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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I think Taker must be in the Rumble, but I'm struggling to think of what Shawn will be there for. A guest referee spot in a match at the Rumble or something, but I don't see him being involved in Roman/Owens. It makes sense though for them to want to use him in some capacity in San Antonio.

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Maybe HBK will do the Rumble draw, Rollins 'Randomly' is number one entrant, then Triple H is number two and takes him out to teach him a lesson then leaves the Rumble on his own terms.

This was an extract from the new book "How to book a top babyface" by WWE.

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They seemed to suggest HBK was merely there to promote the film that hes in. Didnt seem any hint of him taking part in an angle.


Theyd be foolishto not have him do something but wouldnt suprise me if he made a little cameo and fucked off.

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Yeah it's possible that he's just there to help offset the ratings hit they could get from the College Football game. Though they still probably need all the help they can get to fill the Alomodome.

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missable episode. finally getting that strap off Roman is a plus, but I hated the shot of Strowman watching Taker on the sideways monitor. build something naturally, pissfarts. also, we aint getting the Cena match are we? not at Mania anyway


got a massive kick out of the pocket of air that escaped from Taker's mouth at the perfect/worst time. "REEST IIN PEEACE, HRMNN"


for once though got to give some props to Steph. she's mostly shit as per this week, but the Bayley stuff really really clicks, I can't wait for her to get her come-uppance. there's our first monster pop for Mania sorted. even a match doesn't sound like a bad idea

Edited by sj5522
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Hot, chaotic start this week. Backstage and then in the ring.


Rollins with a Van Daminator. I was only thinking about that last week. Wondered whether it was a "banned" move with the chair to the head connotation. Decent match with Strowman and Rollins too. Didn't need a finish, did it's job.


The Foley has a feeling The Undertaker will turn up and Steph is annoyed about it was ludicrous false drama. How can Foley not know Taker is coming. Surely he'd just go down the cemetery, find the casket Taker is asleep in and drag his arse down to the arena.


Loved Cole pulling out Vinny Mac's "One of the all-time greats" to describe HBK.


That segment though. Ugh. HBK was dying out there. Rusev and Jinder Juice came out and it got worse. Enzo and Cass didn't save it. Terrible material and appalling improv.


Nice to see they've moved on from Steph castrating the men. Now she makes the women look like little girls too. Fucking horrible.


The Sheamus and Cesaro and Gallows and Anderson stuff is wrestling 101 which is probably why it's good every week.


More horrible Steph and Foley stuff but it brings out Taker and he's in the Royal Rumble!! "I've dug 29 holes for 29 souls". Great line.


Good main event as per usual, even with the dynamic of the heel to the crowd being in the sympathetic position. Reigns trying to lock Jericho in the shark cage was clever. The powerbomb on the apron looked brutal. Saw the title change coming. I think it's best in the long run.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Nice to see they've moved on from Steph castrating the men. Now she makes the women look like little girls too. Fucking horrible.


they can twat her one though, which is the crucial element

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Nice to see they've moved on from Steph castrating the men. Now she makes the women look like little girls too. Fucking horrible.


they can twat her one though, which is the crucial element



Crucial element or not, it never really happens enough.

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stuff i forgot about: Rusev kept that HBK segment above surface level, he's so naturally funny and deserves better than being lumped with Jinder because Foreigners. hopefully the partnership ends once they have a match with Enzo & Cass

jacked-up Jinder should be subject to a random wellness soon


the Titus/New Day thing might have worked if the roles were reversed and we were supposed to sympathize with Titus as New Day just gleefully embarrassed him out there like a bunch of smarmy pricks. that booty juice line was a shocking effort too


did enjoy Cesaro and Anderson on commentary too, but in general this felt like the slowest Raw in a while. which is a feat

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Nice to see they've moved on from Steph castrating the men. Now she makes the women look like little girls too. Fucking horrible.


they can twat her one though, which is the crucial element



Crucial element or not, it never really happens enough.


who was the last woman she had a little feud with though, discounting Rousey? Brie? maybe i'm being over-optimistic but i think at the very least it can top that

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