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Celebrity Big Brother 2015


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When Cheggers was set the task of trying to make the housemates laugh at his jokes with a twist being that he didn't know that the others were in on it and they weren't allowed to laugh at him was great. Although you did feel a bit sorry for him when he was puzzled why his jokes were going down like a shit sandwich with everyone.

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Its like 1997 WWF in there at the minute. The shows are good, but the roles are as far from clear as you can get. Shawn and Bret are two heels feuding. One is an absolute vibe twat running about in his underpants and the other talks a good game, but she's pretty much the same as the other one. Only more subtle. They cant stand each other for the obviously similarities they both see in each other. They even have factions. Nadia is Triple H. Great politician. Michelle is Davey Boy, because of the physique. Cami Li is Neidhart, because there's no way a crack pipe doesn't touch her lips several times a week. Katie Price is the Ultimate Warrior from the previous year. Came in on big money and failed miserably to live up to the hype. Callum and Kav are Doug Furnas and Dan Kroffat. They are still there, but there's no future in the pair. They can leave and nobody will give a shit.


What I'm trying to say is, there are shades of gray everywhere in this series. I dont like anyone. They're all dickheads.

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Perez in the boudoir thing was okay. I think the house has lost a little something after the forced walks and the tension. It's become World War I like in so much that the trenches have been dug and no one at this stage is willing to move. which is creating a stalemate. Katie Price came in and flattened the vibe rather than enlightening it as well. Very much a Damp Squib, even with Perez going bat shit

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Perez is right in that it is The Perez Show, in that they're relying on him to keep it watchable. Katie Price is a dullard. Kavanah's even worse. Cheggers reckons nobody ever has ever told him to fuck off before, ever. I keep forgetting Patsy's in there. Chun Li's too banal and repetitive to even be hateable.


The had an opportunity to have some fun with Nadia when she got drunk, but instead it was "let's all go to bed".


You could apply Supremo's post about the Rumble being booked to shit to the current state of affairs.


What this place needs is someone young, self obsessed, hyperactive, and an absolute twat. Like Jedward. And they need to be immune for a while.

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