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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm with Butch on pushing Ryback. I think he's somehow not completely devalued despite his time in the midcard and has legs in the main event still. Obviously he has the look and credibility. He's done well with what's given to him, often doing little things that come across as fresh and showing his personality. It might sound ridiculous now, but if Ryback was built up well and kept separate from Brock, you could have magic when they meet.


I think he played the bully role really well, but that never went anywhere. He can be funny too.

Edited by Sphinx
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yay, 2 good Raws in a row!

Cesaro got a really great reaction, hopefully they try and build on it this time

Heel Paige is only mildly less annoying than face Paige unfortunately, heel to her seems to = sticking tongue out every 10 seconds and shes not actually getting any heat. Match was pretty good though, and crowd was into it which makes all the difference

Crowd was good all night really, even elevated that Luchas/Barrett & Sheamus match into being worthwhile. bit funny that Luchas are now Winning #1 Contenders Who Win after just being jobbers/put down by New Day on TV many times for ages. Tag division needs a good kick. Usos add a bit now but Enzo & Cass cant really come in soon enough

Bray Wyatt's bit was awesome imo. He's got their bloody powers! That's the good stuff. Precisely what Wyatt should be doing

The MexAmericans thing is rubbish, at least at the moment, though its good to see them use someone they haven't been using recently in a segment. Felt fresh

Main event was really fun. New Day rockin out to Rollins' theme is just the best thing ever. I love the New Day/Rollins segments, New Day adoring him and Rollins being annoyed & hesitant then he lets his guard down for a couple seconds. Wonderful stuff. More of this, less Steph

Edited by sj5522
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Why do the lightening effects look far worse in 2015 than they did in 18 years ago? When he was in the Ministry or when Kane was doing his magic act, it looked quite good. Now it looks like they raided production team from an episode of Knightmare. Big shitty purple thunder bolt hitting the ramp.

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I had a laugh to myself when Wyatt was talking about kidnapping the Brothers, breaking their souls and stealing their power.


I just imagine a weary 'Taker, after a fortnights worth of beatings, finally breaking and screaming out 'FINE! YOU WIN! His names Geoff, he's a supervisor in the pyrotechnics department. Just chuck him a few dollars and sign a picture or two for his kids and he'll sort you out. Please, that's all I know.'

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About time they decided if Wyatt is a wizard type character with special powers à la the Undertaker or just a demented psychopath with followers à la Charles Manson.


he's both and he's got massive henchmen and it's wicked.



You've gave the Undertaker a kicking and now you can summon lightning?

yep. fuck MMA

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