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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Being there live I'd say the two handicap matches were the highlight in the ring as well as the big show angle and the Heyman promo. A good enjoyable show but Jesus Christ these things drag with all the tv timing they need to do.


As usual tho the british crowd ruined it for me. Theres a fine line between having fun and trying desperately to get attention and 'get yourself over'. Chanting we are awesome was the definite low point. The obligatory piece of shit fans that chant ex wrestler names like husky Harris and skip Sheffield, chanting we want Hunico and constantly holding up signs that say '2' whenever theres a two count and then turning around to see if anyone had noticed or was laughing. This wasn't a minority....in my section anyway.

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I appreciate where you're coming from Yakashi. It's not a healthy good spirited thing you see at these shows a lot of the time, it's purely attention seeking. And very annoying at that.


I remember the guy in the row in front of me at Mania a couple of years ago spent his time watching the screen - when he saw himself he'd jump up with his sign, but given where we were located the camera would be away from us by the time he got up. Urgh.


These things are best when they tend to naturally happen - post Mania Raw this year for example. I'm sure there were some annoying folk, but a lot of it would have been people having a good natured laugh rather than contriving chants to seek attention.

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These things are best when they tend to naturally happen - post Mania Raw this year for example. I'm sure there were some annoying folk, but a lot of it would have been people having a good natured laugh rather than contriving chants to seek attention.


You might think that but you'd be wrong. Certainly in my section it was nearly all attention seeking drivel. Because of the travel package it was also a lot of the same people who had also been acting like knob-ends around us the night before at Mania, it got really tiresome for 4 hours when you're already shattered.

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These things are best when they tend to naturally happen - post Mania Raw this year for example. I'm sure there were some annoying folk, but a lot of it would have been people having a good natured laugh rather than contriving chants to seek attention.


You might think that but you'd be wrong. Certainly in my section it was nearly all attention seeking drivel. Because of the travel package it was also a lot of the same people who had also been acting like knob-ends around us the night before at Mania, it got really tiresome for 4 hours when you're already shattered.


Maybe I was trying not to be a complete misery guts as I know the rest of my post was negative sounding!


And agreed, at RAW I noticed the same people as Mania were around us - when I sat down and saw one specific guy in front of me I might have said out loud "aw fur fuck's sake".


In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the annoying folk repeatdly shouting "we love you Shawn", in my view shortening his speech.


Wrestling fans eh.

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Some fans are utter bellends, though. I witnessed quite a few idiots berating kids for wearing Cena gear.


Just seen this, wow. What dicks. These kind of people should just stop watching wrestling. It isn't for you.


Didn't see any of that, really doubt it's true to be honest. Unless we define berating differently.


I had a great time. Starting drinking on the train up and alcohol always makes wrestling better. Had our seats upgraded to right by the entrance for some reason, that was pretty cool. Enjoyed the main event and Cesaro and Cena

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These things are best when they tend to naturally happen - post Mania Raw this year for example. I'm sure there were some annoying folk, but a lot of it would have been people having a good natured laugh rather than contriving chants to seek attention.


You might think that but you'd be wrong. Certainly in my section it was nearly all attention seeking drivel. Because of the travel package it was also a lot of the same people who had also been acting like knob-ends around us the night before at Mania, it got really tiresome for 4 hours when you're already shattered.


Maybe I was trying not to be a complete misery guts as I know the rest of my post was negative sounding!


And agreed, at RAW I noticed the same people as Mania were around us - when I sat down and saw one specific guy in front of me I might have said out loud "aw fur fuck's sake".


In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the annoying folk repeatdly shouting "we love you Shawn", in my view shortening his speech.


Wrestling fans eh.


Yeah, we had a couple of idiots sitting right behind us at Mania, then at RAW they were in the row in front. Watching it back it was much more fun to see on TV, but live the problem was for every chant that got going there were about another 20 odd which didn't. 4 hours of idiots trying to start chants is wearing.

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No idea how it played out on TV, but live I thought this show was pretty rotten. Going to the Raw shows makes you appreciate the torture of sitting through all of those three hours, without skipping. The crowd was great until Kofi v Sandow happened, then it seemed like the longest time until we got some proper stars. Big E got a good reaction, which made me happy.


Big Show looked and acted like the great man that he is.


Some fans are utter bellends, though. I witnessed quite a few idiots berating kids for wearing Cena gear.


There were 2 guys next to me who came out with the most vile abuse known to man regarding Cena.


I'm no prude, I go to football matches all the time and have seen and heard it all before, and it usually doesn't bother me. But there was several little kids in the row in front, one of them looked about 4. And these 2 scumbags were F'in every 5 seconds (literally, every other word), calling Cena everything terrible known to man and wishing death on him and everything. It really was quite ridiculous. They were getting wasted, they got up 3 times during the show for beer runs and must have drunk about 6 bottles of Fosters between them, and naturally they tipped some of it on the floor so the place was wet & sticky. They seemed to hate every wrestler and every match. Why on earth they even bothered attending is beyond me, they clearly don't like the product and their seats must have cost

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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Didn't see any of that, really doubt it's true to be honest. Unless we define berating differently.

I assume you were everywhere then? Similar to Classic Guy, it was clearly blokes that couldn't handle their ale, but it was out of order. A cool Dad/Uncle had a word with a bloke in front because he was being a tube (the sort of fella that failed to get an ECW chant going regularly).


Also, Curtis Axel has a shocking lack of presence and personality. I know it's not news, but live he comes across as a scrub. Even Tyson Kidd had something.

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Well you said quite a few, so would make sense for me to have seen at least something. Plus a grown man berating someone else's child tends to stick out quite a bit. Unless you just mean pissed blokes wandering around shouting "Cena sucks" in the vicinity of kids, rather than actually tearing into the children for wearing his merch.

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