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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Or, I think Arya may kill Jon Snow, using Needle, the sword Jon gave her in Season 1. The Faceless Men worship the one true God, Death, and they may view Jon being alive when he should be dead as an imbalance in the universe and to get Arya to prove that she truly is nobody, send her on a mission to restore the balance.


It would be very Game of Thrones to give us a moment of happiness like Jon taking back Winterfell, and then snatch it away with something like him being murdered by his favourite little sister.

Edited by JohnnyChimpo
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That's a pretty cool idea. I definitely prefer it to her killing the Mountain - he needs a more glorious death; there's no way he should be killed in a one on one fight. I don't think that Arya could do it though. Not yet, anyway - I'm not buying her total commitment to her training yet at all.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Well yeah, the flip side of the theory is that being forced to kill Jon, when actually face to face with him, is what snaps her out of being nobody and back into being Arya Stark. It depends on whether you want to go with the happy or the tragic ending; and this being Game of Thrones n'all.

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I think my problem with the Arya storyline is that at no point have I really believed she's totally committed to being 'nobody'. I can't think what she hopes to achieve with it, beyond her gaining cool assassin skills to get rid of all her enemies - but then if she does that she's still being Arya. I much prefer the idea of her refusing to kill Jon if it comes to that.

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Book wanking - not even in spoiler tags, thanks.



Is it? I thought by now we'd overtaken the books & this was fresh for everyone?


This is the problem of being moderated by a non-book reader :/

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Book wanking - not even in spoiler tags, thanks.



Is it? I thought by now we'd overtaken the books & this was fresh for everyone?


This is the problem of being moderated by a non-book reader :/



Fair play, I'll now purge my mind of what I've just read.

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I didn't read what was in the spoiler tags because he labelled it as book wanking, so I don't know whether it was really spoilery or not. So I just removed it to be safe. Sorry!


There is a separate thread available for book readers anyway.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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  • Awards Moderator

I didn't read what was in the spoiler tags because he labelled it as book wanking, so I don't know whether it was really spoilery or not. So I just removed it to be safe. Sorry!


There is a separate thread available for book readers anyway.

Prob is since the 'new' skin we don't have a subtitle saying "no book wankers" any more.


There is only one (huge but currently not even hinted at in the show) plot element I can think of that the book wankers can potentially hold over the TV series; can we let it go now?

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I didn't read what was in the spoiler tags because he labelled it as book wanking, so I don't know whether it was really spoilery or not. So I just removed it to be safe. Sorry!


There is a separate thread available for book readers anyway.

 Aplogs. I thought I put it in spoiler tags. I'm pretty sure the information was on HBO's extra materials thingy as several friends who haven't read the books knew the details but yeah, no fuss.


And there's still plenty book stuff that may be used to impact the series, be it plots they might use or extra info that means speculation on future plot points may be more accurate. It's best to remain cautious..

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I didn't read what was in the spoiler tags because he labelled it as book wanking, so I don't know whether it was really spoilery or not. So I just removed it to be safe. Sorry!


There is a separate thread available for book readers anyway.

Prob is since the 'new' skin we don't have a subtitle saying "no book wankers" any more.


There is only one (huge but currently not even hinted at in the show) plot element I can think of that the book wankers can potentially hold over the TV series; can we let it go now?


I'd rather not.

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I saw the Spoiler above earlier. Thanks for that.


In 15 years on here, I've never once had wrestling or MMA spoiled, but it always happens with GOT.


Shut the fuck up about the books, please.

Edited by Silky Kisser
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I'm going for:


* The northern Starks prevail over the Boltons in a back and forth struggle after Theon Greyjoy scarifices himself to kill Ramsay.


* There's a big happy victory party. Happy except for Melisandre who is off in her room, has a vision of White Walkers, turns old and runs away. Nobody takes any notice of the mad old lady shouting except for Baelish who saw her transform and also makes an exit.


*The White Walkers come to Winterval. Everyone dies.


* The Lannister plan works and they doublecross the Tyrells. Baelish turns up and scurries Cersei off to one of the islands just in time to avoid the White Walkers turning up at Kings Landing at exactly the same time as the Khalis, which degenerates into a mass brawl outside. Inside the castle, a dragon eats Tyrion, setting up a indy style circle of finishing moves with the other two dragons, Brienne, the returning Bronn, the Mountain and one of the Giants from the wildlings. Everyone dies.


* Cerys returns with Baelish and claims the throne, only for Arya to turn up and kill them both. The show ends with their heads on spikes outside the castle.


* There's a post-credits scene in Dorne. Elleria Dorne is at the seaside. Melisandre comes out of the sea in a red bikini and makes a joke about the southern climate being good for her skin. They strip off and start kissing. No reason.

Edited by JNLister
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