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In 93 the United States title was won by Dustin Rhodes in a tournament when the belt had been vacant, then it got vacated again after the double-pin with Rick Rude so Dustin and Rude wrestled in a decision match to settle it. Dustin won.


In 99 Scotty Steiner won the same belt in a tournament final when Scott Hall was injured, then he had to vacate due to injury too. So they gave it to David Flair. One year later Scotty won it in another tournament final after the title "reset" then got stripped of it prompting ANOTHER FUCKING TOURNAMENT won by Lance Storm. Fucking WCW.


The WWF tag belts were vacated in 97 when held by Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels because Michaels got injured. Austin and Dude Love beat Owen and oor Smithers to win them, then they had to be vacated again when Austin got injured.


In TNA.......... fuck that, we'll be here all night.


There was a weird scenario in 96 were Savio Vega won from the IC belt from Goldust in a screwy finish so the title was held up/vacated and then they had a rematch the following week were Goldust won thus regaining the belt


That's just a title being vacant then the vacancy being resolved. Jon's looking for vacant-won-vacant.


Incidentally they ran the same scenario the year before between Jeff Jarrett and Bob Holly on consecutive episodes of Action Zone.

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I remember Hall and Nash won the TNA tag belts in 2010 and everyone was like "Hall's off the wagon, probably not a good idea." Hall was then arrested and sacked and the belts were vacated.


What was mental though, was that when Hall was generally in no condition to perform, they had Eric Young replace him under "Wolfpac rules", where any members of the Wolfpac/The Band (Eric Young was playing X-Pac at the time) could defend the belts. So instead of having Nash and Young (or Crosby and Stills) lose the belts, they did a tournament for it. So fucking weird.

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The most recent one was Aries vacating the X title to go for the World title, Joe winning it, then vacating it. Can't remember if that was for injury or for him fucking off.

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EC3; he's great isn't he.


Shades of the Mr. USA gimmick he was meant to use in WWE are being seen now. He's been good for a long time but he's really looking like a bonafide star now. TNA clearly have high hopes too and he'll likely be champion soon.

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Not watched Impact in a while, but catching up with a few of the latest episodes and it's actually been not bad. I'll never remember to keep watching it though. Now James Storm is on the mic, forgot how much I disliked him

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It's true that the current quality of TNA is relative cos it has been so poor in the past 3-5 years. But still, right now, talking in the timeframe between the second Raw after Wrestlemania and now, TNA has been the better product, Raw looks a bit lost in comparison, SmackDown is completely pointless and only ROH is beating it in terms of weekly shows. That's right now, anyway, not saying it'll last

Hardcore Justice was decent, the 'pipe on a pole match' was a bit of a disaster tho as the pipe ended up falling off and ended up hardly being a part of the match up. But yeah I'm favouring Impact for the time being, BDC are fun to watch and cut great promos, Low Ki and Homicide got me rooting for heels in a big way. EC3 and Mr. Andersen having a fun feud on the mic. Even the main event card, which has been TNA's biggest problem, is looking pretty good right now. I would stop watching TNA when like, Foley would win the World Titlte. and I think I remember Val Venis left Heat for TNA and immediately became a main eventing champ, with the same ol' gimmick which was pretty pathetic. But the Roode/Angle/Aries stuff right now is decent.

Edited by sj5522
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Assuming there is a 2016 tour, will it be the latest announced tour in terms of time since the last tour?


It usually feels like tics go on sale weeks after the last show.

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Assuming there is a 2016 tour, will it be the latest announced tour in terms of time since the last tour?


It usually feels like tics go on sale weeks after the last show.

Yes. Normally the tours are announced at the shows and go on sale the following week.


Not sure how true it is but apparently Destination America didn't like TNA filming the last set of Impact shows in the UK.

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I think I remember Val Venis left Heat for TNA and immediately became a main eventing champ, with the same ol' gimmick which was pretty pathetic.


I don't remember that at all. The only thing I remember of Val Venis in TNA was him coming in with Hogan and Bischoff, and doing a promo about how he wasn't a porn actor any more, he was a porn director. Then he had a bit of a crappy feud with Christopher Daniels (when he was just going by the name "Daniels"), and left straight after. He didn't hold any belts at all, and he certainly didn't become main event.

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