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Half of them already are. WWE need to learn to cool the fuck off and let things grow without forcing it.


I think they have to force it. They had a hard enough job making new main eventers (proper ones) when Raw was two hours long. If they've decided on Reigns and Ambrose being the next two stars then they need to pull out all the stops. Have them go over Lesnar, Triple H, Sting, Cena etc clean. Enough of the are they/aren't they stars mentality, it hasn't worked for the past 10 years and it won't work for the next 10.


Edit - [Fantasy booking] Reign (as face) wins the Rumble and goes clean over Lesnar at Wrestlemania 31. Ambrose (as heel) beats someone like Sheamus or Ziggler at Wrestlemania. Ambrose comes out after Reigns beats Lesnar and the two stare each other down. Ambrose then spends the next few months saying that it was unfair that Reigns was given the spotlight when he deserves it more. Both Ambrose and Reigns go clean over other stars at the big PPVs (Cena, Bryan, Triple H, and whoever else). Ambrose and Reigns don't meet once in the ring until Royal Rumble next year. Set up a Wrestlemania 32 match between them and pull off a double turn. Ambrose comes out as face and Reigns as heel.  

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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When do you reckon the fans will turn on Reigns then? I say February.

I listened carefully during his Slammy acceptance speech and I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't notice any booing. There were a couple but they *could* have been shouting whatever Reigns shouts when he sets up for the spear. Boom, is it? Or Booya? I don't know.


I reckon perhaps the Rumble when he inevitably wins it. That said, I can't think of anyone else 'those' kind of fans would want to win it. Bryan won't be back, Punk is playing slap & tickle with gloved men, Ambrose doesn't seem to be getting the hot crowd many predicted- Reigns could get a 'well there's nobody else to get behind and we don't want Cena or Orton to win, so fuck it' kind of backing.


But as soon as he starts doing some build VS Brock, Dem Wans are going to be firmly behind Brock. So yeah, Ian is probably dead right with February.

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Two things from Raw that had be in bits. Titus randomly appearing, and Ryback coming down at the end and aggressively destroying everyone, and then is so careful putting the table up. The delicacy was just hilarious.

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When do you reckon the fans will turn on Reigns then? I say February.

I listened carefully during his Slammy acceptance speech and I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't notice any booing. There were a couple but they *could* have been shouting whatever Reigns shouts when he sets up for the spear. Boom, is it? Or Booya? I don't know.



I was saying Booya...

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When do you reckon the fans will turn on Reigns then? I say February.


It's not necessarily a bad thing /DDP. I've thought about this before and there are very few exceptions where top faces haven't been Heel first in a singles run before they became a top face. As if the fans have to hate them before they can love them. Cena, Austin, Rock etc. Quite a few have also had mediocre first face runs.

Edited by Baz Windham
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When do you reckon the fans will turn on Reigns then? I say February.

I listened carefully during his Slammy acceptance speech and I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't notice any booing. There were a couple but they *could* have been shouting whatever Reigns shouts when he sets up for the spear. Boom, is it? Or Booya? I don't know.


I was saying Booya...



Last years Rumble is a good lesson. With Batista and Sheamus(?) as the other 2 options, Reigns was defacto babyface. If you do the same thing and have him in there at the end with Cena, Orton, Sheamus etc, I can't see anyone turning on him in favour of those guys.


They should probably avoid temptation to make the last three the former members of The Shield though, as Ambrose could be a problem - although much less of one than Bryan was last year as he's pretty cold at the moment.


I'd definitely not tempt fate and leave him out of the Rumble for the sake of a singles match with Bray Wyatt or something though. Give him a good showing and a logical elimination but keep him away from Reigns and you're all good.

Edited by Benno
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I won't go on about whether the crowd will turn on him because I've said before that I don't think they will (night after WM knobs excepted).


