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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I don't know what to tell you. If a significant amount of transsexual people find it offensive it shouldn't be hard to refrain from using it. Eastenders should know better. However, the trans lobby isn't as strong or as vocal as other minorities, and probably chooses to pick their battles.


I will say that some trans people can be just as bad, throwing around the "cys" term, but that shouldn't muddy the issue.


Anyway, back to Raw being shit.


I'm not doubting the truth of that but it would only take literally one person to send an email to the Daily Mail saying they were offended by it and they'd have it on the front page as another stick to beat the BBC with for days

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I know he's the legit franchise of the company, make a wish, merch sales etc but I'd say John Cena is probably a big part of wwe being stale and turning fans away, I know these days he has a lesser role but he's played pretty much the same character, done same promo's, looked the same etc for over 10years, and thats much more tv/wwe exposure than Austin, Rock, Hogan.


I like Cena but he or wwe depends who's to blame need to freshen him, seeing the same faces in the same position (like Kane, Show) is bound to take away the 'must see' aspect of wwe, there's no novelty in seeing these guys on tv or house shows.


There's a good crop of guys like Shield guys, Wyatt, Rusev, Cesaro, Ziggler (he is popular despite the disliking of him) that I think can carry the company well but I think fans a unwilling to take to them fully cos wwe will shit themselves and jump back to Cena vs Show cos its safe.

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Cena, being the PR face of the company, just embodies the issues affecting everyone at the moment. Someone a few days ago highlighted that Cena's "Never Give Up" character (if that's what it is) means that he's never affected or changed by his feuds. I can't remember the last time a WWE star's actions in a feud, or even in a match, were influenced by the events of their previous feud. Taking Cena as a direct example, his feud vs Wyatt was all about unearthing a dark side in Cena. But what happened? There was a scary choir, a kid with a warped voice, and he fought the urge to lamp Bray with a chair once or twice, but then he won and moved on, carried on being Cena. Imagine how much more interesting it would've been if Cena had succumbed for a moment, chairshotted Bray and got DQed. Now he feels remorse and shame and has to redeem himself, while Bray can gloat about causing Cena's fall. You've got the potentisal for heels baiting Cena, bullying him, daring him to chairshot them too. The journey to redemption would be a much more valuable and important story to teach to his young fans than his win-always unaffected-jock permanence. It would help if the commentators got in on things. They don't put stories over, they don't call spots. What are they there for?

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Cena is a huge, huge part of the current slum in the WWE.

I know top stars cannot put everyone over, but Wyatt should have went over Cena at Mania and in that feud in general. He has has everything as a performer to be a top replacement for The Undertaker. If he had gone over Cena properly like Batista went over HHH, we would have a true main eventer now.

Wasnt Cena injured when Ryback got his push as well? I'm not saying he is a bad wrestler, performer etc.....but i think the WWE eould benefit hugely if Cena wasnt around for a year or so. Creative as well might get their finger out.

I know people may say he is the best they got, it may be true, not imo but maybe to some. 12 years at the top, 10 as the true main eventer is to long for anyone in any form of entertainment.

Edited by Porkchopcash
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John Cena and the U.S Open challenge has been one of the only highlights of Raw this year. He's hardly been in the main events and when he did challenge for the WWE Title he lost. In regards to Bray Wyatt him and Cena had a pretty good programme and yeah Bray probably should have gone over. However what really ruined Bray was him being put into long drawn out feuds that ultimately meant nothing(see Chris Jericho, Ryback, Undertaker etc) I mean his feud with Dean Ambrose started this time last year at Hell in the Cell and a year later the two of them are still engaged in matches most weeks on Raw whether it be singles or tag matches. John Cena didn't ruin Wyatt, WWE Creative did.

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Cena is a huge, huge part of the current slum in the WWE.

I know top stars cannot put everyone over, but Wyatt should have went over Cena at Mania and in that feud in general. He has has everything as a performer to be a top replacement for The Undertaker. If he had gone over Cena properly like Batista went over HHH, we would have a true main eventer now.


