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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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If we get Lesnar vs Bryan, I can't help but think that apart from the obvious shock on the night, giving Lesnar the streak was pretty pointless.

I think the whole point of the streak ending was to give the show its historic moment and to get eyes on the network so to that point it served it's purpose. I honestly don't think they cared what it would or wouldn't do for Lesnar in the long term because he's not really a reliable guy to plan that far ahead with. Heyman probably got more heat from it than Brock.


I really don't think the whole point was to create a historic moment. Surely they had an eye in the future to the guy who eventually beats this all conquering beast? If it ends up being Bryan, then the streak could have gone to someone else.

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I think the reason The Authority are back now is simply because Triple H and Stephanie wanted a short break over the Xmas with their kids.

They've been at every Raw show. They run the company. Its not like they just went home and watched all the Tripping Points they missed on Sky Plus.



Yes we are well aware that they run the company. How do you know for sure that they've both been at every Raw over the last couple of weeks? My point is it just seemed that they took a break from being on air talent for a few weeks.

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3 hours every Monday is far too long we all know that, your essentially asking people to sit and watch something the length of The Godfather every week.

But if USA Network is wanting 3 hours of programming a week then WWE have to provide it.


They are in a bit of a bind with Raw being as long as it is.

Im currently watching RAW at the start of 96 when they used to tape way in advance as it was only an hour. You'd have 4 weeks worth of TV all happening at the same arena.

I was going to pose the question of 'Should WWE go back to taping TV?'.

I recall reading a few years back (2006ish) that on average it costs WWE around $400k for everything they need to run a episode of TV. I don't know how accurate that figure is but if we use that as the base, WWE spends approx $46m on producing TV a year (I've based on 52 episodes of RAW, 52 Smackdown and 11 PPVs. I've not equated for Wrestlemania as it's a stadium show and will cost a bomb).

With The Network not (yet) performing to the standard they need it to, WWE could nearly half that budget by taping two weeks of TV at each RAW & Smackdown and give the guys a few extra days off in the process.

Obviously the main draw back with this is taping two weeks of RAW means that you're running a 6 hour show, which is fucking mental. And you would have to broadcast one on tape delay as soon as it's finished and have that run on air as you tape the second week worth of TV.

I realise that there is very little chance it could work, but they need to do something. Perhaps the first hour could be a condensed highlights package of the previous week, thus leaving hours two & three as the new content for the week

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There's no way Raw's going back to 2 hours anytime soon but there might be a way to split it up a bit. Have something different for the first hour and then have the main Raw for the last two hours. A quick example, Steve Austin could do a weekly live video podcast every week as the lead in to the main 2 hours.

I'd like to see something like this if it was possible. Like an extended version of the god awful pre show but interspersing it with stuff like the best of the network and NXT matches etc. Well, I wouldn't like to see it but at least it would get the proper show down to 2 hours again.

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They can't sack off the first hour with hardcore-only, network-style fodder. I'd much prefer an hour of Renee interviewing Austin interspersed with vignettes of Bray Wyatt visiting Dean Ambrose's dad in prison and whatnot, but it won't happen. "Three hours" is just the new "PG" anyway -- every cunt moaning about it forgets that they were already moaning for years before it happened.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Yeah, in fairness the 2 hour show felt at least 30 minutes too long anyway most weeks. More so than the 3 hours it's the constant replays that gets on my tits. They should do multiple Austins crazy deals segments where he flogs wwe shite infomercial style. He's great at it on his podcast.

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If Daniel Bryan ends up winning the Rumble and goes on to beat Lesnar for the title, it'll still give Dem Wans something to moan about when Cena wins their return match at SummerSlam. Then they'll complain that WWE needs a new star, which their rebellion against Reigns prevented from happening. Assuming the Royal Rumble ends up being Bootista 2014 that is.


The way I see it is, the sooner they embrace a new chosen one, the sooner they'll get the John Cena heel turn they've all been pining for, as we all know he's not turning heel unless he has a massive babyface as his opposite number.


Either way, even if it gives people a feel good ending, Bryan winning the Rumble and beating Lesnar for the title isn't the way to go.

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Ultimate convulted booking scenario: Reigns beats Cena to become number one contender, this plants the seeds for the Cena turn. Reigns goes on to beat Lesnar at the Rumble for the title.


Last two men in the Royal Rumble are Cena and Bryan, with Cena going over. Fans go batshit at Cena as he is going into Mania against Reigns for the title. They tease the fuck out of a Cena heel turn, then pull the trigger in the rematch with Reigns at Mania.


This gives the Cena/Reigns match the passing of the torch story while everyone tunes in to see if Cena will finally turn heel. It establishes Reigns as the top guy while Cena steps out of his way and ensure fans are behind Reigns.


We also have Brock and Bryan available for a match. The whole story is Brock is taking his toys and going home, but first he is going to destroy what the WWE Universe loves most. Because he is pissed off and he can. Bryan doesn't back down despite knowing this will end his career, because he wants to defend pro wrestling against the part timer!

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I don't see how Cena losing his #1 contendership plants seeds for a heel turn. If he's forced into it by the authority he's a face that's been screwed over and if he puts it on the line of his own accord then he's a moron.

There's no way they are not going with Cena/Lesnar at the rumble. He's had the contendership since October, to switch it now will just fuck everyone off.


Reigns to win the Rumble to face Lesnar at Wrestlemania, and we finally get that Bryan/Sheamus Wrestlemania match they've been trying to do forever

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Cena isn't the type to back down from a challenge, so if Reigns asked him he'd go for it. Planting seeds for a heel turn would be easy, just have him do a few heelsih things as it looks like he is going to lose and gets desperate.


Or it could just be the start of him losing the plot. He's had the title shot for so long and now he has lost everything, and it's all this young guys fault. Cena can see Reigns is gunning for his spot and isn't ready to give it up

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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