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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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My only grumble with Olyphant is that he doesn't have the body of work his talents deserve. He's great in everything he's in, steals the show in The Girl Next Door (whatever happened to Emile Hirsch?) and is just tremendous in Deadwood. Wasn't Michael Biehn meant to be Seth Bullock? Oh, and Powers Boothe is great but does sometimes come across a bit high class American soap opera actor.

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Olyphant isn't great in Hitman, but then again it's a fucking terrible film.


NAVY SEALS was on the other day, it was actually quite boss.  Michael Biehn just kinda... disappeared.

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It's ever such a great film. It always feels like a bit of a mini triumph when a film as clever and enjoyable as that gets released in amongst all the usual Hollywood drivel. Of course, no-one went and saw the fucker but it's all the more reason to celebrate films like this and Transsiberian.

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A Perfect Getaway is ruined for me by one scene that seems stupidly added to mislead viewers and makes the whole thing make no sense.



The scene between the killers talking about who they think the killers are and how they can escape



Apart from that very lazy bit of writing Its a good film that was sadly overlooked

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I loved that film, found it on Netflix at random and watched it for Olyphant and Steve Zahn, and it's dead good isn't it?  Glad it wasn't just me that thought that.


I know everyone rags on Twohy about his Riddick films, but I actually liked Chronicles and am looking forward to the 3rd one.  Plus Below was good.


Edit: chokeout, they were talking about how they thought the other couple were nuts and they should forget about going after them.  I reckoned it would make perfect sense the second time round.

Edited by Loki
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If we're doing Steve Zahn love then let me champion Evil Woman or Saving Silverman as our friends across the pond would call it. Some may call it a guilty pleasure but how can a film featuring the comedic talents of Zahn, a pre annoying cunt Jack Black and the wonderful music of Neil Diamond be anything but enjoyable! Roadkill or Joy ride as some may say is also really good.

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He's also excellent in Shattered Glass (the best thing in it, in fact) and the criminally underrated Sahara.


Yes! I wish that did better at the box office than it did. McConaughey & Zahn were great together. He was also ace in 'Out of Sight'.

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I've always liked the look of Sahara, I'm a sucker for adventure films and will happily sit through both National Treasure films but I've never gotten around to watching Sahara.


Steve Zahn seemed to be in shit loads of films in the early 2000's. I remember working in a video shop around 2002ish and he was a lovable goof standing behind the leads on tons of video cases. Hell, I even enjoyed his turn as a lovable heroin addict in the terrible Riding in Cars with Boys.

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