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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Decent Raw. Feel we've seen it a million times but it wasn't a bad watch and some of the "Authority" stuff was entertaining like the twin referees and Bad News Barrett taking his rightful place on the throne.


Comedy moment of the night was Triple H claiming Rowan entered the Survivor Series match "sheepishly". The closing angle was a bit of a drag but it did product a fairly intriguing angle and the massively OTT celebration was also pretty funny. Not sure where it goes now but anything less than Cena joining the Authority to get Ryback, Ziggler and Rowan reinstated will be a let down.


Rollins being added to the Rumble match is also a nice development that shakes that match up a great deal.


What concerned me most about the show was the handling of the two next big babyfaces. Or should I say, what should be the two next big babyfaces. We've done Reigns a whole lot recently so I won't dwell on him other than to point out that booking your next great hope to sell for the fucking Big Show for 90% of the match and then not even win because of a shit DQ finish isn't the way to get him over. I thought his promo was alright too. Delivery wise anyway. They are protecting his flaws like that genius Paul Heyman would have only to piss all over themselves.


It's not just Reigns though. They've royally fucked up Dean Ambrose. They booked themselves into a stupid situation with this feud because neither guy could afford to lose it. Wyatt certainly needed a decisive win after all the ass he's shown the past year. But Ambrose needed it too. He never wins. I pointed this out before that they didn't even feed him wins over a guy like Kane in the Autumn when he could have taken off. So now he's the slightly crazy guy who isn't as good as Rollins and isn't as good as Wyatt. Between that and the stupid pranks he was pulling he's gone cold faster than DiCaprio in Titanic.


They need to turn this around quick smart.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Decent Raw. Feel we've seen it a million times but it wasn't a bad watch and some of the "Authority" stuff was entertaining like the twin referees and Bad News Barrett taking his rightful place on the throne.


Comedy moment of the night was Triple H claiming Rowan entered the Survivor Series match "sheepishly". The closing angle was a bit of a drag but it did product a fairly intriguing angle and the massively OTT celebration was also pretty funny. Not sure where it goes now but anything less than Cena joining the Authority to get Ryback, Ziggler and Rowan reinstated will be a let down.


Rollins being added to the Rumble match is also a nice development that shakes that match up a great deal.


What concerned me most about the show was the handling of the two next big babyfaces. Or should I say, what should be the two next big babyfaces. We've done Reigns a whole lot recently so I won't dwell on him other than to point out that booking your next great hope to sell for the fucking Big Show for 90% of the match and then not even win because of a shit DQ finish isn't the way to get him over. I thought his promo was alright too. Delivery wise anyway. They are protecting his flaws like that genius Paul Heyman would have only to piss all over themselves.


It's not just Reigns though. They've royally fucked up Dean Ambrose. They booked themselves into a stupid situation with this feud because neither guy could afford to lose it. Wyatt certainly needed a decisive win after all the ass he's shown the past year. But Ambrose needed it too. He never wins. I pointed this out before that they didn't even feed him wins over a guy like Kane in the Autumn when he could have taken off. So now he's the slightly crazy guy who isn't as good as Rollins and isn't as good as Wyatt. Between that and the stupid pranks he was pulling he's gone cold faster than DiCaprio in Titanic.


They need to turn this around quick smart.


Week on week they're exposing all of Reigns' weaknesses. If he flops it's nobody's fault but McMahons. 


Back in the day he'd have either been booked in squash matches or kept off TV matches all together in order to build the hype around his character. What is the point in having him sell in a slow, boring match with the big show? If it's to show him as a sympathetic babyface then it's not working. 

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Roman Reigns is now the same smiley loser boring babyface as all the others on the show. Fucking fantastic. How can the number one wrestling promotion on the planet have such a complete fucking lack of understanding how to book someone with such high potential. If he's going to end the match with Big Show on top why the fuck didn't they let him get a proper victory rather than a DQ finish? A loss to Reigns wouldn't hurt Big Show...he's barely got any credibility anyways. And why's Reigns comparing himself to a speeding train? His promos should basically consist of him saying nothing more than stuff like "I'm going to rip Big Show's head off and kick it out the damn arena". Out of the whole roster the only person who has anything close to real momentum is Seth Rollins. Literally everyone else is just stuck in their designated spot on the card with their thumbs up their arses.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Roman Reigns is now the same smiley loser boring babyface as all the others on the show. Fucking fantastic. How can the number one wrestling promotion on the planet have such a complete fucking lack of understanding how to book someone with such high potential. If he's going to end the match with Big Show on top why the fuck didn't they let him get a proper victory rather than a DQ finish? A loss to Reigns wouldn't hurt Big Show...he's barely got any credibility anyways. And why's Reigns comparing himself to a speeding train? His promos should basically consist of him saying nothing more than stuff like "I'm going to rip Big Show's head off and kick it out the damn arena". Out of the whole roster the only person who has anything close to real momentum is Seth Rollins. Literally everyone else is just stuck in their designated spot on the card with their thumbs up their arses.


