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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I thought they originally left him alone because he was just whimpering and hiding like a fat pussy. The White Walkers are an interesting part of the show but also could be the thing that ends up ruining it if they get too involved.

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I thought they originally left him alone because he was just whimpering and hiding like a fat pussy. The White Walkers are an interesting part of the show but also could be the thing that ends up ruining it if they get too involved.


I think thats the big pay off. They have been pushing white walkers for 3 seasons as the biggest baddest buggers going. Stannis red women looked worried as hell when she read about them, and thats from someone who gave birth to a smoke monster.


As for Sam with his dragon glass, that must be it. There where 100s of walkers when they wondered past same like he wasnt even there, only the one on the dead horse looked at him.


Game of thrones is the only show that i have watched where i have a vested interest in every person, there isnt one dull arc, from Kings landing to the hound to the wall.

Edited by quote the raven
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Yeah, they really need to eat the shit out of the sap. Probably the only character whose scenes I don't look forward too. Doesn't help that Gilly is a bit shit, too. "Can you sing for me?" No, fuck off.

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At the risk of saying too much - good episode with the promise of better to come. Very pleased they have got someone else in to play Davros or whatever his name is. Give me more Stannis though!


Davros is the Onion Knight that knocks round with Stannis, he's still played by Liam Cunningham. Daario Naharis, the new guy knocking round with Daenerys was recast, which is a shame I liked the guy they had before. There're a few recasts this year, some great some not so good.


Also are there enough readers of the books on here to warrant a book thread? Would be good to discuss differences between the book and show and possible different directions the show is going.

Edited by MoKonjic
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You don't find Sam to be a moany, drippy, boring bastard? I'd quite like the White Walkers to eat him, or whatever it is that they do to people.



Sam has always been a weak link, i find his lack of balls a change from all the other people in GOT that seem to be rock hard killing machines with little or no fear. I will give you his love story with Gilly is the shits, but when its broken up by him killing white walkers its ok.


Im hoping Sam might start growing a set this season.

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