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to defend TNA slighlty here regards ratings at least, does the new network have the same/better USA coverage than spike?


No, much less coverage. They are slightly less available than Roberto Rodriguez's channel that Lucha Underground is on (El Rey?). If it is the 263,000 figure, then Lucha is pulling in more viewers taking into account the Spanish dubbed version, right?
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When was the last time TNA or WWE ran their shows without either A) A main event stable and B) A heel authority figure? 1995 for WWE? TNA I don't think has ever gone without one or the other. 


For WWE, it'd be just before the Hart Foundation formed in 1997 wouldn't it? There may well have been points since then, but not many. Was there a time when the tweener laptop/babyface hosts were running Raw and Teddy Long was running Smackdown? Although probably Nexus or Legacy or something would have been about.


Actually, when Foley was GM in 2000 might be it, after DX split up.

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Why make your unique selling point like the X Division title look totally worthless two weeks in? That's a Russo move if I've ever seen it!


At least Josh Matthews fit in like he'd always been there. That and the intro were probably the most positive things. You could praise the tag and X Division matches but for the talent involved you'd at least expect a decent TV match.

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TNA Impact TV Ratings


January 7 live special


The first episode of TNA Impact on Destination America drew the following audience:


- Impact drew 263,000 viewers, translating to a 0.46 cable TV rating (0.2 national TV rating).


On a third-tier channel reaching about 50 percent of available households, this put Impact at the top of Destination America's list for the week, topping 250,000 viewers for a show called "Killing Bigfoot."


Killing bigfoot,what type of channel is this

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Dixie's on PWTorch right now. Lets see what nonsense she comes out with. 




Never discussed a viewership number with Destintation America. 


"That number will grow". 


Sure she's just confirmed that TNA will be advertised on various Discovery channels for next weeks Friday night iMPACT. (I still don't know why they can't call the show that)

Edited by Buzz Lightyear
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When was the last time TNA or WWE ran their shows without either A) A main event stable and B) A heel authority figure? 1995 for WWE? TNA I don't think has ever gone without one or the other. 


For WWE, it'd be just before the Hart Foundation formed in 1997 wouldn't it? There may well have been points since then, but not many. Was there a time when the tweener laptop/babyface hosts were running Raw and Teddy Long was running Smackdown? Although probably Nexus or Legacy or something would have been about.


Actually, when Foley was GM in 2000 might be it, after DX split up.



I had NOD down for 1996 and Camp Cornette. And Foley in 2000 had the McMahon / Helmsley era faction kicking around. 

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I had NOD down for 1996 and Camp Cornette. And Foley in 2000 had the McMahon / Helmsley era faction kicking around. 

The Nation weren't really a main event group, were they? I forgot about Camp Cornette, who was in that still by '97?


The McMahon-Helmsley Regime was the precursor to Foley taking the Commissionary Position. I'm not sure at what point DX split up, but it was no more than about a month after Foley was put in charge. He came in the night after King of the Ring, and X-Pac was feuding with Road Dogg by SummerSlam with neither of them having anything to do with Triple H and Stephanie anymore.

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Creative is: John Devorst (not heard of him so spelling might be wrong) who's head writer, Lagana and Conway.


Some outside influence too. (TV side) 


Dismissed a very good comment from a caller, about lack of advertising for live events and general shows. Basically somebody said he didn't know they were coming to town. They had 350 max last night, she basically ignored it, it's a big problem they've had for nearly a decade!


"How are you responding to criticism online about fans sick of heel factions, authority figures, and titles not mattering in both TNA & WWE?" Ignored. 

Edited by Buzz Lightyear
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John Gaburick?


At least Josh Matthews fit in like he'd always been there. That and the intro were probably the most positive things. You could praise the tag and X Division matches but for the talent involved you'd at least expect a decent TV match.


I thought Josh Matthews freshened up the commentary a lot. I've just watched the rest of the show now as I went to bed after an hour or so of watching it live as I was tired. I honestly didn't think it was a brutal show and it had some moments to enjoy.


The intro was brilliant and I do like the hidden camera segments, which are at least an improvement on the invisible cameraman. 


But yet again, another fucking faction and run-ins on every match. Why, why, why?! 


Thing is, I almost feel I should be posting a disclaimer when talking about current Wrestling as I'm just fed up with the modern day WWE. So simple things like the announcers talking about the match going on, not plugging the app/network every minute and something just a little different gets a free pass from me, which I know is unfair. 

I just judge the WWE on standards that were set from when I was a kid and later the Attitude era, although I should know by now that there's no going back and they will never produce the kind of programme I want to watch. With TNA, the expectations are so low that a few entertaining segments is good enough.

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Another question from a former TNA fan who left when the originals left, about how TNA can't book and continues to make mistakes when finishing off matches. 


She said they've improved in that area. (She does know they've taped next weeks show and fans can read it?)


Also another caller just called production & the camera guys novices. 


She also just said that Wednesday's was full "or close to it". (She actually wasn't at the show or hasn't seen it)

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Looks like the disparity in the numbers is that 263,000 is for the original broadcast and 359,000 includes the replay which airs right afterwards (in a better timeslot for the west coast.)


The former number is what counts in the ratings and with advertisers. The latter is what counts in terms of the audience TNA could try to sell stuff to, if it had stuff to sell.

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I just judge the WWE on standards that were set from when I was a kid and later the Attitude era, although I should know by now that there's no going back and they will never produce the kind of programme I want to watch.

When I watch old episodes of WWF TV, they'll often spend a Mr Perfect vs Duane Gill type match talking about Tatanka getting his headdress back from Rick Martel later, or what Yokozuna did the week before, or whatever. The notion that WWF commentators used to just "call the action in the ring" is a bit of a lie that came along during the era where people started moaning about everything current and picked out that the commentary doesn't focus on the match. Everyone has massive rose-tints when it comes to the UK boom period, which is weird because we all must have thought it was shit once the attitude era came along and blew the old style out of the water.

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