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Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the promo .... It's more just a case of feeling Hogan is not taking any responsibility for choosing Bully as number one contender, the crowd rightly booed Hogan's actions too.


No two guys can sell a story like these two, I think it's real!

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That's Hogan's character at the minute. He's fucked up and he's blaming Sting for it. Hogan's completely losing the plot Mr McMahon style, because he got out smarted by Bully Ray and Sting was the one who convinced him to trust Bully. This is all leading to Sting and Hogan vs the Dudley Boyz probably. Or at least I hope.


Sting and Hogan are such old pros. When ever they raise their voices and get serious its always a pleasure to watch. I've been loving their little duels recently. Anytime you can get Hogan out of his generic babyface GM role its great. Hogan seems to spend most of the year on auto pilot, so angles like this seem to motivate him.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Fucking Anderson, jesus wept. There's no salvaging that sad cunt is there?? Good lord. Argh. I really enjoyed the whole episode and am sitting here getting legitimately angry at what an annoyance he is. I sit there imagining how all the other wrestlers must dislike him real life because I just refuse to believe he's anything but an irritating dog turd of a man. Fucking hell.

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Even Anderson doesn't look like he cares about Anderson. There was a moment, back in WWE, when I thought he might be a big deal in the business, but I struggle now to work out why.


There's no doubting that he can talk - he's cut some decent promos in his time, has an interesting style that can feel kind of edgy, and he and Angle had a couple of really good matches a few years ago (although that's Angle for you).


What really, really annoys me about him is how fucking out of shape he's been for his whole TNA run. You juice to the eyeballs in WWE, to the detriment of your career, and then in TNA you reckon it's ok to sport a gut and chicken legs. Fuck you.

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He has always been awful Loki. ALWAYS. I fucking despise Anderson. I echo NEWMs thoughts that i'm sure all the other guys must hate the prick as well. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. I like TNA a lot at the moment, but i'm always slightly put off by the fact he's still employed and featured on TV and that they once put their Premier title on him. How he got work with either of the big promotions boggles my mind. Delusions of grandeur, looks like shit, talks like a dickhead in a phoney forced style that he thinks makes for a good talker, looks like shit, has the worst tattoos ever, looks like shit, wrestles like shit, looks like shit. He's awful, just awful. Worse than Hitler. And Saville. Combined.

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I despise Mr Anderson but I missed his initial WWE run and I always hear people saying he could have been a major star which sounds absurd to me. But I'm watching a youtube clip now of his first promo after getting drafted to Raw, and shit, he's pulling it off. He was definitely more into it then and the crowd are eating it up. He was set for a mega push in wwe before he fucked up weren't he? He's probably never gotten over that.

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Never been a fan of his really. However, if we want to base the quality and validity of storylines on puns and wordplay, when his name was thrown out as being Vince's son, I thought it was a stroke of genius given Kennedy is Vince's middle name. A star-making storyline if there ever was one, that's the kind of angle that a wrestler could only dream of being brought in for: to be a bloody McMahon! Without sounding too much like an absolute mark, you're changing the WWE mythology by introducing a third McMahon child. I remember thinking at the time how perfect it would have been; especially since the guy would have been drawing attention to his last name for two years prior. I thought that was the coolest thing ever at the time, like Sawyer adopting the name of the guy who "killed" his parents. You would have been sorted for TV for a year with that storyline; perhaps even longer.



But he fucked it up.



Anyway, that and the cage match he had with Angle a few years ago are the only redeeming things about him for me. Actually, no, scratch that; the fact he screwed up that illegitimate son storyline which would have been pretty major, and instead we got all that Hornswoggle stuff, makes me angry constantly when I see him. Him and Benoit ruined 2007 for me.

Edited by Joey Joe Joe Jr
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I liked the Last Ride match with Undertaker, but apart from that, he has been a waste of oxygen continuously since he showed up. The Angle Cage match has been ruined by them booking it over and over again on Impact any time the cage's handy. It wasn't even Angle's best cage match!

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That Sting/Hogan segment was magic. Both men seem to bring out the best in each other, in TNA, almost like they constantly try to one-up each other when they do their face-to-face promos. Sting is a king at getting people on side and Hogan was brilliant with his big cartoon sneer and general belligerence. Mental that it's 2013 and I still want to watch a match between these two.

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Hernandez has been bloody brilliant lately. I've really enjoyed everything he's been doing and he seems to be pretty over with the crowds on the road. I'm hoping they give him a fairly decent singles run as TNA seem to be pretty high on him until he goes near Morgan..


Matt Morgan Vs Sting at Slammiversary? I know it's not an amazing match but I thought the seed may have been planted this week on Impact.

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I went off Hernandez for the longest time. I liked him as part of the original LAX with Homicide, and thought he did some nifty stuff in the ring to get a PPV off to a hot start in tag matches. However, he just didn't do much for ages, and his tattoo just makes me cringe. Not really thought much of his team with Chavo, but yes the last two or three weeks I've enjoyed his matches. Really enjoyed his match with Aries, but that may have been more about Aries' impression of him.

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I've always enjoyed Hernendez (despite his tattoos getting shitter.) I think he just needs to be involved with people who can hide his weaknesses and/or bump around for him. In the right setting he is great, but being lumped with useless turds like Matt Morgan just brings him down far too easily

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I think a singles run would work, alongside his tag stuff perhaps, but he's getting on a bit now so this is possibly his last chance.


I've always wanted to see Angle v Hernandez. Put him in there with Angle, Roode, Aries, Bully, and it'll work. Put him in there with Morgan, Joe, Parks, Rob T... it won't.

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