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Steiner threatens to murder the Hulkster *gulp*


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Haku's reputation comes from ripping fat fans noses off doesn't it? Isnt the general feeling that anyone with a credible fighting background would have destroyed him? I remember in 1995 Bischoff wanted him to do a UFC fight and Haku said "fuck that, I'm not a fighter."


Nah, Haku was legit as far as I know and have read. But being legit in a "tough guy" way is far from being legit against a trained fighter. 


For example, I'd fancy a prime era Haku in a shoot against most of the current or past roster, but he'd get smashed against the likes of ken Shamrock or Brock Lesnar. You can't blame him for turning down a legit fight, he's an entertainer after all, not a trained fighter. 

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The impression I get of Haku is that he'd poke your eye out or bite your nose off if he had to. That's just straight up crazy and crazy trumps most other fighting styles.

That's what a lot of them did in the 80s, though. Look at Steiner in his fight with DDP. Steiner beat the fuck out of him and was still trying to rip his eyeball out. It wasn't a case of him doing it because his back was against the ball. Steiner was trying to do it because of some odd pride thing where you need to show people what happens if you get into a fight with that person. A lot of these wrestlers were trained to leave a lasting impression so when someone asks "what happened to you?" they say "I had a fight with a wrestler." Bill Watts encouraged it.


I'm not saying Haku isnt double hard. He obvious is. What I meant was I dont think he's especially harder than the other wrestlers with a proper rep for being solid. Like Paul Orndorff or Scott Steiner. Orndorff had a reputation as being solid before he got into wrestling in the bars in Florida. All the wrestlers of that time period knew he was one of the hardest men in the town.

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The impression I get of Haku is that he'd poke your eye out or bite your nose off if he had to.

...or throw you out of a 2nd storey window.


 - wouldn't mind betting that someone will try & be a smartarse within the next 2 posts -


oh there you go.

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The impression I get of Haku is that he'd poke your eye out or bite your nose off if he had to. That's just straight up crazy and crazy trumps most other fighting styles.

That's what a lot of them did in the 80s, though. Look at Steiner in his fight with DDP. Steiner beat the fuck out of him and was still trying to rip his eyeball out. It wasn't a case of him doing it because his back was against the ball. Steiner was trying to do it because of some odd pride thing where you need to show people what happens if you get into a fight with that person. A lot of these wrestlers were trained to leave a lasting impression so when someone asks "what happened to you?" they say "I had a fight with a wrestler." Bill Watts encouraged it.


I'm not saying Haku isnt double hard. He obvious is. What I meant was I dont think he's especially harder than the other wrestlers with a proper rep for being solid. Like Paul Orndorff or Scott Steiner. Orndorff had a reputation as being solid before he got into wrestling in the bars in Florida. All the wrestlers of that time period knew he was one of the hardest men in the town.

Is it Foley's or Flair's book where they tell the story or an old school guy ripping out someone's eye and standing on it? Could be a scene out of Roadhouse actually.

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The impression I get of Haku is that he'd poke your eye out or bite your nose off if he had to.

...or throw you out of a 2nd storey window.


Or throw you off the surface of the Earth, and into space, and you'll hit the moon, you go through the moon, you go to space and DIE.


That's real. That happened.

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It will be worth him getting nicked just to hear his testimony in court.


"people of the jury, I don't need you symphy, I don't need your symphy at all"


Either that or court drawings of him yelling "gimme a fuckin' mic" at the judge everytime his called to speak.

I just want to hear him work out the mathematics of a majority verdict

well there's a 33 and a third chance he'll get it right!

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Hogan's last match had Steiner bumping for him at the end of it. If this heat is from WCW, then he seemed to forget all about it when they were doing that storyline together in TNA.

Steiner put Hogan over on his shoot as well!


didnt think he was close to Savage either?


Seems like a REALLY angry fella

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Steiner probably can't even remember why he hates Hogan. No point us trying to figure it out.


It's a shame to hear the state he's in physically now. I loved the Steiners as a kid, Scott especially. When kids at school were on about LOD or whoever, the Steiners were always my team. Partly because we were poor and didn't have Sky, so I had to make do with WCW on ITV back then. But also, the Steiners were the shit. Scott was doing stuff I'd never seen before. The Frankensteiner was awesome, especially from someone so big. But other stuff, like I remember seeing a clip as a kid of Scott holding a guy in a bodyslam position, then doing a backwards somersault with the guy into a slam (was it that WrestleWar 92 match with Iizuka, can't remember?) Blew my mind. They had the best tag team moves as well. Rick bulldogging jobbers off Scott's shoulders and Scott DDTing fuckers off Rick's. All the different suplexes. The Steiner Screwdriver! All dangerous as fuck looking back but at the time I thought it was all brilliant.


Scott's always seemed nuts though, well from about 1997/98 onwards. Not even in a gimmick way either. Even when he was a babyface I always got the feeling he might just flip and twat a fan or something. The bigger he got physically the more nuts he seemed to get. He's probably been dosed up on all sorts for about two decades at least.


As for the Haku/fighting thing, there was a kid at work who was on about MMA to me a few months ago and he was giving it the old 'well that shit wouldn't work in a street fight, if you did this and that, kick them in the bollocks, poke them in the eyes' etc etc. The problem is, in a street fight the trained fighter would be able to do all that as well. Bas Rutten talked about this on Joe Rogan's podcast ages ago. A professionally trained MMA fighter/boxer is going to fuck up most people in a street fight. Someone with actual extensive training plus they can bite, bollock kick and eyepoke as well. It's funny but it's always usually fat/drunk lads that give it the old 'yeah but in the street, I'd just kick him in the balls' stuff. As if 'in the street' means the trained fighter forgets all his training.


Haku was/is probably hard as fuck and would likely always be the hardest bloke in any given bar, but I doubt he'd have been battering trained fighters.

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Hogan's last match had Steiner bumping for him at the end of it. If this heat is from WCW, then he seemed to forget all about it when they were doing that storyline together in TNA.


He was selling for Flair back when he was feuding with HHH as well and he fucking hates Flair. I think he just hates everyone and forgets why sometimes.


 I remember seeing a clip as a kid of Scott holding a guy in a bodyslam position, then doing a backwards somersault with the guy into a slam (was it that WrestleWar 92 match with Iizuka, can't remember?) Blew my mind.




It was indeed, he does it twice in a row because he nearly landed on he head the first time. I always thought the move looked awkward, was never quite sure who was hitting what. The best thing about Steiner during that period was when he was just making suplexs up and you just knew the guy taking it had no choice in the matter and had no idea how they were going to land. I think its that Wrestlewar match when he legit double chickenwings one of the guy and ties him up in a pin he cant get out of.


Would have loved to see someone trying to shoot on him in that period to see how good he actually was. Is it Bret's book that tells the story of him having Curt Henning tied in knots on the floor of the dressing room for ages threatening to stick his thumb up his bum? Crazy Scott is the best!

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