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I don't mind where they've gone with Bully's character since the end of Aces & 8s, with one exception - the facet they've added (or, more likely, he's added off his own back) where he awkwardly quotes song lyrics in promos.


Quoting almost the entirety of Behind Blue Eyes really grated, and got very Shatner-esque at times.


"No-one.... knows what it's like... to BE... hated.... TO BE.... fated to telling ONLY lies..."


I chortled when he did Gangsta's Paradise! It's okay, because it's Bully Ray.

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The TNA fans in Manchester proved without a doubt why they're the shittiest fans in the world! Chanting 'This is awesome!' during the Bully Ray / Mr Anderson match. That was embarrassing to hear. If any of you on this board were there and chanted along, hang your head in shame.


If you're talking about the casket match, gonna make myself look bad here and say I actually enjoyed it when I watched it on Sunday. I know, I know - but somehow I actually did get invested in it, however briefly. Nothing groundbreaking or amazing, but I found it a decent TV match.

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I'm hoping Jeff comes back roided to the nines and works a slow style. This character should be the antithesis of what he's been until now. A proper X-Pac like fuck you.

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Is everyone going to admit this Sam Shaw character is the worst thing in wrestling now?


I haven't been watching Impact for a while but what's wrong with him? Last time I saw him he had a really creepy (if unbelievable) stalking Christy Hemme thing going, and I caught one match on Youtube against a jobber where he was dressed a bit like a serial killer and choked a guy out. I thought what I saw of him was decent, what's he done?

Edited by FelatioLips
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The subtly in the act is long gone. He's now kidnapping her (after 'accidentally' knocking her out), putting her on a doctors examination table and closing the door on the camera. I'm taking that as full on rape. He went from a bit creepy to a full on beast. I suppose that's what touring the UK does to you. You need mystery and a question mark over a character like that. Now everyone knows he wants a shag badly.


Oh, and he's feuding with ...... Mr. Ander ... I cant even write it. The idea of that feud makes me feel ill.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The Sam Shaw stuff this week was laugh out loud hilarious. First off he dragged that bloke off while the jobber had a bemused look on his face before giving him an unconvincing kicking - all in front of a wandering cameraman. The he knocks out Anderson and Hemme, again all filmed by the wandering cameraman. Finally in the trainer's room Hemme wakes up and at that point, Sam FINALLY see's the camera that has presumably been following him all fucking day from just a few feet away and gets angry. It was bad enough the other week when we somehow got security footage of inside his Alan Partridge-esque crazy-person shrine room, but this week was just utter bollocks. Did someone show Dixie the last season of Dexter or something?

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American Psycho & Dexter - nothing like hitting these things at the height of their popularity eh? Next month, Kenny King returns and goes all Omar Little


If Kenny King turned up backstage at Impact wearing a 3/4 length pink dressing gown with a massive gun in his hand and walked around for 2 hours while people scampered about in the background going "Kenny, ya'll" , "Kenny's commin" and the like , leading to him walking up to Ken Anderson and shooting him in the face it would be a step in the right direction as far as I am concerned.

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