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The Preston City Wrestling Thread

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Great news via PCW twitter just now:


@PCW_UK: Thanks for all the messages of concern. Lionheart is his usual grumpy self so thats a good sign. He has movement in his arms and legs. 1/2


@PCW_UK: He is in the best place possible right now and all the PCW family are here to support him and hope he has a speedy recovery. 2/2

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Considering what happened this is as good a news we could have hoped for given what happened. I saw exactly what happened and as soon as Lionheart landed you just knew it wasn't right. Really hope he has a good recovery from this.


Lionheart the character might be the most hated on the roster and he does a great job at making sure he is, however as a wrestler he is as good as anyone on the roster and its awful to see what happened to him.


Big props to the PCW crew for reacting as quickly as they did to the situation and also to Chris Hero for getting involved too, very professional from everyone.


As for the shows themselves it was as good as anything I've seen before, the tournament matches were great and pleased to see Masters win it, mainly as it means we get to see even more of him going forward.


Favourite match for me was the 'mixed' tag and the slow-mo section, Manson is just awesome isn't he.


Also good to meet some others from here for the first time, hope everyone else enjoyed it and had a safe journey home.


The only match negative I had was Team Super Indy Wank. I listened to Allan Blackstocks podcast interview with Stevie Knight who made the point one of the UK Indy scene's biggest problems of guys who don't have the look of a wrestler or are not in shape which was completely the case here. This team just looked like a pair of small skinny kids who thought one day they could be wrestlers, sorry but you look like crap and whilst endless Indy style kicks may 'sound' ok, it makes matches utterly shite. They were so bad they made Team Single the baby faces with the crowd. Also the promo after the match by the Ring of Honour team was garbage too.


Edit: forgot to add, Bubblegums interaction with the young girl in the crowd was absolutely priceless!

Edited by windoesnot
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Agree with the above comment about battle squad awesome, but it served a purpose like most of the stuff this weekend.


Think some of the booing towards masters was because of some of the crowd wanting a british man winning.


The manson/hope vs bennett/maria was just comedy perfection nice to see bennett/maria get into the spirit of things. Slo-mo chanting as well.


Godfather what a nice fella, aj styles bit of a grump for me. But all in all another great weekend for pcw.

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MRI scan has revealed Lionheart has a broken neck. We are looking at the best of a bad situation. He does not need surgery and he is sitting upright without a neck brace on. No nerve damage can be seen and hopefully just a clean break. As we said before he has good movement in his arms and legs.


Lionheart himself wanted me to tell you all about his neck and he said "tell them I got a broken neck cause it makes me look like a hard bastard".

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MRI scan has revealed Lionheart has a broken neck. We are looking at the best of a bad situation. He does not need surgery and he is sitting upright without a neck brace on. No nerve damage can be seen and hopefully just a clean break. As we said before he has good movement in his arms and legs.


Lionheart himself wanted me to tell you all about his neck and he said "tell them I got a broken neck cause it makes me look like a hard bastard".

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So he's actually broke his fucking neck? Christ. That's absolutely shite. Just a bad situation and my heart goes out to the lad. Especially at this level, where the effect is far bigger than if you are a upper midcarder worker in WWE or even an established TNA wrestler.


That's two really unfortunate incidents with the Styles Clash. Amazing that he's went his whole career with only notable two incidents and two happen in the space of 6 weeks. I dont blame anyone. Just really unfortunate. I dont know if its a lack of communication between when he's dropping and the opponent getting ready, but Styles is generally known as a safe worker and the opponent knows what his job is in that position. Maybe its just the natural reaction to tuck your head, but its just a real shame either way. And I'm glad nobody is chucking blame out to either of the wrestlers, because its a shitty situation as it is without shit stirring over whose fault it is.


Saying that, its a dangerous move and one that should be saved for when he works on ROH TV or TNA or New Japan. Not on indy shows, where nobody is going to care one way or the other. He's got the calf submission if he wants to do it on the smaller shows.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Here's a photo of the bump. I'll post the link only, because its in poor taste, but how he isn't crippled is beyond me. Such a lucky bloke in hindsight. It looks horrific. Thank Christ its not as bad as it could have been.


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Lionheart has issued a statement via PCW Facebook:




Words cannot describe the physical and emotional roller coaster of the past 30+ hours...


To update, my neck is broken in 2 places. I have had an MRI and the positive spin is there is no immediate requirement for surgery, although that may change...


I don't want to bore anyone or appear to fish for sympathy as I will comment more in depth in time... All I want to say is that the outpouring of support, calls, messages etc has been truly overwhelming... Reading them all has reduced me to tears more times than I can count... I thank you, and I love you... I know not what the future holds, and as emotional and drained as I am, I will fight back from this...


Much love.


Believe x

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That's two really unfortunate incidents with the Styles Clash. Amazing that he's went his whole career with only notable two incidents and two happen in the space of 6 weeks. I dont blame anyone. Just really unfortunate. I dont know if its a lack of communication between when he's dropping and the opponent getting ready, but Styles is generally known as a safe worker and the opponent knows what his job is in that position. Maybe its just the natural reaction to tuck your head, but its just a real shame either way. And I'm glad nobody is chucking blame out to either of the wrestlers, because its a shitty situation as it is without shit stirring over whose fault it is.


There was the one with SJK in 1PW as well. It's just one of those things where accidents can happen but unfortunately I've seen someone come right out after the show, get straight on his laptop and blast AJ for being reckless and not checking on Lionheart (which for all we know he would have done backstage instead of shitting on a feud without knowing how bad the situation was at the time), not just on his own personal Facebook and Twitter but to public pages/forums where anybody will listen.

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Lot of fairly big names reaching out to Lionheart on Twitter, which is cool to see. Latest is Taz:


TAZ ‏@OfficialTAZ

@LionheartUK Best of health 2 u in your recovery. I just wanted to pass along some advice, be as patience & positive as u can. Stay strong.


Taz suffered a bad neck injury himself in ECW back in 1995, so probably knows what Lionheart is going through.

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