What a bunch of hogwash. It's like saying Piper or Andre should have won their feuds with Hogan. A heel should only be winning feuds with John Cena if they're moving on from it to face the babyface above John Cena, which is a position on the card that doesn't exist. When tears were cried over Roman Reigns winning the Rumble, they cemented John Cena as top boy for a while longer. That means he's going to win. 


And Bray Wyatt is no Undertaker. Bray Wyatt has maybe done a decent job twice of building a match, and much more often done a terrible job of it. He's nigh-on useless at that stuff. If Cena was in the stepping stone role now, I'd consider Rusev and Owens both better prospects to benefit from winning a feud with him than Bray Wyatt, who would no doubt just do another rinse-repeat thing with the next babyface.

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Owens looks a joke, Rusev looks like a Hulk Hogans Rock n Wrestle cartoon charachter. They should be where they are. Wyatt if protected could have been huge i believe. He lacks norhing, while the other two lack alot.


Its nothing like saying Piper or Andre should have gone over Hogan. What a ridiculous statement.

Andre was near retired and Piper was a very small man in a big mans world with an eye on Hollywood.

Hogan had been champ for 2/3 yrs when he faced them and was at his peak.

Cena was on top for 10 when he fought Bray. And i was not saying it should have been a passing of the torch, just a no qualms job like HHH and Batista. You are speaking Hogwash.

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And I'm nowhere near saying we shouldn't discuss fit women, it's just that it shouldn't play any part in how good they are at their job.

Appearance is a really important part of wrestling though. Its a huge part of the job. It's not gender specific either because everyone will spend way more time discussing Dolph Ziggler's new tights than how a woman is dressed. Have a quick scroll through the pictures thread and it's mostly people talking about how lovely colourful pants look on certain men. Wrestling relies strongly on the visuals, it's not just the appearance of the wrestlers but even down to the sets they use (which there is always a lot more complaining about in the Raw thread.)


The typical stance in wrestling is that men should look tough and women should look pretty, with different gimmicks changing how that person should look. Women are judged by their looks in wrestling, but no more than any other aspect of wrestling. Would Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns be able to swap roles? No because their appearance wouldn't allow it. Just like how Bayley couldn't swap roles with Sasha Banks

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Bray Wyatt fucking sucks. Every promo he cuts and every feud he has is exactly the same. He attacks someone for no particular reason, rambles on and on about nothing for about four months, has a bunch of average, forgettable matches, and then by the end of it both he and his opponent are worse off for it. Dean Ambrose's career took a massive nosedive the moment he started feuding with Wyatt. Same with Roman Reigns. Bray Wyatt doesn't need protecting. Guys with genuine potential need to be protected from him.

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And i was not saying it should have been a passing of the torch, just a no qualms job like HHH and Batista.


Pretend to not be remedial for a second and try to think about what you are saying. Triple H, the baddie, lost his feud to Batista to set Batista up as the new top babyface leading one of the brands. In your scenario, the baddie Bray Wyatt wins a feud with poster boy hero John Cena to move on to... A standard rubbish Bray Wyatt feud with Chris Jericho in the midcard. It achieves nothing except a sticky keyboard.

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"Last week... I had a match... for the something-something championship... And someone-someone... did shenanigans that officially continued this feud."




"This Sunday... I face... someone-someone. .. for the something-something championship... in a something-something match... at PPV name."


That's how every promo starts. Every wrestler. Every week.


It's not just Bray or Cena. It's nearly every sod in that ring, or at least that's how it feels. Not even Seth, the champ and therefore a guy you'd expect to be trusted with a bit of input into his material, trots it out. It's like the current crop have been groomed to be mechanics rather than stars. It's depressing watching Seth pulling out high risk every match when it's not going to put him in a better position in a year's time, because there's no solid story basis or character hook for any of it. He's clearly trying to carve out a reputation amid this dross, but it feels like he's being thrown into half-arsed storylines and expected to churn out greatness. This current Demon Kane stuff is comedy fluff that belongs in midcard. Audiences are being expected to laugh at the heel champion instead of see him as an obstacle for the Next Big Face to overcome. No one's going to be made by beating Seth.

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