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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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Since coming back, Bryan just hasn't had the Aura her had last year and whilst reactions towards him have been positive and not sure they have been any more positive than say Dolph Ziggler. A combination of great angles and fantastic matches got Bryan to where he was last year and since back from injury he just hasn't had the opportunity to do that again.

He's been back a fortnight and his elimination killed the Royal Rumble match. I'd say he's pretty much as he was.

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The best thing they could have done for Bryan was to not waste his comeback match on TV. They should never had confirmed he would be in the rumble either, it should only have been hinted at and they could have really played out the will he/wont he scenario until everyone was dying to see him and he could have received a monster pop. But then if he didn't win I suppose there was no point to this anyway.


I agree completely. 

Or, if getting network subs was the plan, promote the fuck out of a return singles match at the Rumble.

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There was no story last year either. He was never going to main event until the crowd shit on Batista.

You obviously didn't watch then.


I obviously did. He was in the Wyatt family dressed as a bin man for a period. A total daft angle where nobody had a clue what they where he was going. They didnt even put him in the Royal Rumble, which would be alright had he not lost earlier in the night. Batista vs Orton was on the cards for months. You think they actually planned how that turned out last year? It was a mess. From SummerSlam 2013 to February 2014, he seemed to lose every month. There's no way they wanted Bryan to main event WrestleMania. To go from dressing as a Wyatt member and keeping him out of the Royal Rumble to winning the belts at WrestleMania is quite the leap for that to actually be how it was planned. Batista vs Orton is the McMahon dream match.

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There was no story last year either. He was never going to main event until the crowd shit on Batista.

You obviously didn't watch then.


I obviously did. He was in the Wyatt family dressed as a bin man for a period. A total daft angle where nobody had a clue what they where he was going. They didnt even put him in the Royal Rumble, which would be alright had he not lost earlier in the night. Batista vs Orton was on the cards for months. You think they actually planned how that turned out last year? It was a mess. From SummerSlam 2013 to February 2014, he seemed to lose every month. There's no way they wanted Bryan to main event WrestleMania. Batista vs Orton is the McMahon dream match.


What they wanted is irrelevant. The point is they'd done half the story. The Authority and Vinny Mac had antagonised, harassed and hurt Bryan time and again. ON TV. Most fans don't read the fucking observer to find out if Batista vs. Orton is the main event of WM, they watch TV. And WWE did such a good job in positioning Bryan as the underdog that almost everyone wanted to see the culmination of that story. That's why Batista got booed out of every arena and not just the Royal Rumble. Because everyone wanted to see Daniel Bryan win the title back.


It's alright talking about a quest to get it back now. I don't disagree, it would be an easy story to write. But they aren't. And as a vast proportion of fans follow WWE by what they watch, not what they read, they are not chomping at the bit for an angle that isn't happening.

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I have no idea what this discussion is then. This whole discussion is posts for the sake of posts. You said "there's no reason for him to be in a title match at WM". I clearly point out to you there clearly IS a story there (and blatently obvious one), to which you say they aren't telling said story, to which I give reasons why they should. Obviously they arent telling that story. My point is that it shows they are quite thick and out of touch not to be telling that story. Talk about momentum. Reigns has none. He's got negative momentum. He's not ready for the spot he's in.

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I have no idea what this discussion is then. This whole discussion is posts for the sake of posts. You said "there's no reason for him to be in a title match at WM". I clearly point out to you there clearly IS a story there (and blatently obvious one), to which you say they aren't telling said story, to which I give reasons why they should. Obviously they arent telling that story. My point is that it shows they are quite thick and out of touch not to be telling that story. Talk about momentum.

I was pretty clear about that in my first post. You're arguing about what they could be doing. I'm talking about what they have been doing. Which this year is positioning Roman Reigns as the next big deal. Albeit fairly badly so far.


Reigns has none. He's got negative momentum.