It's all down to one bloke. Two title changes on TV in the last two weeks when there is a PPV in a couple of weeks. 


My big frustration with Vince at the minute is that he seems mentally unable to book someone without a stupid fucking gimmick. Why can't we just have believable, realistic characters? They had a great opportunity to book the Ascension as destroyers - even perhaps as non-conformists that will take just about anyone out on the card - and instead we've been given a campy LOD/Road Warriors rip off that is getting zero reaction from the crowd.


He bollocksed up Dallas, Rose, Emma, Paige.... basically every cunt that has been given a call up after getting over in NXT. 

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Its not so much Vince screwing up any NXT call ups, its more a certain anti-NXT producer getting in the old man's ear to make Triple H look bad cos he knows that when Vince retires, he's out the door


As for Raw last night, it was an ok show. Cena has to turn heel now, I wouldn't have had any issue if Ryback, Dolph and Rowan had turned round and smacked the crap out of the golden boy. Week on week they go on about his mantra but where was he when his 3 fired teammates had the odds against them earlier in the night (not 30 mins in Ryback's case)

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Every single babyface in WWE these days is booked to look like a fucking pussy. 3 of them get fired and just pout like babies. They should have destroyed the ring and everyone around it Nexus style. It's pointless to do a heel authority angle when no one actually rebels properly. And Stephanie basically kills every angle she appears in and cuts off all the babyfaces nuts. She is just terrible for the show. The Authority aren't over and we've seen all this shit before. The Rhodes brothers did the same angle barely 5 minutes ago.

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Its not so much Vince screwing up any NXT call ups, its more a certain anti-NXT producer getting in the old man's ear to make Triple H look bad cos he knows that when Vince retires, he's out the door

It's not just that. Adam Rose is fucking shit. Emma isn't much better. The big part of their act that got over with the NXT crowd isn't enough to make it on the big stage. The Ascension are terrible too. The real question is why they bother calling these acts up and don't just cut them from NXT?


Paige is doing fine. Bo Dallas was doing fine, though the cutting short of his win streak was senseless.


There's no sabotage. They are just massively out of touch. Vince has lost his feel for what the crowd want to see in this day and age and is allowing a team of writers to play Eastenders with the talent.

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Surely adding Rollins to the match is a way of getting the title away from Brock without having him take the fall?


Good Raw, not great, but good. Cesaro and Tyson looked like they had a blast out there.


EDIT: Due to iPhone autocorrect madness.

Edited by Nick James
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Turned it off last night during the Rowan/Harper match (another first time feud they've just given away on Raw, didn't they hear the pop they got at SS when they faced off?)
Raw is just so irritating to watch these days, it's either a match you've seen the last six weeks, a big feud or match they're not building and just throwing away, or shit nobody wants to see. There is very little in the way of quality on it. 
Even this morning, I FF'd through everything from the ambulance match onwards because I didn't have the stomach to watch any of it properly.

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Its not so much Vince screwing up any NXT call ups, its more a certain anti-NXT producer getting in the old man's ear to make Triple H look bad cos he knows that when Vince retires, he's out the door

It's not just that. Adam Rose is fucking shit. Emma isn't much better. The big part of their act that got over with the NXT crowd isn't enough to make it on the big stage. The Ascension are terrible too. The real question is why they bother calling these acts up and don't just cut them from NXT?


Paige is doing fine. Bo Dallas was doing fine, though the cutting short of his win streak was senseless.


There's no sabotage. They are just massively out of touch. Vince has lost his feel for what the crowd want to see in this day and age and is allowing a team of writers to play Eastenders with the talent.



They're only shit because that is how they've been presented. 15 years ago midcarders were more over than those currently at the top are now. Whose fault is that?


There is absolutely no point in calling up anyone if all you are going to do is bore the back teeth off the people watching the show with their shitty acts.

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Surely adding Rollins to the match is a way of getting the title away from Brock without having him take the fall?


Good Raw, not great, but good. Cesaro and Tyson looked like they had a blast out there.


EDIT: Due to iPhone autocorrect madness.


That's what I was thinking, but then you've got the Authority/Rollin's briefcase/Sting to consider. Will be interesting to see where they go with the finish.

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They're only shit because that is how they've been presented.

They're really, really not. They were shit in NXT and they're shit now. Emma is the exception. She's just competently dull as fuck.



Leo Kruger was a better character than Adam Rose. He has been infinitely hurt by this fucking Bunny storyline and has never been given a chance to prove himself.

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