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I fell asleep with my TV on last night. Only to be awoken during Raw while they were making the draw. Was it my half asleep imagination or was there supposed to be some joke with Vince not being able to open the balls? If so, it went down like a lead balloon.

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Besides the ending with the Wyatts triumphant, that was absolutely cruel to watch.
I used to get up extra early of a Tuesday to watch Raw, and wind up rushing to go to work because I wouldn’t fast forward that much of it. Now, I think I watch approx 15 minutes of actual action per week, and the guts of that come at the closing segments, and I now have a lot of time to spare before I have to leave the gaff for work.

Also, I think that is the most apathetic I have seen a crowd towards Jericho in many, many a moon.

Either I’m showing my age, or this is straight up, the least creative, dullest point in WWE I have ever lived through.

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Sounds like an eventful show by today's standards


It wasn't, don't panic!


I meant to add the Becky/Charlotte set-up for the Rumble was really good. Becky is great on the mic - for a lass - but Ric and Charlotte sold it really well. Charlotte's facials (Oooh Matron) in the background while Ric was accepting the challenge were great.


Dunno if I missed an explanation but how was Jericho able to make the first match and make himself guest referee? I only saw Steph telling him off for it, not explaining why he suddenly has power. Glad to see someone point out he dresses like a knob but it was Sheamus and it wasn't remotely funny.


I fell asleep with my TV on last night. Only to be awoken during Raw while they were making the draw. Was it my half asleep imagination or was there supposed to be some joke with Vince not being able to open the balls? If so, it went down like a lead balloon.


Steph made a joke about how this wasn't McMahon's millions again. So it was either to setup the joke or she just came up with a quick zinger. I thought it was so they could keep swapping the balls and still end up with Reigns. Just to really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, hammer it home.


Either I’m showing my age, or this is straight up, the least creative, dullest point in WWE I have ever lived through.

Nah, I think we have pretty much a concencus on that.

Edited by tiger_rick
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So excitement for the Rumble is pretty much nil. Reigns in at number 1 shocker, Bray Wyatt standing tall for what reason and Jericho being 10 years too late. It seems as though they are throwing ideas out in the hope that something will catch rather than coherently writing towards a defined goal. Poor show again this week.

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Last week I was certain Reigns was going to overcome the odds and win, with them pushing the "it's pretty much impossible" stuff. Now he's number 1 I'm unsure because surely they can't have someone at 1 or 2 get to the end AGAIN, it's so boring and unoriginal. Throw him in at 7 or 8, sure. That's what I was hoping for. Think I'm going to go for Triple H getting Reigns eliminated half way through or 2/3 of the way through, leaving the end straight for Lesnar/Jericho/Wyatts/whoever else.

If they have Reigns survive the whole thing only for Trips to screw him at the very end, or even just batter him afterwards, that's just too obvious isn't it?

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Doesn't achieve much either. Just highlights the fact he's a champ that ultimately comes up short when the odds are against him. Unlike Cena. If they want him to succeed they need to have him win through 'Mania into the Summer. Not interested in HHH/Reigns.

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What's boring and unoriginal? HHH has been in and around "the next guy" for the best part of 3 years. He eventually helped DB, he was a hinderance to Rollins and he's making Reigns look a bit of a chump. If he's so involved the PPV should start with him and Reigns 1&2 or him taking HHH out completely. Neutralize the threat. He's been there before.


As for Reigns winning and staying champ through the Summer? I can't say it'd be boring as it would show a level of faith in someone we haven't seen for a while.


By that I mean giving him the chance to run with it. Rollins was affected by shenanigans and screwy wins. Lesnar turned up once every few months. Reigns defeating 29 others and coming out of Mania with the belt gives him a chance.


All that said booking will be the determining factor.

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What about it being boring and unoriginal do you think makes it less likely that they'll do it?

Nothing in wrestling is original.


Reigns needs to overcome the odds and get fucked over if they are to create a story for WM. That might be predictable but predictable isn't always bad.

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My christ that was a chore to sit through.

The royal rumble is one of my favourite ppv's so i love the go home show but this was just boring & didn't acheive much.

So roman is now going in at the number 1 spot.......not a chance is he walking out the champ.

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