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how did you become a fan of wrestling


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Wrestling has just always been there. One of my earliest memories is sitting with my dad eating cheese on toast watching WOS on a rainy saturday afternoon. due to him either working like a madman or being asleep due to him working like a madman, Saturday afternoons were our time, and Wrestling was a big part of it. As I got older, went to a few local shows an grew to love it live too.


Became a fan of the American product about 1988 when I started trading tapes with a guy in the US (Corrie was an expensive commodity those days!), and started getting WWF and NWA stuff, which led me to tracking down WCCW, Stampede, and Japanese stuff. Eventually got Sky, and my fix became regular. Spent most of the early 90's trying to find it on the foreign channels and feeling that I had struck gold when I found some.


I saw the Giant kill 2 Japanese jobbers on an episode of Nitro. I was waiting for TNT to finish on a friday night so Dexter's Laboratory could come back on.


The next day, my Incredible Hulk action figure was renamed The Giant and all my toys were made to join a Wrestling League. Lord Zedd was the lead heel naturally.


Saw a leaflet for the figures when I was about 4, got Hogan and Andre's figures about a week later, started getting the PPV's taped off Sky by my brothers mate, got Sky in '94 and got dead into watching WWF Mania, went off it in '96, got back in when Kane turned up, few years later I was opening the PS one disc tray on Trish's loading screen on Smackdown 2 for obvious reasons, then 12 or so years later wwffan2 started this thread

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A classmate put me in a crossface chickenwing in 2000/2001, and I never looked back.

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I think it was the merchandise that did it for me.


The combination of seeing and getting the figures of Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior and the Bushwackers, along with that big blue ring with the buttons you pressed to say "break it up!" and so on, and colouring in the Ultimate Warrior colouring book and getting to see who all the characters were - British Bulldog, The Undertaker, Big Boss Man. All of that came before I actually saw a match - these guys were like superheroes to my imagination, and they were amazing!


Then my mum came across a tub full of old Star Wars figures at a car boot, and that was sort of that for the WWF, barring the occasional brief foray into seeing bits at a friend's house or a discussion at school ("the punches are all fake, except The Undertaker and Ken Shamrock, they do it for real"), until 2000 when I read the Hell In A Cell chapter of Mick Foley's first book, played the demo for the first SmackDown! game and got to know Austin, Triple H and The Rock through that, and we got On Digital at home.


I now had access to shows like Metal and SmackDown!, and that, combined with getting the SmackDown! game - again, it was the merchandise that came before watching it - I got properly into it again. The game had taught me who everyone was, from Kane and X-Pac down to Gangrel and Al Snow, and it was simply a case of playing catch-up to get up to speed with the TV. That was it for life, after that!


I lent videos from a friend who likes wrestling, he'd bring them in to school for me and it went from there. I started reading autobiographies after that and then I started training with wZw which made me love wrestling even more actually getting on the ring and doing it, it made me appreciate and respect wrestling a lot more than just watching it on TV.

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I got bummed by Bill Eadie in 1989.


Well, that's half true. Basically if you had sky in 1989 you had to like wrestling as that's pretty much all there was on other than music videos, Car 54 Where Are You?, Bob Warman presenting The Price is Right, 3rd Division German football or Tutti Frutti.

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I was fisted by the whole Rougeau family tree. Anal canal hitting each branch of it. This was pre-Mountie shock stick as well, so I consider myself fairly lucky. Also everyone was into wrestling when I was 4/5. It was huge over here. That is why Jacques Rougeau brought the lads over and molested me.


Wrestling is an amazing thing. What other form of entertainment can you love as a toddler, love as a child, love as a teenager and be into for the rest of your life? The many stages of fandom is so brilliant. I've played figures with my friends at the infants, I've swapped stickers with lads in the Juniors, I've wanked over Sable in my teens, I've pretended to be Scott Hall when I found I had the ability to grow facial hair at college, I've sat up and spoke to lads on here as a sad bastard in my late 20s. Wrestling reaches out to everyone.

  • Paid Members
I got bummed by Bill Eadie in 1989.


Well, that's half true. Basically if you had sky in 1989 you had to like wrestling as that's pretty much all there was on other than music videos, Car 54 Where Are You?, Bob Warman presenting The Price is Right, 3rd Division German football or Tutti Frutti.


I have to say I was disappointed by Tutti Frutti. My mate, who had Sky for about 2 years before we did, went on about Tutti Frutti like my cock would self-ejaculate as soon as I started watching it. Sabrina's Boys Boys Boys video was dirtier than that.

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The best muck on Sky was the song "Hello" that was always on Lifestyle Video Jukebox. It's three minutes of tits.


My mate down the road became a fan of it around the time of WrestleMania VII so I became a fan of it as well. We didn't get cable until going on SummerSlam time, so for the first few months, my fandom went as far as collecting the cards and watching bits of WrestleMania VII at my mate's house.




The Sunday Night Heat of Channel 4 before Royal Rumble 1999. I remember The Rock, simple as. Think he must have done a promo (think in the ring) and that grabbed my attention. I would guess I saw some in ring action which caused me to get my mum to record it on video. From there, that was it.


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