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10 minutes into this weeks Impact. Both Josh Matthews & Robert Roode have called this the network premier of Impact Wrestling on Destination America. Did last weeks not count because it was on a Wednesday?


MVP has started his promo by singing in a faux Jamaican accent. Their new stable the BDC sounds like a darts supergroup.


And they're doing an impromtu, unadvertised Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle match to start the show. The two main eventers in their biggest drawing PPV of all time and the don't bother to tell anyone they're in a match tonight.

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Low Ki vs. Austin Aries & The Wolves vs. The Hardys were both pretty good matches. The production is still a bit naff. When they do a dual screen, it looks like the more prominent screen is set to the wrong aspect ratio because everything is squished. One minute Borash is backstage with a hat on, the next he's at ringside announcing with no hat. General continuity errors they never seem to learn from.


Its going to be Borash vs. EC3 next week and they're bringing back Feast or Fired. Bram cut a promo about it, which no-one bothered to check before they aired it. He said he's not getting fired, thats for damn sure, especially because he's got his mate Magnus by his side. (Ok that kind of makes sense) Then he say's him & Magnus are going to collect all 4 briefcases (Bram one of them has a fired slip in it) And that they're both going to walk out of there with a briefcase each.



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Borash slapped EC3 when he tried to shave Spud's head. (cameraman missed the slap because he inexplicably zoomed in on the shaver) EC3 was embarassed by this so Borash got his head shaved instead. EC3 still embarassed this week decides he wants to have a match with Borash next week to embarass him.

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