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Not sure if I see Cena vs Triple H or Rollins vs Triple H for mania, now you mention it I can see the latter proceeding the former.


The Zigler stuff is the shits as said before. The only thing I hoped for was when Lana stormed off and he turned away was to see a little smug grin like he had got away with a lot more than either was saying In the shower. That could have made the story interesting and led back to a pissed off Lana and Ruse reuniting against impure america


Also anyone else think Paige looked royally fucked off in her appearances last night. Even during Lynch's match. She didn't even look ather team mates properly. Not sure iI imagined it just noticed immiedately she had a right face on her

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The idea of Ziggler having a smug grin would have been good actually, could play it off as him being a shite or happy she believed him. The Summer Rae part is odd, is she really into Rusev? Or is she just fucking with Lana for the sheer shits and giggles. I firmly believe this could have been a very interesting angle if you had some good writers and better performances. Overall instead, Rusev feels like the face, who has a legit reason to be pissed and rightly is trying to make his ex a bit jealous, but only gets booed because the audience are all xenophobes, Summer is some easily led sociopath, Lana comes across as the thick as shit me love America foreigner and Dolph is dressing up like a complete turd.


Lana is such a dead character. Who decided to dress her in that denim monstrosity. No idea how they thought getting her more over is to dress her like a street walker. I'm amazed they're not getting heel heat. State of it, bloody state of it.

Edited by WWFChilli
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I still don't get the Rusev as a face thing, Ziggler heelish absolutely, but I wouldn't downplay what a good cunt act Rusev does with his "you may come out now" routine and all that stuff, so I didn't even have a problem with their split initially until I realised the direction it was headed. I'm not sure why we're supposed to believe Summer is mad for it either though, that's not really been touched upon - is she a total masochist?

its the utter ham-arsedness of the Lana/Ziggler connection that really really doesn't work.

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I'm amazed they're not getting heel heat.

Interesting point that. Next time we hear people defending cunty Rumble to Mania crowds for their seeming superiority over the regular crowds, just remember how universally popular Lana and fucking Ziggler are. If those people really are smart how the fuck does Ziggler still get cheered when he looks like a twat and acts like a twat at all times? It's obviously not all down to the guy himself but I can't ecall a more vomit-inducing babyface in all the years I've been watching.

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So Summer sneaks in to the shower-rooms and pervs on Ziggler, and Lana gets really pissed off with Ziggler ?


What a complete bitch. Someone violates his privacy, spying on him naked, and his girlfriend victim-blames the fuck out of him!  Imagine if Rusev had hidden inside the ladies changing room and had a lovely stare at Lana's boobs,only for Ziggler to blame her for it, and have a go at her. He'd be the biggest heel going.


They've made Lana a really stupid, sexist, moronic waste of time. And she was so over at one point. Maddening!


Great female writing during your "revolution" lads!

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I still don't get the Rusev as a face thing, Ziggler heelish absolutely, but I wouldn't downplay what a good cunt act Rusev does with his "you may come out now" routine and all that stuff, so I didn't even have a problem with their split initially until I realised the direction it was headed. 


Yeah, Rusev's definitely not the sympathetic babyface. The whole point of their split was him being an abusive misogynist. There are moments where he comes off as the sympathetic one of the trio though, which is a bit of a writing disaster.


I'm not sure why we're supposed to believe Summer is mad for it either though, that's not really been touched upon - is she a total masochist?



50 Shades of Grey.

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I'm amazed they're not getting heel heat.

Interesting point that. Next time we hear people defending cunty Rumble to Mania crowds for their seeming superiority over the regular crowds, just remember how universally popular Lana and fucking Ziggler are. If those people really are smart how the fuck does Ziggler still get cheered when he looks like a twat and acts like a twat at all times? It's obviously not all down to the guy himself but I can't ecall a more vomit-inducing babyface in all the years I've been watching.
They love him because he's small, does loads of spots and most importantly they have cultivated the idea that he's "being held down" and one of "them" even though he's a 100% WWE manufactured wrestler with no indy/Japan experience. Even though he's a born midcarder in exactly the spot he should be in. Edited by LaGoosh
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Spike/Molly was over a short bit too and Goldust/Marlena in 97 were getting good reactions.


Rusev isn't the face, but at one point didn't Lana say that Rusev always controlled the relationship etc, which is a tad bollocks since Rusev played the monster for ages 'crushing' people under Lana's command etc. Lying shit, if they want to make this Rusev/Lana split legit, someone will give Lana thalium.

Edited by WWFChilli
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