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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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I think we'll end up getting AJ/Undertaker at the Rumble, AJ to retain due to Wyatt family interference, setting up Orton/Taker and AJ/Cena as Smackdowns main Mania matches.


Shane/Brock & Rollins/HHH to be the other "marquee" matches.

I think you're along the right lines, but we're more likely to see Taker/Cena and AJ/Orton or maybe even AJ/Orton/Wyatt at 'Mania. 


I hope so anyway, I've been longing for Taker/Cena for years. I'd have preferred to see it with the streak on the line, but I'd still love to see it happen. AJ/Undertaker would also be phenomenal, I really hope we see that.

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Bailey isnt as nice as she makes out is she? Beating on poor Nikki like that?


The whole Survivor Series set up just makes the TV shows messy and for very little gain.


If you look at Nikki's match. It's been a well booked feud and Carmella has been golden as the heel in it.


This week the two battle it out and midmatch the baby face Nikki attacks Charlotte - because she had the audacity to sit at ring side.


I think they'd be much better off just having branded matches at Raw. I mean it's not as if anyone is really taking sides and really is backing raw over Smackdown.


An added bonus is that you keep people away from each other. They could build up Becky vs Charlotte as a big deal in a year or so as long as they keep them away from each other.


Really didn't like the ending to Smackdown. Don't think it really helped the build to Survivor Series or did anyone in the ring any favours (other than Shane)


If taker is back to claim souls and dig holes why not have him in Shane's place.

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Taker vs AJ. That's the match I need to see now. It was good to see Taker, given away the result of the main SD v Raw match but I dont think anyone cares.

Also liked the little nostalgic elements throughout the episode with King Bookah and Tony Chimel

Feel well sorry for the Vaudevillains mind, teamed up with Ascension, Spirit Squad and the bleedin Headbangers. they're better than that

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Taker vs AJ. That's the match I need to see now. It was good to see Taker, given away the result of the main SD v Raw match but I dont think anyone cares.

Also liked the little nostalgic elements throughout the episode with King Bookah and Tony Chimel

Feel well sorry for the Vaudevillains mind, teamed up with Ascension, Spirit Squad and the bleedin Headbangers. they're better than that

Different strokes for different folks and all that, but for me they aren't. I haven't for one second found them interesting, or thought, in their current guise, that they should be doing more. I'm happy others enjoy them though, but with that gimmick they were always going to be jobbers for life.

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They were fun faces in NXT. Had an okay shtick coming into the main roster as heels, for the couple of weeks they had microphone time. Decent in-ring lads, obviously it's a lower-card gimmick but I still think there's some untapped stuff there, just felt a bit sorry for them with the useless Ascension, ancient Headbangers and a no-numbers-game Spirit Squad where one of them now looks stumpy and doughy as hell.

I shan't complain too much though, as I wouldn't push them above any of the teams they faced this week. And I'm happy BreezeAngo are getting a bit more focus, they gel really well together.

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I never seen anything of them in NXT so I'm not in a position to comment on that. Unfortunately it seems to be a recurrent theme that a lot of people who thrive in NXT struggle on the main roster due to the myriad of problems with those shows.

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It was never going to be an easy act to translate to the main roster, similar maybe to Adam Rose's party gimmick but I think a lot more useful than that


Vaudevillains v Blake & Murphy from the first Takeover Brooklyn is worth a watch. The main takeaway was the massive pop the ridiculous Blue Pants gimmick got from the crowd, but it was still a really fun tag match and the Vaudevillains were pretty beloved with their MUCH jauntier and fan-friendly entrance than their current nothingy one. Not a level of match that The Revival are knocking out now in NXT, but it was good

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And I'm happy BreezeAngo are getting a bit more focus, they gel really well together.

I'm the same, theyve been underrated for too long! Both good athletes and all the backstage skits they've been doing recently have been really entertaining.

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