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They couldn't have waited a few weeks to rip off the Daniel Bryan angle. They had to do it the Impact after WrestleMania. Bearded indy worker wins title after overcoming authority, one of which is his ex-masked tag team partner. They are the most shameless company. They should sign Chessman from AAA and pretend they still have Sting.

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TNA booking makes perfect sense if you think of the creative department as an autistic child.


For example, ask a typical fan to describe an angle and why it worked and they might recount "The baddy hit the good guy's dad on the head with a bottle and the dad was hurt bad. The good guy was upset about it and then got angry and vowed revenge, and then eventually he got the chance to get his hands on the baddy and beat him up and it was awesome to see him finally get what was coming to him."


Whereas the autistic child/TNA creative would simply recall "The baddy hit the good guy's dad on the head with a bottle."


Similarly the autistic child/TNA creative asked to explain the Daniel Bryan storyline and why it worked would simply recall "The small guy with the beard won the title."

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They couldn't have waited a few weeks to rip off the Daniel Bryan angle. They had to do it the Impact after WrestleMania. Bearded indy worker wins title after overcoming authority, one of which is his ex-masked tag team partner. They are the most shameless company. They should sign Chessman from AAA and pretend they still have Sting.


You've also got the bearded wrestler wins a match at the start of the night and then comes back and wins the title at the end. Plus Magnus was treating him like he wasn't in his league similar to how Triple H treated Bryan.


They've ripped off stuff before, CM Styles, but this is the worst one yet. Jesus christ.

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Thankfully I read the first half the spoilers that said he won a gauntlet and saw exactly where it was going. For the first time in months I tuned in and it happened. So obviously and so shitly, it happened. Howling.

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Eric Young getting the belt sums up why TNA are likely to die without creating a star in their whole history. Daniel Bryan got over, was built up, knocked down and remained over in part because of how long the angle went on and also in part of how the fans took to him because they liked him as a person and they refused to give up on him no matter how many times he was passed up or beaten by the heel authority. Eric Young gets a title shot and wins in on one show because the writers wanted to copy the Daniel Bryan angle. Well this isn't copying the Daniel Bryan angle because they totally missed the point why the Bryan angle was so huge and the climax ended in a massive reaction from his supporters. Everything over the last 12 years has either been hot shotted or never got the pay off the fans wanted. The promotion is so shit its unreal.


And I'm not having a go at Eric Young either. The guy is a tremendous wrestler, who they saddled with a comedy gimmick for a decade (even if he's rarely laugh out loud funny) and everytime his contract was up they told him where to go only to sign him back straight away on less money. I dont get the decision really. Maybe its like a gold watch at the end of a job you've been in for most of your life. Spike still hasn't re-signed them. Maybe they giving everyone a turn before the big garage sale. Hopefully Chris Harris comes back and wins the belt. Then he can drop it to Monty Brown.

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Eric Young getting the belt sums up why TNA are likely to die without creating a star in their whole history. Daniel Bryan got over, was built up, knocked down and remained over in part because of how long the angle went on and also in part of how the fans took to him because they liked him as a person and they refused to give up on him no matter how many times he was passed up or beaten by the heel authority. Eric Young gets a title shot and wins in on one show because the writers wanted to copy the Daniel Bryan angle. Well this isn't copying the Daniel Bryan angle because they totally missed the point why the Bryan angle was so huge and the climax ended in a massive reaction from his supporters. Everything over the last 12 years has either been hot shotted or never got the pay off the fans wanted. The promotion is so shit its unreal.


You've hit the nail on the head in my opinion. It's remarkable really, and although I'm not a huge Eric Young fan (can take him or leave him) he probably would have made a good job of the Bryan treatment. But as you say they've missed out the ingredients, and went straight to a half cooked belt change that no-one will remember in a month's time.

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Not strictly true. He has won more on house shows & Xplosions. And on Impact 437 he did beat Jesse & Robbie in a triple threat match. So he had one win on Impact & PPV in singles matches for nearly 18 months until last night.

Edited by Rossman
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Surely he's had more than that? I could have sworn he fought Robbie E loads more than that.


I've always been an advocate of, when the World title was still around, Santino getting a run with the belt. I think his moments with Bryan and Del Rio at the Chamber and Rumble show that there is an amazing underdog story just waiting to be written and that the crowd want to get behind him. Santino with a secondary title run trying to keep his dream alive could have been great and it shows to me that with the right creative team, people who are fiercely over with the crowd but are never regarded as a legitimate contender like Santino, EY, Duggan or Too Cool could be built up as a credible underdog champion. Grado winning the ICW title is a perfect example of that.


This didn't achieve that, it was booked in an hour and a half. Why couldn't this have been at Sacrifice? They could have built it up with vignettes and promos putting over how important this title is to him and everyone in the company. Instead, like everything in TNA it's rushed within a week with no build and a lackluster payoff as a result. What's the point of doing all this on free TV?


Still prefer it to Sabin though.

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