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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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That was incredible - Tyrion, Tywin, Jaimie, Oberyn, Varys.... so many strong performances tonight.


And that's without even mentioning the Theon scene.


So far this season has massively delivered


And Salador Saan (the pirate) is back :-)

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That was great. I know Thrones does exceptionally well at killing off main characters without losing momentum but I don't know if it could be the same without Tyrion. How does this trial by combat work? Is it the same as before where he can choose a champion or will he have to fight himself?

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  • Paid Members
That was great. I know Thrones does exceptionally well at killing off main characters without losing momentum but I don't know if it could be the same without Tyrion. How does this trial by combat work? Is it the same as before where he can choose a champion or will he have to fight himself?


He chooses a champion, Cersei/the Crown chooses a champion, they duke it out and whoever wins gets the verdict they want.

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You think the crown will risk getting the verdict they want by putting Jaime, who quite clearly can't fight with his left hand properly yet, as their champion? Surely not, they're wiser than that I'd imagine.

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Great episode with loads of great performances. The only part of it I found a bit dull was Daenerys, but that's mainly because the affairs of Meereen aren't something I particularly care about.


I got very excited when Braavos turned up in the opening credits, and Stannis and Davos' little adventure to the Iron Bank was great. Of course Mark Gatiss runs the Iron Bank. Of course he does.


The Reek scenes were excellent too, Alfie Allen hasn't been this good in four seasons. Really felt for him when Yara broke into his cell - I'm not convinced she would give up as easily as she seems to have, though. Ramsay's a crazy bastard. That bath scene was very creepy.


Oberyn is such a fantastic character, what a great addition to the cast he's been this season - not just the scene with Varys that's already been mentioned, but his little comments at the trial, and the small council meeting too. He adds a lot to the show as a whole.


Speaking of the Small Council, Lord Tyrell is completely Tywin Lannister's bitch, isn't he? My girlfriend's just texted me part of a review she was reading which said of Charles Dance, "even while ordering a Zinger Tower at KFC, he would still radiate majesty". This is true. And while I'm on Tyrells, has Ser Loras had a single line this season yet? He's been around but I can't recall him ever speaking! Possible candidate for the trial by combat, though, I'd assume. Bronn vs. Loras?


Finally, the trial itself was fantastic. Peter Dinklage was better than he's ever been, I don't know what Shae's playing at, Ser Meryn deserves a good beheading, etc etc. Part of me does wish that he'd followed Jaime's advice, been found guilty, pled for mercy and gone to the Wall. The Night's Watch could have really done with a mind like Tyrion's. The trial scenes sped by, I was expecting another twenty odd minutes of episode when it ended! Which goes to show how good it was, I suppose.

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  • Paid Members
has Ser Loras had a single line this season yet? He's been around but I can't recall him ever speaking!

Yeah, at the wedding. He completely floored someone with a comeback line I think. Jaime perhaps.

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Jamie warned Loras that he would never marry Cersei. Loras replied "And neither will you".


I don't know about Tyrion choosing Jaime, Keith. Jaime is Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. The Kingsgaurd should really be on the side of the King, which is the prosecution. They can't really fight for the defence.

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