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Dolph Ziggler


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I'd disagree. He is living up to his potential. He's a solid upper midcarder who can make the occasional jump into main events and slot into multi-man matches without too much of a stretch. He'll get guys ready for Cena/Reigns/Orton or whoever. He doesn't have "it" to be the guy. He doesn't have the mic skills or the size or strength that can make someone stand out as a genuine star.


There's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone can be the star. 


I don't think it's true to say that there is nothing they could do to recover his position either. They can either embrace the "show off" character as a heel and I'm sure he could be entertaining. Or if they want him to be a babyface then he needs to be protected from losing too often, from showing arse all the time and from saying fucking stupid things. Also drop the arrogant aspects of the character because he doesn't have the ability to get them over and be likable. 


Some of the traits of his wrestling that annoy people aren't a big problem. They aren't things the majority of the audience is going to care about. They care about what he looks like, what he says, whether he has any balls and whether he wins. It's not rocket science.

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In his current form he's perfectly placed. However I'd say all his shortcomings are things he could work on to become a top guy. A lot would need to change, but he has had long enough to do it and hasn't bothered.


It's also weird how his real name is loads better than his ring name


Not only was that an accident, but it probably counts as a spoiler too


And here's me thinking he cracked his head open on purpose. Fact is, it was a stupid thing to do. Ziggler has a habit of doing stupid things.


Well you are reacting to it like it was an intentional blade job. It was a botch. Just because Vince doesn't sneeze I doubt he expects people not to bleed.

Out of all the stupid moves Ziggler has done I wouldn't put a headbut up there with the rest of them.



Plus it was a PPV. They allowed blading at Mania so I doubt it's as much of an issue as if it happened on Raw

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Who bladed at Mania? The only blood I recall was Lesnar, and that was him cracking his head on the post.


They do seem to have softened a little in blood when it does come, though. The gloves still go on, but it's no longer the match stops/towel out moment it was.


Ziggler's awful, by the way. That promo before Mania when he described himself as "very charismatic", ugh.

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It's also weird how his real name is loads better than his ring name

I've sen this said before and I've no idea why. What's good about being called Nemeth? Only reminds me of the guy who played for Middlesbrough.


It's also weird how his real name is loads better than his ring name

I've sen this said before and I've no idea why. What's good about being called Nemeth? Only reminds me of the guy who played for Middlesbrough.

It's not so much a case of his real name being really really good as a case of Dolph Ziggler being really really shit.


Thats the thing i don't get...sure, in real life a lot of these guys like Ziggler, Ryder, Morrison et al all seem happy just to be there and entertain the fans and get a pop for stuff, but surely in kayfabe terms the whole point of being a wrestler is to win matches and titles and make big money. So by saying shit like that about having his "job on the line but i wanted to entertain you guys" etc, the CHARACTER is missing the point of what the reason for being a wrestler is. Winning matches and titles should be the sole focus, with the matches being entertaining along the way, not the other way round.


But that's the thing. Ziggler isn't for fans who care about following storylines and interesting characters. Ziggler's for fans who care about workrate and pushes and burials. His persona is pretty much non-existent within the "kayfabe" world, he's pushing himself completely at the post/nu-kayfabe market. His character is all meta bullshit, #HEEL this and OVER that.


Which is also why


They can either embrace the "show off" character as a heel and I'm sure he could be entertaining.



wouldn't work. He doesn't know how to do it. Whether he's a babyface or a heel, he can't help performing for the dirtsheets and forums and ignoring everyone else. But that's not as big a detriment as it could/should be, because this is modern WWE, where they've encouraged fans to react in that way for the last couple of years.

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I enjoy watching Zigler, and have done and am likely to continue to do so for some time, however I've never invested anything in him. No emotion to him or the story around him, as far as I recall.


That's due to the way he carries himself and the way WWE use him, but the end result is I like him but not enough to notice when he's not there and some other athletic bloke is in his spot.


That's not a claim I can make for all mid card names (although I can make it for too many for my liking)


For all his perceived faults it's quite incredible in this day and age how the live crowd has not rejected him yet. He consistently and quite easily gets some of the loudest pops in any town they go to across the entire age and gender spectrum in the crowds.


He just needs some good storyline, really. Because nobody buying tickets seems to give an atom of shit about the designs adorning his arse or his weird noodley hair.


They haven't rejected him because of this perception that he's being held back.

If he was so bothered about entertaining the fans he'd have told Vince to stick it years ago and pissed off to ROH , but he'll never have it as good as he has it in the WWE, I.e a guaranteed downside and a steady stream of royalties


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