If the normal crowds shit on him, I'll agree. But so far he's had one negative reaction. That's not enough to write him off yet.
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Well if they (the live crowds) keep on hammering Reigns maybe they'll put Bryan in the main event at Mania, have him win the title, have Reigns destroy him after the match, Rollins cashes in


That way you have two mega heels working together for Cena, Bryan, Ambrose (especially) to work with most of the year then turn Reigns back in time to win the title at Mania 32, may as well make the most of him getting bad reactions


Obviously all of the above is irrelevant if he gets a decent pop on Raw

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Right now I want to see Daniel Bryan against Brock at for title at Wrestlemania, I think the build up to it would be amazing, the match would be amazing and a Bryan win would make me happy. I've been made to care for Bryan over the last year, and I love a good underdog story.  I don't think his is done yet. I understand why WWE would want to think about the future, but I really couldn't give a shit, that's for them to worry about. If them providing something good for the future provides me with something I'm not interested in or care about now then I'm going to turn off.  That's not me saying I'm going to turn off if Bryan isn't in the title match. It's just what I want to see at this point in time. It may be WWE have all these concerns that people have mentioned about his health and long term future, that's fine. Give me Reigns against Lesnar. Give me Bryan against Ziggler. Give me whatever you want. Just make me care about seeing it.

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Ziggler vs Bryan in a "LET'S STEAL THE SHOW!" match is the kind of thing I couldn't care less about and terrible "Who wins and who loses between us doesn't matter, let's just put on a ***** match!" booking which is fucking abhorrent.

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It seems like a lot of the resentment and backlash against Reigns is blamed on him being too green and not ready yet but I'd say it's almost all down to the piss poor booking of him.


If you take Bryan out of the equation last year, fans would've been all over Reigns winning the Rumble and then at Wrestlemania. Was he less green and more prepared last year? Of course not. Most of those same fans keep comparing Reigns to Cena but I can't see many similarities between the two. Reigns is more like Batista from about 10 years ago. That same superstar look but lacking in the ring and on the mic.


WWE are giving Reigns all this time in the spotlight and it's just exposing him. Batista succeeded because he had Triple H carrying him for a year. That's what Reigns needs. They'd have been better bringing him back as part of Authority and re-hashing the Evolution turn.


Fuck knows how they'll get the fans behind Reigns when he's going up against the most protected wrestler since Austin. I actually feel sorry for him. If they had a bit of patience and foresight they'd have fans salivating for Reigns to win the gold now. Instead, you've got him out there looking like a fool.

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For anyone saying that Bryan has "no story" for the main event at Wrestlemania this year, or that "WWE haven't told any of that story yet" - did you not watch his return promo a few weeks back, where he fully explained the whole "I got to the top of the mountain last year, only to have cruel fate rip it all away with a devastating injury just after my Dad died"?


He laid out exactly why he was back and why the first thing he did was enter the Rumble. His whole point was that he's got to try and do it all again, but this time stick around long enough to enjoy the title. That's your "heading into Mania" story, if you choose to pursue it.


As for Reigns, I really wish they'd had a better plan. Fantasy booking alert, but this is what I would have done (and no, it doesn't get him into the Main Event at mania this year)...


Bryan comes back and says he'll win the rumble. Reigns is still out "injured" at this point. The Authority chuckle at Bryan's chances and promise "the whole Authority will stop that from happening". At the Rumble you have the situation where all the Authority's hired goons are about to ruin it all for Bryan, only for the Sting music to hit. Suddenly Sting in silhouette walks out onto the stage, then a second man walks out next to him and stands side by side. In the dark it's hard to tell, but after Sting passes him a baseball bat and they start marching down the aisle it's clear that Sting and Reigns are here to take care of business. Have Roman knocking about with Sting, like a cooler APA, coming out to even the odds and screw with Triple H when someone needs help. They save the day and allow Bryan to win the thing fair and square. Bryan goes for the title at Mania and you've got Roman and Sting squaring off with Rollins and Triple H at Mania, either in a big tag match or in two great singles matches.


Fuck trying to make Reigns like Cena, have him be a bit like the old school, little words and all action Crow Sting character. Get him wearing that cool half-mask that The Shield wore for a bit and get him a sweet trenchcoat and a baseball bat. Suddenly Reigns is the cool as fuck, ass-kicker again. Having Reigns "do the right thing" for Bryan will get the smarks off his back a bit and it will get him back in line to face Triple H, which is probably his best possible opponent for getting him over as a top face. It will also evolve his character away from the Shield look a bit.

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Would much rather Bryan vs heel Sheamus at Mania, than for him to have a 'workrate' match against fucking Ziggler.


What the fuck does Ziggler think he's going to achieve with this Twitter bollocks? other then getting poxy upvotes on the r/squared circle.

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