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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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I'm not getting the love for the entrances, lets recap the ones I can remember ...


Rusev - best of the night by far, Russian military - Check, heavy artilery - Check, Lana's legs - Check, a big fuck off tank - Check, Russian national anthem - Check. I loved it, over the top in a pantomime kind of way 11/10


Cena - Fuck all, which suprised me, bar a video with quotes from George Bush and Ronald Reaga.


Sting - few dudes playing the bongos, shit.


HHH - i cringed so hard at this plus his mask looked like that one he wore in gold at that other Wrestlemania only the art depart ment had covered it in tinfoil so it would fit in with the theme.


Who else had special entrances? If someone else did it was so memorable I have forgotten it.

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I enjoyed that way more than I expected, over 9000 stars. Ronda in that shirt was brilliant.


HHH's entrance was fucking horrible, but I can let it slide as I got such a laugh from it. I bet he genuinely thought that he looked cool as all hell in that get up, it's kinda cute really.

The rest of that match was brilliant, I can remember the mast time a 'Mania match has been that fun. It's definate up there with Sting v Hogan from TNA.

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It's ridiculous how much fun it is to watch Lesnar absolutely wrecking people with suplexes. You almost want the match to finish without his opponent getting any offence in at all. Forget any complex back and forth story, just give us Brock ploughing through his rivals and it'll be the most enjoyable wrestling we've had in years. Love it. I'm very happy for Rollins though. He stole the show early on with that beautiful RKO spot and he stole it again late on.

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When Seth Rollins cashed in I was up on my feet cheering him having lost thought of anything but the show. It's been a long time since a moment in wrestling has 100% sucked me in like that. Some moments in wrestling can promise so much only to fall short but the WWE succeeded in making Magic tonight, that was a high on the roller coaster of emotions that didn't drop.


I was amongst those who had doubts going into this Wrestlemania during the build up but it's all about the night and tonight this show delivered!

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What a main event. It was exactly what it needed to be, just two hard bastards kicking fuck out of each other. Rollins' cash-in was booked perfectly, I had a proper mark out moment. I don't think Brock loses anything from dropping the title this way, Reigns was already damaged goods so this could be best for him, add in Orton and you've got some ready made title programmes.


Rest of the show was good too. I laughed at Triple H and Wyatt's entrances but Sting's and Rusev's fucking TANK more than made up for it. Gutted I didn't spot any Purple Aki signs, hopefully one of you might have?

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It was a very good show, can't shake the feeling they'll regret not putting the strap on Reigns. 


It's possible, but nobody else they've done the stop/start with (or just lost their bottle with) has put in an effort like that. After that performance, I can't see him getting lost in the shuffle.

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I really enjoyed that, much better than I was expecting. For starters, it was so refreshing watching a WWE show that didn't look identical to every other week. I'm surprised people didn't like the daylight, I thought it was nice.


Big Show winning the Battle Royal was absolutely shit, and something that I called quite early on. Fortunately, it was all uphill from there.


Sting vs Triple H was absolutely brilliant, but a bit weird seeing Nash and Hall on different sides to HHH, HBK and X-Pac after seeing them together at the Hall of Fame. Still, hugely entertaining and miles better than a standard match between the two could have ever been.


Undertaker didn't have his shit mohawk, so I was more than happy with that.


I had a nap when Triple H and Steph started doing a Raw promo. Apparently I didn't miss much.


The main event was absolutely awesome. Lesnar is a fucking boss, and he looked like he was having the time of his life out there. I was chuffed to see Rollins win too, after telling my mates all night that there is no way he was cashing in. I was happy to be wrong.


I do feel a bit sorry for Reigns though. He's a good wrestler and clearly has charisma. Unfortunately the way he has been handled has just hidden all his positives to the point where the majority of fans have already given up on him. Shame really, he seems fucked at this stage. If they really want to get him over then having somebody as popular as Brock dominate him for an entire match isn't the way to do it.

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He was great tonight and he might end up better for it in the long run. With my Mania tainted glasses off though, I could see him ending up in the horrible trading wins midcard cycle. I sincerely hope i'm wrong though. 

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Thoughts I had which I posted on facebook


Cash in mid match with both men down is an option too, maybe Reigns hits a superman punch or other big move on Brock but is totally fucked or jumped by Seth behind the refs back who then adds himself into the match  by cashing in with both men down and Seth gets a cheeky win after a curb stomp on an already down Brock.


Because I had a feeling there was never an actual cash in mid match before (therefore an original use of a cash in) and it solves a number of things

1. Seth gets his heat back from the earlier loss to Orton

2. Orton can lay claim to a title shot

3. Reigns wont be as resented because he will still be chasing the title and fans will think fuck man he might of pinned the beast hd it not been for Seth

4. It gets the belt off lesnar whilst keeping him strong

5. leads to a ton of fresh matches with Seth as champion and people getting to a chicken shit heel after overcoming the obstacles of The Authority



OK wasn't exactly right but still

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That was a pretty good call actually.


Thanks the only real unknown factor was whether logically a cash in was possible during a match and that it could be argued it created a new match whilst an old match was going on but I figured it would be an addition to the match rather then creating another match.

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