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I thought it was a decent show overall. The Cena vs Cesaro match was superb. I really hope they find a way to cover Cesaro's microphone shortcomings. The Shield character development is coming along nicely and Reigns looked like a true monster cutting through Menry. On the flip side I have no idea why they only spent about 10 seconds building up the Del Rio vs Batista match but are continuing with the Emma dancing thing. It looks like drunken cross between the Thriller video and a Nazi salute.

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It's a shame Cesaro sounds like the shy boy in class trying to get through his presentation about his hobbies, because he's bloody great at the wrestling part. Like everybody, I really enjoyed the Cena match. Cesaro v Sheamus should be a treat on Sunday.


The opening and closing segments have been done so often that I switch off. It's a shame because they've done a decent job building up the contenders for the Chamber and played up that Orton isn't suitable.

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I hope Christian carries on heeling it up, he is far more interesting as a heel. He's shit as a face, complete shit.


I know it's widely expected, but if Roman Reigns doesn't become either THE top guy or just behind Cena in the company then WWE needs to take a fucking good look at themselves.

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Reigns murdering Henry was great. A bit of a shame that Henry is used to get guys over in 3 minute Raw matches though. I miss his Hall Of Pain run. With his physical condition these days though it's probably the most they can get out of him.


If Cesaro could talk on the mic they could probably build the company around him. I hope he picks it up, I'd love him as a dominant heel Champ. What an incredible specimen. Cena was great too, pulling out some fancy tricks.


Titus's promo was good fun, struggling to see where he fits on the card though. They should have saved his heel run till after Wrestlemania. Why the fuck did we have to sit through Jack Swagger/Kingston? They should have given that segment to someone else...what's happened to Broadus Clay? They spent weeks setting up his heel turn and he's done nothing since. They should have given him 5 minutes or something. Anything new would have been a better use of time than Swagger/Kingston.

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The Cesaro/Cena match was the most I've watched and enjoyed a long TV match since Punk vs Cena last year, it was magnificent stuff. Shame that so many other TV matches are drawn out bores.


Special mention to Bad News Barrett for kicking over some toys. Still love that guy.

Edited by Baz Windham
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Cesaro/Cena was awesome. First time I've been that on edge with a match since Punk/Lesnar at Summerslam.


I have watched that Titus O'Neil promo about 20 times.... literally pissing my self laughing when he goes supersonic and stops making sense. I can see what he was trying to do but oh man did it fail...

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Why the fuck did we have to sit through Jack Swagger/Kingston? They should have given that segment to someone else...what's happened to Broadus Clay? They spent weeks setting up his heel turn and he's done nothing since. They should have given him 5 minutes or something. Anything new would have been a better use of time than Swagger/Kingston.


Swagger is facing Big E at the ppv this Sunday. So Swagger got a win to look like a threat and then stood ringside during Big E's match immediately afterwards. Their match was announced last week so Swagger had to appear in some capacity this week.

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I don't think I've ever liked any of Daniel Bryan's t-shirts, until now. The Obey rip-off he wore on Raw was very nice. I think it's fair for WWE to rip-off Obey, considering they've nicked WWE's biggest stars for their logo in the first place.

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The Cesaro/Cena match was the most I've watched and enjoyed a long TV match since Punk vs Cena last year, it was magnificent stuff. Shame that so many other TV matches are drawn out bores.

I thought that as well. Phenomenal match.


Really, really good Raw. The Shield and Wyatts were great again... I'm a sucker for the multi-man interruption promos... Sheamus vs Orton was great and didn't go on too long... They did something different in the Intercontinental feud... And Santino and Emma is a bit of a development, albeit the dance is flopping.

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What was the deal with Goldust mentioning Undertaker and his previous biker gimmick, Cody seemed to be corpsing at the end.

Because Bad News Barrett kicked the toy of Undertaker on his bike over.


What was the point in that segment at all?

To promote the toys.


Was undertaker even on a bike? Why are they making toys of his old gimmick? Also mentioning it on TV before his return seemed weird to me, like he wasn't supposed to say it.

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Why the fuck did we have to sit through Jack Swagger/Kingston? They should have given that segment to someone else...what's happened to Broadus Clay? They spent weeks setting up his heel turn and he's done nothing since. They should have given him 5 minutes or something. Anything new would have been a better use of time than Swagger/Kingston.


Swagger is facing Big E at the ppv this Sunday. So Swagger got a win to look like a threat and then stood ringside during Big E's match immediately afterwards. Their match was announced last week so Swagger had to appear in some capacity this week.


Beating Kofi Kingston in a singles match doesn't make anyone look like a threat. Plus, Swagger already one the great four way on Smackdown to look like a threat. They should have just had Swagger & Zeb come down during Big E's match rather than put on a pointless match we've seen a hundred times before. It's just lazy time filling that could be used for something new and fresh.

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