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All joking aside, I would honestly piss my pants if I had to deal with the Harris Twins on a daily basis. This is a business filled with gamers and nerds. They arent used to dealing with the likes of this pair. I imagine the PR is "say anything bad about the company and you'll be found in skip somewhere."

All you gotta do is look them in the eye and say "you may get the better of me now, but I promise I'll be back in 15 years and I don't have a problem breaking an old man's hip."

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All joking aside, I would honestly piss my pants if I had to deal with the Harris Twins on a daily basis. This is a business filled with gamers and nerds. They arent used to dealing with the likes of this pair. I imagine the PR is "say anything bad about the company and you'll be found in skip somewhere."

All you gotta do is look them in the eye and say "you may get the better of me now, but I promise I'll be back in 15 years and I don't have a problem breaking an old man's hip."



Then they'd stove your head in. The Harris Boys are legit.

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All joking aside, I would honestly piss my pants if I had to deal with the Harris Twins on a daily basis. This is a business filled with gamers and nerds. They arent used to dealing with the likes of this pair. I imagine the PR is "say anything bad about the company and you'll be found in skip somewhere."

All you gotta do is look them in the eye and say "you may get the better of me now, but I promise I'll be back in 15 years and I don't have a problem breaking an old man's hip."


If it ever comes to that, I'll take you with me then.

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Do you know much about the Harris'? 6'7", 300lbs badarse biker twins who've given a fair few co-workers goings over? If you came out with that cringeworthy line to them they'd laugh, then Ron would do to what what he did to the Sandman. With more ease.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I know they are big blokes, but don't know any of the actual stories that gave them a reputation like you hear with other guys


Edit: battering Sandman doesn't sound very impressive either if that's their claim to being bad boys

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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There's loads of stories about if you care to look. Why do you think TNA got them to do the production job along with what they'd have to tell staff in the first place? They're known rum bastards, just because you've not heard of it doesn't make it untrue.

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Also, they're twins. So they're seen as badasses as you're not dealing with one big tough fucker, you're dealing with two. It's common sense. Why do you think both Michaels and Hart wanted them onside? Not because they are important political allies.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I looked a while ago when they started being associated with TNA again and nothing popped up right away so I gave up. I don't see why there being two of them would matter either.


If you can give me some good stories then I'm all ears, but I don't think you can tell me anything that should strike fear into the hearts of a large group of young athletes.


So far all you've given me is that they once battered a pisshead and two blokes wanted to be mates with them, over 20 years ago. I guess they probably worked stiff a few times, but JBL proved that doesn't mean shit

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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Thinking about it, the situation TNA has now come to is comically like something that would be planned by an insane booker. Have a delusional head of the company turn down repeated offers for the business because she refuses to give over day to day cpntrol, burns bridges with Spike & Destination America, use ownership the wrestling company as collateral for production costs (I mean who makes those kinds of loan deals that don't involve a bank?) and when she fails to pay the latest costs loses ownership with two neo-nazis taking over Dixie's role on the day of Hitler's birthday.


Vince Russo would give his right nut to book an angle like that.

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This is completely about the quality of their ink isn't it Kat ;-)


The Harris are hard lads, locker room policeman. They're not JBL, who is a big lad who is a bit of a soft arse when challenged. They're proper hard bastards. Proper dickheads, but hard.

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All joking aside, I would honestly piss my pants if I had to deal with the Harris Twins on a daily basis. This is a business filled with gamers and nerds. They arent used to dealing with the likes of this pair. I imagine the PR is "say anything bad about the company and you'll be found in skip somewhere."

All you gotta do is look them in the eye and say "you may get the better of me now, but I promise I'll be back in 15 years and I don't have a problem breaking an old man's hip."

Then they'd stove your head in. The Harris Boys are legit.

I can only see one end to such a confrontation.



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So if Panda haven't been involved for 5 years, how exactly have TNA been operating? They surely haven't been making any money over that time period (or even breaking even) and I can't imagine they had enough cash reserves from the glory years to hold them over. Has Dixie been using her own funds? Such a shitshow.

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