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What's off limits?


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What's off limits to you as far as an insult goes?


Whenever I'm on a forum, Twitter or wherever I read people saying things I wouldn't even dare to say, even if it is only online and somewhat anonymous.

It got me thinking to what I actually use for insults if I ever were to go down that route.

Does your limit change from real life to your online life? Would you say what you've said online whilst insulting someone to them in person?


I don't ever get into arguments online, and have never really insulted anyone on Twitter.

The closest I've come to getting really pissed is back a few years ago when I would play FIFA online and rush to call someone a dick for stalling or something.

But I have obviously insulted people in person, I would usually just go for a general insult to the persons intelligence. I.e. "Are you a fucking moron?"


I've never wished cancer on anyone or anything like that, as that would hit way too hard if someone they loved had cancer. I've not really hated anyone that much to say something like that, but a girlfriend would regularly (when arguing with family over text) wish them dead.


What's the worst thing you've said to someone online, also in person? And where is your limit?

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I'd hope I've never properly offended anyone, in the pub you can get away with calling people a cunt, twat etc if you use a word before it to soften it like daft


Only time I've seen someone get a slap for saying something was a lad calling someone a spastic, so I suppose thats the limit for my local, bit hypocritical though as someone (not me) shouting 'black cunt' at the telly when Sterling missed against United didn't raise an eyebrow off anyone, maybe the person getting the abuse has to be there for anyone to give a fuck

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Insults on line mean nothing to me; they go straight over my head.  I've had people wish cancer on me and had people threaten to stab me. Its water off a ducks back, I just laugh them off and don't take them seriously.


In person can be different. If I catch someone pointing, laughing or talking about me with friends (I'm a short fat kid with a beard, it happens a lot) then that will piss me off. The way they do it determines my action. If they were trying to be really sly, and do it without me noticing then I will let it go, pretend I didn't see it. If they did it with no thought that I might notice, or that I might hear then I'll usually walk up to them and ask if they wanted something, or if they had a problem.


There isn't anything anyone can say that will offend me; it's more how they say it and the intent.


Personally I never result to insults in arguments. I can't remember the last time I insulted someone who wasn't a friend.

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I would never insult how someone looks if it's something they can't change. That's off limits to me personally. Like I wouldn't call someone a "big eared cunt" because it's not their fault they have big ears, they can't change it. They didn't purposefully inherit the genes that led to them having big ears. However I would call them a cunt because the cuntish behavior is their own doing. If that makes sense.

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I'd hope I've never properly offended anyone, in the pub you can get away with calling people a cunt, twat etc if you use a word before it to soften it like daft



Depends a bit on what the word is.  I was out just before Christmas and my mate called someone a 'soppy cunt' (which is a fairly normal way for our group of mates to refer to each other) and some guy who wasn't part of our group got very annoyed and was adamant that 'soggy cunt' was a disgusting thing to call someone.

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I to try and avoid insulting people if at all possible. You never really know if what you are saying might be taken in a total other way. People tend to judge alot online. 


The one time i made a offhand comment here it then worked out the person i said it to was exactly in the same boat as me. I felt really bad when i knew and said sorry over PM, i would have never said what i did if i knew. Lesson learnt 


I tend to not be to bothered by people insulting me online, ive been called some really nasty things by some of the mod team here, and im sure in the past one or two ex posters made remarks about my g/f now wife, never to my face but hey that's what the internet is for isnt it?

Out in the world, i consider using something against someone that cant change the issue is about as low as it gets.

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In terms of insults, I couldn't give a shit. I'm pretty broad shouldered. Literally.


I don't like being accused of something I haven't done or questioned when I know I'm right. When I was a kid I'd get a right hiding of my Mam for refusing to own up to something or apologise but I'd take the hiding rather than admit I'd done something I hadn't.

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I had a proper eye opener not so long ago about off-the-cuff remarks on Twitter. I made a not very nice comment about someone I used to know who appeared on TV. She must've been doing a vanity search and called me out on it. I felt like a total dick and was totally ashamed of myself.


When I applogised to her a couple of days later she was so cool about it that it made me feel even worse - although I deserved it. I'm definitely a lot more careful about what I say now. If I haven't got anything nice to say then I'm keeping it to myself.


Offline, I'm really trying very hard to compliment people more. I always make a point of telling someone I like something about them when I see them - looking well, like an item of clothing, hair looking nice, etc. I'm trying to see the good in stuff and treat people as I would like to be treated. I'd be mortified if I knew someone was thinking/saying things about me that I've thought/said in the past.


Might not be quite on topic... Sorry.


Edit: I don't get the ginger thing either. I have a proper thing for redheads.

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Ok, so it's actually good ginger has come up here.

I always wondered if the term ginger is considered hate speech when used in a derogatory way?


Sounds crazy to think I know, but it is a race of people who are picked on for how they look. Yet it's completely fine and is a mainstream thing. No one would bat an eyelid if they heard that.


I grew up ginger but luckily when I was about 13 my hair started going pretty darker and now I'm just brown up top. But I remember as a kid getting annoyed when someone called me ginger or 'rusty'.


Ginger girls tend to pull it off way more than guys, In fact shades of ginger is my favourite hair colour for a girl.


When it comes to insulting people for being fat, I don't do it but I actually think it's a pretty good insult as it is something that person can control (for the most part.).

I was fat growing up, before I got into shape (then got fat again for about a year before having to get in shape again. Now kept it off and it's all good.) and definitely any insult thrown my way was taken to heart. It motivated me to actually get into shape and be healthy, though obviously that wasn't their intentions when calling you 'big guy' or actual insulting things like 'fat shit'. I definitely wouldn't have bothered if no one insulted my weight. I always like it now if someone calls me a name it's just "You wanker", instead of "You fat wanker". Actually makes my smile.

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