However IF they do, it'll be a bit rich. The fans turned Reigns babyface long before the Shield turned. No-one can use argument that his character has changed because it hasn't at all - to the point where people on here moan that he hasn't.


Nor have WWE forced him down people's throats. I know they clearly had high hopes for him and the Shield got a massive push but their use of Reigns was almost subtle. When it kicked into gear big time at the Rumble, he was well popular already.


So unless he comes back and the booking is super "poopy" or something - I can't see any reason for anyone to turn on him other than to be a dick.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Spot on tiger_rick. I don't get the smatterings of Reigns backlash. These days it seems that unless you are an indy darling or "held down" by Vince & Triple H there's going to be a section of the crowd that turn on you. Reigns is money in the making and I really hope they go all the way with him.

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I didn't really have an issue with Charlotte losing, it wasn't like she was jobbed out in 1 minute, she was on top for a decent part of the match and looked like she was going to win with the Figure Four before getting rolled up for the loss.


It makes some sense to think a veteran would in that instance have the instinct to go for the quick roll up to escape the move and it was a bit of nievity on the Rookies part getting caught out maybe showboating a little to much channeling her inner Flair.

My issue that Charlotte should have won - and if that can't happen because she's wrestling Natalya then she should have been booked against someone she can roll over, look great and hype the NXT show all at the same time.  Emma would have been perfect cannon fodder.

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Just starting watching last night's show - read on Twitter though that Big Show pinned Rowan clean.


Now, let me get this straight - they put that old fat cunt over Rowan on Sunday and then over him again on Monday? WHY?

Edited by GavinSAFC
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I don't care what anyone say Brock is a mega star


This is the one thing I can agree with Vince on - whilst they're short on stars, Lesnar fucking off and coming back sporadically makes the title mean more and, when someone eventually beats him for it, they'll be right on top of the tree.

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I guess they're trying to give Big Show some momentum so he can give Roman Reigns a good rub.


People on the internet can talk shit about Roman Reigns but going by the crowd reactions from TLC and tonight the main audience seem to fucking love him. And I love him too. His promos might be a bit shit but outside of Lana, Paul Heyman, Brya Wyatt, The Miz and occasionally John Cena all the promos in WWE are shit so he blends right in. Also, he just looks like the coolest motherfucker alive.


It's been a few weeks now and I have no idea what The New Day are supposed to be. I don't even know how to describe their gimmick. They're...black guys who dress in baby blue...and they clap a lot? I don't get it at all. It doesn't seem like any thought has been put into it at all. Shame really, as all 3 men have shown personality in the past and you'd think with a bit of effort they could get something good out of them.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I guess they're trying to give Big Show some momentum so he can give Roman Reigns a good rub.


People on the internet can talk shit about Roman Reigns but going by the crowd reactions from TLC and tonight the main audience seem to fucking love him. And I love him too. His promos might be a bit shit but outside of Lana, Paul Heyman, Brya Wyatt, The Miz and occasionally John Cena all the promos in WWE are shit so he blends right in. Also, he just looks like the coolest motherfucker alive.


It's been a few weeks now and I have no idea what The New Day are supposed to be. I don't even know how to describe their gimmick. They're...black guys who dress in baby blue...and they clap a lot? I don't get it at all. It doesn't seem like any thought has been put into it at all. Shame really, as all 3 men have shown personality in the past and you'd think with a bit of effort they could get something good out of them.


I like Reigns - though, you know when he's going to win as his move set is rather predictable.


I can see him outdoing himself from last year and eliminating even more people to win the rumble.


Re: New Day, they really should have been a heel stable, I've no idea why anyone backstage (namely Vince) thought they'd get over by clapping and wearing stupid fucking ring gear.

Edited by GavinSAFC
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Isn't that the case with most wrestlers though? I do think he needs to add another cool move to his matches though. Some kind of power move.


I'm pretty sure the only reason they are going with a 40 man Rumble this year is so that Reigns can top last years record.

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