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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Ah Bellers, no no no, please no! Sad face. Pixar are a wonderful mob for the most part. Besides Cars 2, Brave and Wall-E, I find their films to be wonderfully heartwarming and enlighting.

Toy Story 3 is my favourite of all the Toy Story flicks though. Spanish Buzz is an absolute hero, and I had a fierce lump in my throat come the end when you thought the jig was up for them all.


Have to agree with Sam there also. Phenomenal performance by wee Cube! Here, I keep shiting on about it, but are you still thinking of the No Vaseline bit like I am?

Going to see it again as a paying customer the day it's released, by fuck!

Absolutely mate. That was one of the best scenes I've seen in a movie for quite some time. Went away and downloaded the song and Cube's album afterwards. I do wonder if we will see any of those actors in many major roles in the future. I was thoroughly impressed with them.

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To be fair, 4 year olds aren't going to get the montage scene in Up, no matter how precocious they are.


Toy Story 3 is a masterpiece. I'll tell you, I was really angry when they announced Toy Story 4,but apparently it's going to be a love story between Woody and Bo, so perhaps more of a spin off, then straight sequel.


Think the saddest Pixar moment is Jessie's "When She Loved Me" in 2. Even worse, my kids have a Disney CD and that often pops up among the happy Enchanted songs, which by the way is a great film of you haven't seen it. Amy Adams is amazing

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Quote from one of my best mates on Facebook


"Oh yeah, Inside Out was lousy. Storyline was way too complex for kids and too miserable for adults."


We got into quite the rant about kids vs family films. Basically he said his 5 year old got Jurassic World and was bored by Inside Out. now I really liked Jurassic World, but it was as deep as a thimble!

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Yeah, 5 year old me would rather take live action Dino-Fighters over poncey feely cartoon. But my favourite films were Chucky, Aliens and The Goonies when I was a kid so I'm not sure it's a fair representation.


I thought that was a part of most young boys upbringing? I remember some of my favourite films being Robocop, Die Hard and Predator thanks to my dear old Dad. Almost made up for him being gone for months at a time and beating the shit out of me with his slipper. 

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Yeah, 5 year old me would rather take live action Dino-Fighters over poncey feely cartoon. But my favourite films were Chucky, Aliens and The Goonies when I was a kid so I'm not sure it's a fair representation.

I thought that was a part of most young boys upbringing? I remember some of my favourite films being Robocop, Die Hard and Predator thanks to my dear old Dad. Almost made up for him being gone for months at a time and beating the shit out of me with his slipper.

SHIT!!! Are we brothers?

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Saw Sinister 2. Haven't seen the first but went along with friends. Its your typical horror film but one of the better ones I have seen recently. Very graphic and creepy in places too.

Saw that myself. The first one is the most bone chilling horror movie I've ever seen. Truly horrible. Fantastic film though. The second is in the same vein but falls considerably short. The storyline is a bit pants and the child actors (apart from the twins) are extremely annoying. Fairly decent for a sequel though and I jumped out of my seat a couple of times in the cinema.


Seriously recommend the first one though. It's probably the best horror film I've seen for a long time.

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I watched Sinister 1 on a flight to Australia. Genuinely one of the most creepy and disturbing films I have seen. I kept thinking "I hope no one is looking over my shoulder and wondering what I'm watching".

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All the home video stuff in Sinister is some of the creepiest shit in any film ever. Near the end it goes a bit cack though and the ending scare is utterly terrible. 


Still....that lawnmower bit....fucking hell!

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Insidious became ridiculous as soon as ghosts appeared as if it was an episode of Round the Twist, only Round the Twist was infinitely better.


The Conjouring became overly ridiculous towards the end as well which is a shame because it had some great scares.

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