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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Opening segment was so badly written. It's hard to know who the show is aimed at. If it's aimed at children then the sexual stuff about the trombone is creepy. If it's aimed at adults then that entire segment was childish and no one came off like they were tough. Even Gallows and Anderson "we hate to be the fun police but.." ....badass men shouldn't talk like that.

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I've just seen the opening segment and came in to post the same thing. Horrible stuff. The whole thing was completely cringeworthy. Hopefully the rest of the show has to improve from that.

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I've just seen the opening segment and came in to post the same thing. Horrible stuff. The whole thing was completely cringeworthy. Hopefully the rest of the show has to improve from that.


The show doesn't have any ass kickers does it? Everyone tries to be cute. I turned the TV off to watch E3 after the promo finished and then flicked it back on at 1:30 and they were all still wrestling. So the entire first 30 + mins of the show was dedicated to tag teams I can't take seriously.

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Echo the love for Cena. Totally sold it for me. Really looking forward to that match up now.


Why on earth they had Gallows and Anderson lowering themselves with talking to the other teams is beyond me. 

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Styles and Cena are nailing it, fucking brilliant TV. Kevin Owens on commentary being another highlight.


The opening 20 minute segment was some of the worst Wrestling TV I've ever seen, New Day aren't funny, they just aren't funny. Ever.


Del Rio's belly is really freaking me out, does he suck it in every time he's on camera, cos that aint natural.

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Del Rio's belly is really freaking me out, does he suck it in every time he's on camera, cos that aint natural.

He'll be sucking the air out of an entire arena full of people if he wins the case this Sunday. And I reckon he might.


That was a good go home show as a whole. The opening segment was embarrasing. Part of New Day's face turn clearly has to involve them doing this goofy humour though and the shirts still seem to be everywhere so whatever.


The idea of The Undertaker sitting down to write a letter of reccomendation for Kane is absolutely hillarious, though.

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nothing like an in form Cena. absolutely magic segment


I've had it in my mind for a few weeks that the Championship match gets some kind of screwy finish where both guys have a case leading into the brand split (which would likely be lackluster but still) then Ambrose as MiTB winner teases for months whether he'll go for Reigns or Rollins until inevitably getting the massive pop going for Roman

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its a minor issue of course but I have to laugh when they say Styles/Cena is a match 15 years in the making. I don't think anyone had this as a dream match in 2001. 2004 tops. they could just say over a decade in the making but they oddly decided to round up to five

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