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Your Most Watched Match/Matches


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Just been thinking about this great sport and was wondering what everyone would say is their most watched match....it doesnt have to be their favourite as such, just one they can recall seeing way more than any other.


For me there are 3...The Mega Powers VS Mega Bucks from Summerslam '88, this was my first video and i have watched this particular match dozens of times.....

Hogan Vs Andre The Giant from Wrestlemania 3, again i got this on video and was mesmerized by these two monsters brawling, and when Hulk finally hit the slam, he became a real-life superhero to me...

and Bret Hart VS Owen Hart from Wrestlemania 10, and absolute scientific clinic, perfectly worked with awesome characters and brilliant emotion throughout....exactly how wrestling should be..


Over to you guys....

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all my most watched matches would be Rumbles.


I've watched the 1992 Rumble easily the most. Even as a kid and before I could properly appreciate the brilliance of Heenan & Monsoon, I thought this was great. Just couldn't believe that Hogan lost as a kid and this old bloke was the champ. But he had Mr Perfect in in corner so he was good by me.


1993 Rumble was also a favourite of mine as kid. Yoko was boss and Backlund was this major underdog that came from no where. Not so great in retrospect, but as a kid I didn't know who half of them were anyway, so Carlos Colon could have been feuding with the Hitman for all I knew. I can remember praying that Doink would be in it though as I had yet to see him and popping like a mad man when Owen Hart came out in his High Energy gear thinking it was Doink without his makeup.


1995 Rumble, purely because it only last about 10 minutes. Some kid at school spoilt it for me though and told me HBK won, so when they did the false finish I was completely sold and assumed he'd been winding me up. Cheating bastard came back in though didn't he!

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Triple H v Cactus Jack Street Fight - Royal Rumble 2000

The Rock vs HHH - Backlash 2000

The Rock vs Stone Cold - WMX7


HBK vs Undertaker - WM25

CM Punk vs John Cena - MitB '11

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Foley Vs HHH and the Table match at the Rumble 2000 for me. At one time I had two wrestling tapes, this and wrestlemaina 16.


As a result if I fancied watching some it would be one of those two. Back then I would watch that show at least once a month and love it every time. I still watch that show now and adore it to be honest, even if the rumble itself is a bit shit.


It's sad that now I have thousands of tapes knocking about and fancy watching wrestling less often, and when I do it's a bit of a chore to pick something.

Back then it was Friday night, time to grab a share bag of walkers sensation and watch Rumble 2000 on tape, followed by Channel 5 for some soft core porn or documentary on porn or some program with a bird with her tits out.


When I got a chance to get Foley to sign some shit at the NEC I made sure I took the cover off that VHS.


Apart from that it's Foley Vs Michaels form IYH: Mind-games, but that's because it's turned up on about 8 different DVD and VHS shows/set's over the years.

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Owen Hart vs 123 Kid at King of the Ring has to be a contender for my most watched match, and I've watched that baseball slide twice as many times as I've seen the rest of the match.

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Until recently, I had a pretty limited wrestling collection, so there were a few events that I've watched a ton of times, and obviously had a favourite match from each one.


HBK vs. HHH- Summerslam 2002


Elimination Chamber- Survivor Series 2002


Money In The Bank- Wrestlemania 21


Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka- ECW One Night Stand 2005

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Bit if a random one but it was on my first VHS and it was about another year until I received my 2nd.


Boss Man vs Jim Powers - best of SNME.


With it being the first vid it was completely hammered. Sticky tape was required twice to fix the reel tape. That particular match was due to the post beat down. I'd never seen anything like it. Powers cuffed to the rope whilst Bossy chucked the shite out of him. Looking back, Powers selling was awesome, the spitting of gunk and rapid flailing along with the commentary outcry for it to stop. It was awesome.


Later, it became the Rumble 92 match. Too much to love from this but I think it's still the best rumble yet.

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Mine is the Hardcore IC title match between Randy Orton and Cactus Jack from Backlash 2004, I never get sick of that match.




I'm a huge Orton mark anyway and that's probably the most unique bout he's ever had and he really proved himself in it, it's the one time I really thought Mick Foley tried hard in one of his comebacks too, if you look at him in that match he's in great shape (for him), probably the thinnest he's been for 20 years.

It's a gimmick match which adds to the repeat value too, I can still remember how I felt watching it ten years ago, there are some great spots that are pretty shocking, it's a real hardcore match and it still surprises me how far they go in it. The spot where Cactus (wearing a top) pours the pins everywhere and you just know he's going to be the one to bump into them only for the young clean cut Orton who's never done anything like that to bump bare backed on the tacks was such a great bit, they carried on brawling for ages after that too, Randy took another big bump with all the pins still in his back - Randy/Cactus thumbtack spot. There's a double juice job in it too, it's a perfect WWE style hardcore match, grisly spots but not reckless or stupid, I've shown it to a couple of people who have only seen WWE from the last couple of years and they couldn't believe it, they were watching from behind their fingers like a kid watching a horror film.


While looking for the above pic I found out Randy Orton has his own figure specifically from this match which is pretty cool, I might have to track it down.


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HBK vs. HHH- Summerslam 2002

Elimination Chamber- Survivor Series 2002

Money In The Bank- Wrestlemania 21

Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka- ECW One Night Stand 2005


That list makes me feel so old. I'm still freaked out to this day when people's lists don't include stuff from the 80's and early 90's although its obvioulsy all to do with how old you are etc.


I'd have to say Tatanka v Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 9. A strange choice maybe but it was the first PPV I watched live so had it on VHS taped off Sky.

Another is probably WM4. I wore out that tape after watching it so many times!

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I've watched that baseball slide twice as many times as I've seen the rest of the match.


I can't even tell you the amount of times I've watched that baseball slide. I've watched it normally, in slow motion, in reverse, reverse slow motion. I never tire of it. Can't go wrong with the whole match either.

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