeah, mixture of Marks and jocks who don't know what they're getting into and won't be able handle it. Shame Bill DeMott got found out.


Orton desperately needs a new theme tune, but at least he walks quicker these days.

The Fatsl Four Way was alot of fun for the most part. I'm suprised that Orton took the pin, I thought for sure that Ambrose would have been the fall guy.

I wish Ambrose would stop doing that rope spot that Nigel McGuiness used to do. It's bad enough that he does it in every single match, but he did it four times here.

Rollins pedigree did look dodgy but not the worst I've ever seen.


An OK show with some ok stuff, some downright awful and a good title match.

I can't imagine Id ever watch it again, so I'll give it a 6 out of 10

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The show was good, and the in-ring (mostly) well above average. But three of the last four matches had me thinking, "*that's* how they're ending it? Really?"

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Was a decent PPV Event, whatever you want to call it these days R-Truth looked like he was having a blast in the pre show. Dolph's gusher was hilarity. I am loving the New Day, Demolition Rules for the chamber?


Wyatt vs Ryback was actually very good well for me, i was invested, I like both wrestlers and as such was decent enough.


The Diva's match was meh, Barrett vs Neville was okay for a throwaway match, Neville's botch didnt help but the visual of the broken sceptre was cool.I am assuming that Neville is taking Rey's mantel and is thus going to win the IC at EC?


D-Bryan has basically taken the Edge retirement route hasnt he?


Could watch Rusev and Cena all week, not seen the Bull Rope match, but surely Rusev needed the win and Cena, put him over massively post show.


The Four Way was superb, loved it despite the overbooking, nice to see Hunter looking as smug as fuck at the end and loved the Shield tease as well. 


Random Thoughts


When did the WWE introduce that stupid zoom in on any type of mounted punches? It's awful


Have the guys in the back been told to go a bit old school? Lots of Powerslam's DDT's and the like floating about and some nice suplex variations, was a bit timewarpish for recent fayre. Mind I dont watch much these days and this might be the done thing. Response to the Nxt stuff where the roster were moaning theycouldnt show off?



Yeah fun stuff,without having to watch raw to be bored to tears

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The finish to the tag match was stupid.

That was great. What's the point in having a three man tag team if they're not going to cheat ridiculously?

I'll amend slightly, it's stupid if they don't follow it up at all. The ref dropped a major bollock by counting for a guy who wasn't even in the match. There needs to be a consequence, which will most likely just be Kidd & Cesaro being added to the Chamber Match

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Wyatt is shite. Crap same old rambling promos for every fucking feud, incredibly dull in the ring, and he looks shite. Only thing decent about him is his entrance. They need to give him new family members or a weird girlfriend to freshen the act up.

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Really enjoyed the main event, everyone looked great. Just fun chaos that all made sense. Reigns has been great since Mania, if he keeps it up then the fans will organically come to love him. That's how you build a star.


Ambrose is fucking awesome. Ideally I'd like to see him win money in the bank, take the title from Rollins then drop it to Reigns in a triple threat at Mania. They need to be careful how often The Sheild face each other though, it's not something I want to get bored of

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Rusev would be good, he could make Lana carry it and paint it like the Russian Flag.


Id much rather see Ambrose teasing Rollins about cashing in constantly, just to shit him up. Couple of amusing skits/angles before setting a date would be lovely

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