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My Dad has some quite radical views on crime, justice and rehabilitation.




Someone painted that hilariously awful picture, I'd love to know why.


Why do people make stuff up to put on the internet? Who attributes a quote to a wrong person and spreads it or makes up a fake crime? Or my personal worst, a fake "inspirational story" (like the ones about old couples or the old woman taking a cab) what's the fucking point?

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So apparently black pudding is being banned because it's racist. Not according to any actual news source but some crappy website and a bunch of football forums said it so it must be true.


Bloody pudding race not letting us have our puddings.

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This popped up on my FB feed, apparently some lass had a tenner nicked from a card sent from her nan, but for some reason it seems fake to me? The font looks like someone's just bashed it out on Word, especially the 'signature' Needlessly debate it's accuracy! 1620711_10151984377469405_1714184510_n.jpg


A few days late on this one, but yes it's legit. Just checked the case :sneaky:

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I'm not particularly a fan of black pudding, but I don't think the fact it's none too good for you should be a reason for banning it. Unless it's something directly poisonous and/or has a frequent enough casualty rate, like Casu Marzu, people should be free to make their own choices - we see it with smoking and drinking, I don't think food's any different. In terms of health values, if we're going to ban black pudding, we should be banning the deep-fried pizza and Mars Bar first.

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Jesus, I'm pretty bummed about the quality of Royal Mail's stationery in that case.



That postal one seems bollocks. No letter headed paper, the guy using phrases like 'massive postal pipeline'. :laugh:



Page one is actually headed and to give them their due, not the worst quality paper in the world. As for "massive postal pipeline", that's pretty standard. I'm sure I've used it sadly.

Edited by Wideload
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