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New Japan iPPV thread


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I strongly advise anyone who was on the fence about ordering this to pay for the on demand showings. The Okada/Tanahashi match was fantastic (again) and IMO better than the Wrestle Kingdom match. Nakamura put on another solid bout, Ibushi looked comfortable in his NJPW debut & Ishii/Shibata put on a very entertaining bout.


Karl Anderson is the next challenger for the IWGP title. Good to see him in the spotlight. It's criminal he hasn't had a high profile run in the states.

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Not read anything on plans yet, but off the top of my head I can see January 4 matches including:








That'll do me.

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Yep. That sounds about right. And it would be quite the card too. I really like the idea of New Japan putting their trust in their top two younger stars to headline the biggest show of the year but at the same time stacking the card with a few more very appealing matches to make sure that if by any chance you're not sold on those two headlining against each other there's still plenty of other reasons for you to attend/buy the show. So yeah, hopefully those are indeed the matches they go with.

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Reading up, it appears there's an extra PPV after the tag league (presumably December) which will likely have Anderson-Okada and Suzuki-Nakamura, so the latter might not be at Tokyo Dome unless they have Suzuki win and do a rematch.

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Pretty safe. As soon as Shibata didn't win the G1, I thought he'd get Tana at Kingdom since they've obviously got high hopes for him and wrestling Hash is the next best thing to fighting for the belt. Devitt/Ibushi makes sense too, they need to get the Junior belt off Devitt as it's virtually forgotten with him running with Bullet Club against heavyweights, and Ibushi is spectacular enough to take the belt from him without raising too many eyebrows. Plus, he's beaten the Prince before. Of course, in order to get the most bang for their buck they need to quit the foreplay and sign Chris Masters so he can debut at WK.


I really like the idea of New Japan putting their trust in their top two younger stars to headline the biggest show of the year but at the same time stacking the card with a few more very appealing matches to make sure that if by any chance you're not sold on those two headlining against each other there's still plenty of other reasons for you to attend/buy the show.


If they're not sold on Okada/Naito, they're fools who didn't see how blinding their title match last year was, and both are far better today than they were then. Okada is a far more confident main event player who has built his superstar aura and arrogant swagger to the point where you buy him completely as the top guy rather than just assume he's carrying it for a bit until they give it back to Tanahashi, and Naito is a far more complete wrestler in terms of repertoire and putting together a closing stretch - a skill he magically acquired in his last three matches in the G1 after a couple of misfires earlier on.


They'll rock the Dome, I just hope I'm there to see it.

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Wow. Never thought I'd see Shibata make it back after his early career derailment, but glad to see it.


Need to get watching New Japan - if I can get past my NXT, RAW and MMA backlog.

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Wow. Never thought I'd see Shibata make it back after his early career derailment, but glad to see it.


He hasn't lost a step. In fact, he's better than he was back in the day, which I personally thought was very good indeed. His matches with Tana, Ishii, Devitt and especially Goto have been excellent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I know it's not an iPPV card, but I thought this was the best place to post this :


NJPW, 10/25/13 (Samurai! TV/iPPV)

Tokyo Korakuen Hall

4. Super Jr. Tag Tournament 2013

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Karl Anderson is the next challenger for the IWGP title. Good to see him in the spotlight. It's criminal he hasn't had a high profile run in the states.


Has Anderson ever really made a serious attempt at making a go of it in the states? He has always seemed like a New Japan guy from what I have seen of him.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Anderson is excellent. Him vs Okada will be swish.


They will do well to top last year's G1 Final mind. That was an incredibly dramatic home straight.


Shame I'll miss this one. Admittedly the top 3 matches all have predictable winners - unless Nakamura really is going to be made to join Suzuki-gun, which would be hilarious - but I'd have been interested to see if TAKA and Taichi can assemble a proper match with the Bucks, or if they're still shit.

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